Mr. Andrew Lavali, one of Sierra Leone’s noted civil society activists, has said that the performance targets expected by goverment from Ministries, Departments and Agencies ( MDAs ) are unknown. READ IN FULL.
Despite the emphasis on a “Year of Delivery.” the performance targets Bio expects MDAs to deliver this year are unknown to the public (and perhaps unknown to some members of the administration). Voters remain clueless about what results to expect from the Le9 Trillion investment this year, as well as the criteria for punishing and rewarding public servants across the delivery chain.
In this brief, we suggest ways for government to move beyond the rhetoric of year of delivery, partnering with citizens for concrete results, and working to reduce our dependency on foreign aid. To do so, government must tell ordinary Sierra Leoneans what is meant by delivery, so they know what to look for, and how to measure it. Commitment to effective service delivery provides the opportunity for the government to reach beyond its base; an improvement in development outcomes will be a win-win for all.
Samuel Serry Jr. The public has always been treated like a trash can – only good for receiving garbage from the ruling class. I hope we see a paradigm shift in the way we provide accountability.