DIFSIL Provides food stuff and Non food items for August 14 flooding Survivors In Sierra Leone

Disbaled internation foundation Sierra Leone / United Kingdom a humanitarian origination on Monday 21 August 2017 donated food stuff and non food stuff to the August flood victims.Handing over the items on behalf of the founder and Chief Executive Officer for Disabled Foundation International, DIFSIL Country Coordinator Zainab Suma said DIFSIL is very humble to compliment the effort of government by providing food and non food items for the survivor as part of their humanitarian work and that DIFSIL for the past years has been very instrumental in helping the less privilege and disabled in the country.

Zainab said her origination has has been very much active since the faithful day of the incident and that all their staff and volunteer fully involved in all the different location where the incident happen and that prompt her organization to come up with something that will help the survivor.

She said the presently situation the country is really tough and that with such donation it will help to alleviating the suffering of the survivor .

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