The NEW DAILY NATION newspaper will be back soon. It will be non -partisan and will look at national issues from an objective perspective.
The modus operandi
The domain name Sierraleonedailynation.com has already been bought and paid for for 5 years. The NEW DAILY NATION will be an attempt to look at national issues from a broader and more objective perspective and will neither be APC, SLPP , NGC nor C4C.
COCORIOKO will continue to exist , but it will also undergo some changes and begin accepting views from the different political institutions and personalities. I think we have done our job in promoting the government of President Ernest Bai Koroma. The archives will remain as a testimony of what President Koroma achieved in power. It is left with historians and political experts to judge the President based on the volumes of articles and photos we have on the website. Books will also be written on President Ernest Koroma, based on our archives.
The DAILY NATION WILL HOWEVER BE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PROPOSITION. WE will be copying the model of the Sierra Leone DAILY Mail and the Daily Guardian of the 1950s and 1960s , which were completely free of partisanship and government control and were only loyal to the ordinary man in the street. If you have been yearning for a newspaper that will carry your views, without fear or favour, the DAILY NATION will be your best bet. The paper will not be anti-SLPP or anti-APC. It will be a national newspaper, catering to all interest groups.
We will publish news from the ruling government and all the opposition parties and we will also encourage writers from all spectrums to express their views. Trust me. Nobody will be left out.
As we all know now, Sierra Leoneans have become incurably politicized . The level of political awareness and consciousness that have been stirred up in Sierra Leoneans through recent events and the last elections cannot be measured by words. Now, even our American-born children , spouses, foreign work mates and neighbors have taken a very strong interest in Sierra Leone’s politics.
Consequently, the need has arisen for a newspaper that will also tell it as it is from the perspective of the ordinary man in the street . Official perspectives must now be counterbalanced with what the public say. The man or woman in the street must now be given a chance to express his/her feelings about how he is being governed..
With so much now at stake in our nation, our leaders’ attention needs to be riveted to the burning issues that directly affect the man in the street, the people who feel the pinch and who vote to keep or change governments. We in the media have shortchanged them for too long by ignoring to carry their views. No more. Through the journalistic prism of the Daily Nation, their views will now be heard .
We need national healing and national reconciliation..After an ugly election that tore our nation apart, and set tribe against tribe, region against region, people against people, we need a newspaper that will help to calm passions in our nation and let Sierra Leoneans know that we are one people who should be United under the national colours of green, white and blue. The newspaper, even while being very vocal in national affairs, will help to promote peace and stability in our beloved nation.
Thirdly, we need a newspaper that will make journalism interesting and enjoyable to read once again.. Through our pages, we hope to feature interesting women’s, cultural, social and community issues that are no longer covered by newspapers in their zeal to race each other for prurient political content and attacks.
With fake news now predominating , we need a newspaper that can be relied upon as a media for more AUTHORITATIVE and correct information .
Meanwhile, you can start sending your views and reports to our DAILY NATION Facebook website, which has over 35, 000 readers presently and we hope to add more people. It is one of the largest Sierra Leonean forums in the social media.
COCORIOKO is also thriving still online and in the social media and it also has one of the largest Sierra Leonean forums on Facebook with over 30,000 people.