The Embassy of Sierra Leone, in collaboration with the National Organization of Sierra Leoneans in North America (NOSLINA), has identified a source for the air shipment of Ebola relief related materials and equipment to Sierra Leone at no cost*. The tentative air shipment date from the United States to Sierra Leone is December 2014. This opportunity is open to all persons/organizations who want to send Ebola relief donations to Sierra Leone, as long as they meet the following minimum criteria:
- All items must be received by the Embassy of Sierra Leone or NOSLINA no later than November 28, 2014
Only items specified on the official Ministry of Health and Sanitation/WHO list of urgently needed items will be accepted
All donations will be consigned to the Chief Medical Officer at the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, as well as the Director General and Ambassador-At- Large in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (also, NOSLINA will closely track shipped items)
*Donors should be prepared to incur a nominal packing/freight-forwarding fee which equals $1.43 per kilo ($1.43 for every 2.2 pounds). (Example: a 500 pound pallet may cost $286.00)
For donors who are facing hardships with regard to the transporting of their donations to the Embassy, special pricing negotiations may be available through ground transport supporters.
Ms. Suna Nallo, executive director of NOSLINA, is the primary point of contact for this initiative
NOTE: there is no charge to donors for the flight
To make use of this opportunity please contact the following:
Ms Suna Nallo
Executive Director
Organization: National Organization of Sierra Leoneans in North America (NOSLINA)
Mobile No. 410-412-4311
Email: [email protected]
Ambassador Ibrahim S. Conteh
Deputy Head of Mission
Embassy of Sierra Leone
1701 19 Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009
Tel: (cell) –202 560 0792: Office – 202 232-4095
Ms.Fatmata Dao
Second Secretary
Embassy of Sierra Leone
1701 19 Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009
(cell) –202 290 4445: Office – 202 939 9268
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