Victor Sylver is Sierra Leone’s version of the German hate editor Julius Streicher (UPDATED )


One of the most dangerous Sierra Leoneans  with the pen living in the diaspora  is Victor Sylver, the former British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC ) broadcaster who hates his country,   President Ernest Bai Koroma and the All People’s Congress (APC) Government with so much passion that he spews out hate messages against the government  and the country on a regular basis. When he is not defaming his President and country, he is harrassing people he considers as enemy like the Reverend gentleman he has accused of having  sex with his wife, Mrs. Margaret Sylver. VICTOR SYLVER his own self made the accusation in his blog four or so years ago when a relative of Margaret died and the Reverend wrote her to sympathize with her. It was then that Victor Sylver wrote in his blog accusing the Reverend of not really writing to sympathize with Margaret but to renew his relationship with her. THAT ARTICLE HAD BEEN EXPUNGED FROM HIS BLOG NOW. If he were an honest and truthful person, he would have restored the article so that Margaret and her family would see it and know that it was something he did in a fit of anger and jealousy. We know that by now they know the monster their sister or mother or  aunt married. Victor Sylver has violated Margaret’s integrity so much that I know the family regrets that a good woman like her ever met this drunkard and abuser.  Is this the man who talks about integrity ? A man who tarnishes his wife’s name in his blog ?

He has been  making life very difficult for Margaret whom he manhandles and abuses verbally and physically, while writing 90% of his blog on the man he thought engaged in sexual relationship with Margaret Sylver.  The Master of lies and fabrication, Victor Slver has been concocting all manners of stories against the Reverend including accusing him of using anonymous names on forums (Which the Rev. would never do as he always likes to use his real name , being proud of his opinions ) , never mind the fact that there is no surefire way of verifying that certain posts were made by certain people ) .To show his desperation to besmear the man he had accused in his blog of having a relationship with his wife, he  even  allegedly wrote   to a founder of a  church of the same name as the  Reverends  living in a different state (But no affiliation ) who he  told him  that the Rev. was not a member of his church. Without finding out  that he was not dealing with the same church, Sylver ran with the alleged response to the internet , but people in New Jersey  who read his blog at all will be laughing at him making a fool of himself. One would have thought he would have posted a letter from the specific church that the Rev. was serving as Associate Pastor. What Sylver fails to know is that people of New Jersey know that the RevAND his wife have started their own ministry at last which is in its formative stage . We know that he will soon concoct a story and attach it to this ministry as is his habit but what God has built nobody can besmear.  For Sylver, the term VERIFICATION is not in his mantra. He is so eager to harrass his perceived enemies, he amplifies any wrong judgements about them.   He has done it to a lot of other people as  the NEW NATION’s Solomon Sesay has been trying to prove to readers . This is the despicable character that is parading out there trying to set the agenda for decent people. He cannot control his home and is abusing his poor wife daily but yet he wants to tarnish the good name of our government.

While the Reverend he accuses of engaging in an affair with his wife is a man of impeccable character as everybody who knows him in New Jersey will testify , even SLPP supporters, everybody in London knows that Victor Sylver is a mentally disturbed miscreant  , a drunkard, wife-beater and deadbeat dad who does not care for his household. DOES IT INTEREST READERS THAT NOBODY LIVING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY WITH THE REVEREND IN NEW JERSEY HAS NEVER WRITTEN ANYTHING NEGATIVE ABOUT HIS CHRISTIAN LIFE ?  IF THE REVEREND WERE WHAT VICTOR SYLVER THINKS OF HIM, WOULD IT NOT HAVE BEEN THE PEOPLE OF NEW JERSEY WHO WOULD HAVE BEEN SAYING IT ? THEY SEE HIM AND INTERRACT WITH HIM DAILY.  THEY CALL HIM TO GO PRAY AT SOME OF THEIR FUNCTIONS. THEY KNOW THAT NO BAD WORD HAS EVER COME FROM THE REVEREND ’s MOUTH  AND THE ONLY PROBLEM SOME WHO ARE SLPP MAY HAVE WITH HIM ARE HIS POLITICAL VIEWS. BUT THEY KNOW THAT GOD IT WAS WHO CREATED DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS MEMBERS. Victor should come out and concede that he is obsessed with the Rev, all because he feels that 35 years ago, while the  man and his wife were growing up at Brookfields in Freetown, they engaged in an intimate relationship, as he himself alleged in his blog, an article he expunged later when the Reverend started taking him to task about it.  He is not fighting a social cause. He never does.All his battles are against people he perceives as enemies as Solomon Sesay is trying to prove in his series about him.


We became interested in Victor  Sylver when we discovered that he has been finding  fault with everything APC and President Ernest Koroma  and  has made it his duty to tarnish the name of the President , government and  country to the international community with lies  while targetting  any individual he considers enemy or whom he is envious of . . Victor Sylver’s brand of journalism is to publish extremely negative and damaging articles against his own country and people, using sources and suppositions he does not verify. It seems like the expressed purpose of his setting up his blog is to damage the APC and get even with those he perceives as enemy.

Everybody knows that the Ernest Koroma Government has been the best promoters of press freedom and the good interest of the press in Sierra Leone. The government is also doing a wonderful job to bring socio-economic and political developments to the people.  It therefore boggles the mind that somebody would set up a blog purposely designed to besmear the character of the President and dent the country’s image to the international community. We expect that any honest journalist would at least give the government credit for what it  has achieved.

The Editor of the NEW NATION Newspaper, Mr. Solomon Sesay, has been carefully studying Victor Sylver’s hate messages against President Koroma , APC supporters and successful Sierra Leoneans and the nation  .He has been wondering how the BBC –a reputable organization–could hire a man like Victor Sylver who does not only lack professional ethics and demonstrates symptoms of mental illness but has as his agenda the job to damage the name of his country to the international world and defame innocent people . Mr. Sesay continues his series of articles on Victor Sylver :




Victor Sylver, who lives in London, writes hate articles that have the potential of damaging the name of the country to the international community and placing at risk of attacks and harm in the diaspora successful Sierra Leoneans .His articles are also capable of stirring chaos and genocide in Sierra Leone.

When you look at Victor Sylver’s articles, they are all designed to endanger the welfare of successful Sierra Leoneans , of whom he is envious, and the country. I have reproduced in my newspaper several articles written by successful Sierra Leoneans  complaining bitterly against the hate messages Mr. Sylver has written against them. I refer you to the following :
Mr. Sylver started endangering the welfare of the nation  since 1997 while he served the BBC as a reporter in Sierra Leone. Daniel Joe Mui, writing for the EXPO TIMES newspaper of September 10, 1997  discusses the wretched professional ethics displayed by Mr.Sylver and his conniving attitudes with ECOMOG soldiers who were needlessly bombarding Freetown daily and killing scores of innocent Sierra Leoneans. As BBC Reporter, everybody expected Victor Sylver to inform the world exactly how innocent Sierra Leoneans were being murdered in cold blood by ECOMOG soldiers.  Mr. Mui writes :

Dear Editor,

Kindly permit me space in your renowned newspaper to give my own candid opinion on the sad incidents of September 3rd and 4th, 1997 respectively metted out to this nation by the barbaric and most inhuman “Abacha” Nigerian soldiers….Notwithstanding that, I also want to express my view about the nonchalant behaviour of BBC “Focus on Africa” stringer, Victor Silver who on most occasions since the May 25th military coup, reported negative things of the AFRC, and barely reported on the positive strides (achievements). Has Victor Silver become a politician?  Sir, no wonder Victor Silver had been sending negative reports to the BBC. This bias practice of his caused him to be briefly incarcerated by the authorities a few weeks ago, at the Central Prison, Pademba Road. I know him personally, he is more of a politician than a journalist. He is pro-Kabbah and a stalwart of the ousted SLPP government.




On the 4th of September, 1997 at about 11.20am, I went to his residence (street & number withheld) with the hope that we could discuss the irate and sudden bombardment of the city by the Nigerian mercenaries. I was told he had left immediately after the last bombardment that morning.  I then went in search of him at the scene but to no avail. Late in the afternoon, (4th Sept.) I was listening to FOCUS ON AFRICA (1505hrs edition), I was completely dumbfounded and downcast when I heard this ungodly man (friend) reporting that he only saw two corpses that morning.I consider this to be the worst professional misconduct, and the murder of the truth against the principles and ethics of journalism in the world. Is he a journalist or a politician? Frankly speaking, Victor Silver failed or rather denied to report these ugly incidents due to the naked fact that over fifty (50) poor and defenceless civilians were killed in cold blood, and more seriously wounded by Abacha Kabbah mercenaries. Property worth millions of leones were destroyed. Subsequently he has not displayed any matured radio journalistic ability.Imagine how one’s heart could be burning, when Nigerian soldiers massacre Sierra Leoneans and no report is sent to the BBC about it, and Malu keep denying blatantly.

This was just one example of Victor Sylver’s dangerous and hate journalism and how it endangered lives in Sierra Leone during the AFRC Coup.  Victor Sylver made it a habit to send deliberately wrong and misleading reports to the BBC  , concealing the daily massacres of Sierra Leoneans by  ECOMOG soldiers and mercenaries supporting ex-President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah . There were even reports that Victor Sylver became an even greater danger to his journalist colleagues , exposing their cover to the ecomog  soldiers and the rebels . His hate journalism put him at odds with other journalists and when he hates anybody he seeks to destroy them with lies . THIS EXPLAINS WHY I AM ASKING WHETHER THE BBC REALLY SCREENS THE REPORTERS THEY HIRE IN SIERRA LEONE.

Victor Sylver ‘s envious spirit is unleashed at any successful person whom he will then try to damage with fabricated stories. Here is an example of the extremes Victor Sylver often goes to harm the reputation of innocent colleagues . Mr. Sullay Adekunlay, a journalist based in London , complained in the PATRIOTIC VANGUARD :

“If you can recall during 2007 Exiled Journalist Network Annual General meeting held at the National Union of Journalists, when Victor was baselessly accusing Dr Seaga Shaw of being a human right abuser, I stood up as a compatriot Sierra Leonean and rejected his claim against Dr Seaga Shaw. Victor was not happy with my action; he therefore immediately took a photograph of me and sent it to Free Town for my identity as journalist to be investigated. Even though a colleague journalist by the name of Mohamed Sankoh instantly confirmed my identity as a journalist, Victor never reported the accurate version of the response he received from his investigation about my identity as a journalist. Things came to head when Abu B. Shaw wrote a story about the recently held Annual General meeting at the University of East London on the Canada based ‘Patriotic Vanguard’ online newspaper. Victor seems not to be happy upon reading that I have been elected as a board member of Exiled Journalists  Network, and he went ahead to publish his article with a whole lot of fabrications about me. ”

Victor Sylver’s other expressed purpose is to trigger war  between the SLPP and the APC in Sierra Leone. Hate is clearly reflected in Mr.Sylver’s articles.  He is so biased against the APC  that all the confusion in Sierra Leone are caused by the APC Government whom he calls AFRC Mark 3 and President Koroma whom he describes disrespectfully as the Smoke and mirrors President. Sierra Leoneans know that Victor Sylver is suffering from mental problems and do not take his writings seriously but the members of the international community stand the risk of being deceived by these dangerous articles by Victor Sylver.

Victor Sylver is Sierra Leone’s version of  the Nazi hate editor Julius Streicher. For those who do not know about Julius Streicher was the founder and publisher of Der Stürmer newspaper, which became a central element of the Nazi propaganda machine.  Ironically , while Victor Sylver accuses pro-government journalists as being propagandists and praisesingers, when all these men are doing is promoting the achievements of the APC Government, he is the worst propagandist because his own is designed to damage Sierra Leone’s image to the international community . Anybody reading Victor Sylver’s articles closely knows that his aim is to NOT ONLY TO  trigger war in Sierra Leone between the SLPP and the APC but damage his country’s image internationally. This is unfair to our country.

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