Charles Margai must realise that he has destroyed his own relevance in Sierra Leone’s politics through his arrogance, dictatorship and unreasonable attitude

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Before Charles Margai opens his mouth and talks about impeaching a President who is doing a great job for his nation and has physical and concrete evidence of what he has accomplished as Head of State  to make Sierra Leone a better country, he should first find out if he is still  a relevant factor in Sierra Leone’s politics. In 2007, COCORIOKO joined Sierra Leoneans in hailing him  for the role he played in helping to destroy the irredeemably corrupt, worthless and pugilistic  SLPP  .The people of Sierra Leone listened to him because he was a relevant factor then  in the political renaissance that took place.  We all  thought that  he was a serious politician and a patriot and we put high premium   on everything he said. But the Charles Margai of 2007 is no more . What we have today is a shell and a  sad antithesis of the Charles Margai we once knew and hailed.   All because Charles Margai has gone and foolishly bungled his own credibility , respect and relevance in our nation’s politics.



If there should ever be an impeachment, it should happen and  it will likely happen  in Charles Margai’s backyard where partisans of his People’s Movement for Demotic Change ( PMDC )  want him removed for his dictatorial leadership, high-handedness, parochialism, authoritarianism and tyrannical tendencies.  With good, old Charlie Boy, it is his way and nobody’s else’s. He is the megalomaniac that our democratic dispensation does not want. And this sorry message  was  delivered  by Mr. Margai himself, who repulsed his own partisans who in turn  demonstrated their disapproval by resigning  in droves from the party because of the narcissitic tendencies of the “Mot-Mot ” (Mouthy )  political dictator. Never before in the history of Sierra Leone was so much trust invested in a politician  but that trust was cruelly dashed by his own folly .  Because of Charles Margai’s totalitarian leadership, a political party that once stood out an an important and relevant THIRD FORCE is now only a shadow of its true self. Most of its important cadres have left in protest and most of those who have remained do not want Margai as their leader.

Not even the opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP ) he is pandering to trusts him implicitly. The SLPP operatives know that he is a very unstable  and untrustworthy man sifted around  by every wind of happenstance that does not go according to his magalomanic obsessions. In fact , any Sierra Leonean that wants to be serious will tell you for a fact that there is no way Charles Margai will get along with the equally despotic and exponent of “PA-o-Pa “( I-ME-MYSELF AT ALL COSTS ) Politics, the SLPP Presidential candidate, Julius Maada Bio. Give these two madhatters only some time before they turn on each other and treat the captive nation to the most absorbing of political infighting ever seen in this nation.  Charles Margai will resort to legal brinksmanship to do Bio in while Bio  will  retaliste by expatiating  the only recourse he is good at–VIOLENCE.  Another Samuel Doe-Thomas Weh Syen political tragicomedy is in the offing, this time in Sierra Leone. Two people who love to have their way will never work amicably together. It is Charles Margai’s unstable nature,  his arrogance and narcissitic character that make him irrelevant in Sierra Leone’s politics today. After a fine start as a radical , he has demonstrated that he is nothing but   a dictatorial pseudo-presidential material  in the making and his PMDC partisans were right when they  delivered that message in living colours to the Sierra Leonean people.

Charles Margai’s  unreasonable and unreal  behaviour compete  for  supremacy with his arrogance whenever he speaks. After  a PMDC Press Conference,  the AWOKO newspaper of Freetown reported that Charles Margai told the media parlay that “ If the President fails to address the spate of violence in the country before the elections, impeachment proceedings against the President should be considered in tandem with Section 51 of the Constitution Act No. 6 of Sierra Leone. ” Is Charles Margai real ? Has he gone  crazy ? How can you commence impeachment proceedings against somebody who is not responsible for the violence going on in the country and is fighting doggedly to combat it  ?

Even President Koroma’s most ardent detractors –unless they have themselves  gone coocoo in the head –will refuse to buy this latest tirade by Charles Margai against a very innocent person in all the violence going on in Sierra Leone in the person of President Ernest Koroma. All Sierra Leoneans know two things : Firstly, that President Koroma is a very mild, non-violent and gentle person. He eschews violence in all its forms. Gentility is one of the President’s greatest strengths , even as a student over forty years ago. Secondly, President Koroma has been addressing violence with all the seriousness required.  As a matter of fact, only last week President Koroma delivered a very strong and uncompromising warning  at the Brima Attouga Stadium in Freetown to perpetuators of violence , threatening that henceforth his government  would not just ‘investigate’ matters, but, would take resolute action to prevent  such violence, and bring perpetuators  to book . If officials of the International Criminal Court (ICC ) are visiting Sierra Leone before the all-important November elections , it is because they were invited by President Koroma as a safety measure  and a rehearsal for future intervention by the ICC in Sierra Leone , should people take the law into their own hands.  Furthermore, to show how serious the President is with his efforts to curb violence during the elections, usually reliable government sources are even saying that President Koroma might invoke the use of Military Aid To Civil Power (commonly known as MAC-P)  , if violence persists. Therefore, on what grounds can Charles Margai  justifiably threaten the President with impeachment  ? Even Parliament knows that his charges against President Koroma are wrongheaded .

Charles Margai just wants to be always seen and heard talking big about matters in the nation. He is a dramatist who for dramatic effect to his political tomfoolery has to always say something startling to give the false impression that he is a factor in Sierra Leone’s politics.  It is high time that Margai realised that he no longer has the political spunk of yesteryears. He has made himself a joker in the country’s politics because he does not stand for anything sustainable and durable. He is an ill-wind that eventually blows nobody any good , all because of his temperamental and chaotic and unstable politics.

The people of Sierra Leone, as  usual, are unimpressed by Charles Margai’s big talk . They know that it is just puffing out of unnecessary wind  and bluffing by Charles Margai. They know that President Koroma is very serious about curbing violence in Sierra Leone and that if anybody needs to be impeached it is Charles Margai himself  whose partisans do not want him as leader of their promising party.


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