A president’s key subject is to represent his country
and his people.There are much of misunderstanding
on the manner how our current president
This has brought short sightedness to many
Sierra Leoneans. Some might say about President Bio’s travels : “What is our benefit
towards that ? ” and others might say,it is for the
interest of the country.
As we are very close to one
year since we voted President Bio as president to govern the
country and our affairs,I predict he has to make use
of the time because people are grumbling as every
single day is a minus from his time.
We the people
of Sierra Leone are very proud towards your travel
trips but we are very concerned of our everyday
duties.Duties for our daily bread, good salaries and
right to standard way of living.We are proud of you
Sir and we are also impress on the way and manner
you put the development of HUMAN CAPITAL first
in any platforms.
Sir, I just want to draw your attention closer towards
we the youth.We are still hanging out jobless and
GRADUATE STUDENTS are also parts of us.The
past year,you focused on three areas which are
The fight of corruption has been achieved but the
FIGHT OF HUNGER is still unsolved because people
are crying everyday for high prices on commodities.
We will continue to pray for you SIR as you continue
to do your good work towards putting the interest
of the people first.
Concern CITIZEN.