Freetown was dangerously flooded again yesterday as heavy torrential rains befitting the season fell on the Sierra Leone capital. The rain was so heavy and flooding so intense, deep and widespread that hundreds of people were driven from their homes.
COCORIOKO Newspaper reporters said that thousands of dollars worth of properties were destroyed by the floods.
Throughout the day, the rain poured and flooding intensified. Vehicles could be seen trying precariously to negotiate their way out of the unrelenting and heavy flood waters. Some vehicles, including motorcycles called okadas were stuck in the waters.
As usual, people in low-lying areas suffered the worst brunt of the rain and floods. Many were seen battling the floods which had entered their houses and destroyed their personal properties.
The Freetown City Council issued this flood warning during the day :
*Freetown Flood Risk Warning*
FCC is calling on residents, especially those who live in communities prone to flooding to remain alert as heavy rains have been predicted over the next three days. Residents living in lowlands and flood plains along the coast are advised to be vigilant especially at night as they have an increased risk of flooding and other environmental disasters.
To report a disaster contact ONS on
*076 612775*
FCC, with support from several partners and the central government, will continue collaborating with RSLAF to implement the 2020 Flood Mitigation exercise, as we have done over the last month in 52 communities across Freetown. Our interventions – clearing blocked culverts, drainages and silted gutters and waterways – help reduce incidences of flooding in certain vulnerable communities. However, the current practice of building along waterways and in flood plains in parts of the city leave many residents vulnerable. FCC’s flood mitigation activities cannot effectively address this land use planning challenge.
The health and well-being of all Freetonians is of paramount concern to us. Stay safe!
*©️FCC Communications*
We boldly build houses right in the valley path of the waterways, many with building permits, then we are shocked when the water comes to reclaim its rightful path as it rushes to empty into the Atlantic⁉️😱 Kaningo Riverside drive, juba
Posted by Bowenson Frederick Phillips on Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Posted by Honorable Miracle on Tuesday, July 14, 2020
People took to social media describing what the situation looked like in their localities. We bring you their citizens’ report below :
© Ishmael journalist Blog
As all the natural drainage flowing down from the top hills to the Atlantic Ocean have been housed and populated with badly needed settlers from the provinces, those inhabitants are now paying the cost dispeacable city planners!
Residing in such dangerous water ways, a lot of material damage is taking place, where residents are watching their hard earned belongings being washed away to the ocean!
This horrible occurrence repeatedly happens every rainy season. People don’t only lose property but human lives as well!
It is high time to tell the Mayor of Freetown and the government to bring in all concerned authority to practically come up with a study on how to alleviate the suffering of the masses, residing in gutters, lowland areas and valleys that experience flooding in every rainy season!
As intellectual as we are, we can’t afford sitting idly by and watching with amazement the city being washed to the ocean, doing nothing to salvage the ugly situation!
In a test to credibly ascertain the value of our university environmental study department, we call on the head of that department to champion the campaign against FLOODING IN FREETOWN. Any recommendations from our learned professors must be implemented by the CITY COUNCIL Mayor and the government!
It’s time to save Freetown!
Instead of this government concentrating in fixing the drainage system by focusing in designing and creating storm water management & Erosion and sediment control policies, their priorities are to prosecute their political enemies of pseudo-Treason crimes and enriching themselves at the expense of Sierra Leoneans. Shame on this government for not having their priorities straightened. Every year Sierra Leoneans have to deal with this menacing rains, and we all knew what the government response will be, is preparing for their photo-ups and to hell to the victims of these perpetual punishing floods.
Where are the Ministries of Works, Environment, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? Are there any Engineers in the Ministry of works and EPA?
We All know where they are, they are busy stealing the money that suppose to fix these problems. Aren’t you tired of the same old problem each year in July and August when these heavy punishing rains killing our fellow Sierra Leoneans, and each year the same empty promises given by these shameless government officials and nothing happens, just for the same thing to happen over and over each year; these people are useful idiots.
This clear shows us that the Freetown Flood Mitigation Project is a lip service to freetonians
The Streets of Freetown are not safe for Now. Please Stay at home or if u are living at low land areas keep off for now, Your lives matter..
Na Salone man pwuel Salone
Despite the millions of Leones spent on mitigation by the Central government and the Freetown City Council yet Freetown continue to flood.
Freetown needs heavy investment to transform the city. A complete overhaul is highly needed
Until the drainage system and gutters extended, we will continue to experience major flooding in the city.
Another reason for flooding is our attitude towards environment. People have destroyed the hills to find shelter. The sticks and forest have gone. Thousands of shelters have replaced the forest which was there to handle the water.
Previous governments have failed to maintain those forest,. Politicians and business people are enriching themselves through those forest.
Because of the downpour of heavy water coming from the hills, Freetown will continue to envisage flood. It is high time government think about city relocation..
I remain
Sidique Bakarr.
Boye Jallo Jamboria First construct is we pay effective property taxes to produce revenue to undertake the large construction of water catching tunnels to safely take the overland flow into the seas by deep underground tunnels. Next endure those who construct on hillsides do effective landscaping to replant trees, grass and make walls to provide cover on the EC
Posed soils and make the soil better absorbent to rainfall. This will even provide underwater to replenish the underground water that supplies the pipe water supply system . There are engineers who understand this and can be used to do the construction but do we have the will to pay for what we want ?
Is my advice to be alert