By Jonathan Abass Kamara
The Western Area for decades had only one District Medical Officer in charge of both Western Urban and Rural Area District Health Management Team.
Dr. Kwame Oneil
Exploring the situation in line with the 10-24 months Presidential Recovery Priorities and other challenges in the fight towards building a resilient health system countrywide, the current Minister and Professional team at central level took the long awaiting journey for the creation of another Health district and appointed Dr. Kwame Oneil as the first historic District Medical Officer.
Current status of the Regent Community Health Centre for rehabilitation
Addressing the Regent Village Rural Community on Tuesday November 22, 2016 during the handing over ceremony for the rehabilitation of the Regent Community Health Centre, the newly appointed young District Medical Officer, Dr. Kwame Oneil said he was appreciative of the appointment and expressed his determination and commitment to reduce maternal and newborn mortality in Western Rural area by fifty percent.
He reiterated his commitment in building a strong and resourceful team that would work collaboratively with the community to achieve his desired goal in the fight against maternal and newborn mortality.
Dr. Oneil said the proposed face lift of the Health Centre and the expansion of the Maternal Wing are an added value and inspiration of professional ethics on the enthusiasm to making the expected difference.
He reassured the community of his commitment and appealed for their positive support in working as a team to make the difference.
Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation II, Madam Zuliatu Cooper noted the work load on a single doctor to operate two districts, describing the appointment of the new District Medical Officer as timely in meeting the challenges within the frame work of the Presidential Recovery Priorities and the Agenda for Prosperity.
Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation II, Madam Zuliatu Cooper
Health, Madam Cooper told the Regent Community has no boundary, not regional or ethnic biased and a catalyst for growth and economic development noting that ‘health is wealth’.
She disclosed that 29 additional health facilities are currently on the pipeline for rehabilitation in five districts: Bombali, Port Loko, Bo, Kenema and Western Area.
Handing over of the Contract Document to Yeasu Investment
Madam Cooper further disclosed that Anaesthetics Machines have been installed in all major government health facilities across the country, and human resource capacity key in ensuring that standard health services are provided for the citizens and people living in Sierra Leone.
She encouraged the nurses to continue working as frontline service providers, and implored the Regent Community to act as watch dogs in monitoring the start and completion of the project as the expectations on the contract are high.
The rehabilitation of the Basic Emergency Maternal Obstetric and Newborn Care (BeMONC) facilities between the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and UNFPA, the Contractor and Managing Engineer Yeasu Investment, Mr. Prince Gordon said the project was competitive and assured the Regent Community of a positive and satisfactory work.
Other speakers include the Loko Tribal Head, Pa Alimamy Kanu, the Deputy Chairman and Councilor Western Rural Area, Madam Margaret Saidu Kargbo and the Representative from UNFPA, Mr. Michael Amara.