KKY : Did he try deliberately to deceive the nation ?

By Joseph Bangura
Kande Kolleh Yumkella (KKY) of the National Grand Coalition (NGC)) has repeatedly proven to be deceptive. First with his SLPP membership which saw him registering in various chapters of that party. Second with his initial relationship with the NGC which nearly jeapodised their registration with the PPRC forcing Denis Bright to put out a disclaimer. Now there is a huge dark cloud over his citizenship status ahead of the March 2018 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.
In a recent news conference, KKY admitted to carrying dual citizen prior to November 2017. Then he went on to claim that he had renounced it to comply with the electoral laws of Sierra Leone. But evidence in this writer’s possession indicate that he had registered to vote in the March 2018 elections and had become a member of a political party when he was carrying an American citizenship and was legally not a Sierra Leonean.
Detailed information on his citizenship status including copies of his various passports convincingly assert that KKY may be putting not only his aspirations in jeaporday but also those of the NGC.
Now there are documents about his US citizenship showing when he acquired it, when he arrived in the country to register for the elections and when he became a member of the NGC. What all of these are pointing to is that KKY had all along attempted to sneak his way through the electoral process knowingfully well that he is ineliguble to participation in the March 7 elections.
Prior to the 2006 Citizenship Act, when he was holding a US citizenship, Yumkella had wrongfully and illegally obtained a Sierra Leonean passport, with number D000086, issued to him on 25th September 2001. Before 2006 no Sierra Leonean is allowed by law to be a dual citizen. But yumkella was parading with a Sierra Leonean passport and USA passport before and after 2006. This he never disclosed to the public during his press conference. On the 22nd August 2006, he also obtained another Sierra Leonean passport, D000637.
There is more ample information establishing the fact that the NGC presidential candidate was not honest in his disclosure regarding his citizenship. But whether he likes it or not, he would be compelled to come clean to the public about his other Diplomatic Passports; DE000060 issued on 15th March 2010 and DE000711 issued on 24th October 2013.
Infact by January 13th, 2016, KKY obtained another ordinary Sierra Leonean passport, ER011414. As we head to the polls therefore, and with the public anxiously waiting to get the facts from him, it is becoming clear that Kande Yumkella is nearing his waterloo in his sneaky deception strategy.
Stay tuned for more information on his FAKE Loss of American certificate and how he has been sneaking in and out of the country, entering through the airport with a certain passport and leaving through other border points.