By Kabs Kanu
The dreams and aspirations of Sierra Leoneans that the much – despised and loathed One – Party State, which one one of the reasons that contributed immeasurably to the civil war that killed nearly one million people, left a colony of amputees and destroyed the country’s infrastructure, will never operate in their country again, after the much- celebrated 1992 NPRC Coup , have been cruelly dashed.
Since Maada Bio, a retired self- promoted Brigadier and former military junta leader, took control of the country in 2018, he has turned Sierra Leone into a de facto One – Party State , with the connivance of some members of the opposition, Parliament, civil society, judiciary, army, police, media, accountability institutions , the intelligentsia ( Book People ) and even sections of the international community.
It is very shocking, scandalous, shameful, opprobrious, pitiful, distressing, saddening, pathetic, tearful , dangerous , lamentable, perilous , sickening , baneful and to think that Maada Bio ( One of the architects and leaders of the 1992 coup ) is the devil , founder, instigator, promoter and progenitor of this pitiable disaster and charade in Sierra Leone . It is even more calamitous and painful when you think that the Bio NPRC junta killed APC people and innocent citizens in their quest to prove that bad governance will never lay its grip on our nation again. It means that the people Bio killed died in vain. Now, it is the very Bio who has transformed our country into a one party state.
But the blame lies squarely on the necks of the opposition political parties, especially the main opposition, the All People’s Congress ( APC ), who, along with former colonial power Britain , contributed in feeding the monster that grew in wickedness and took over our country again ( Even though they knew from Bio’s past history as junta leader that he was too lawless and dangerous a political infidel to be trusted with power ) . Now, Britain is quiet in the face of all Maada Bio’s atrocities and some APC members are now bending over backwards to aid Bio to ensure that he completes the total destruction of Sierra Leone.
The APC is a pale shadow of an opposition party. In seven disastrous years of Maada Bio’s misrule that has taken Sierra Leone backwards by 100 years , the APC, which was supposed to hold Bio’s demonic feet under fire and thwart the roguishly corrupt, heinously violent, malevolently capricious, and monstrously destructive SLPP has failed to function as a political party and has failed spectacularly to hold the SLPP accountable. SLPP is doing and getting away with every imaginable evil.
The SLPP is killing with macabre impunity whoever they want , especially children of APC operatives and APC stalwarts themselves but the APC has not uttered a word of protest. The blood and souls of the innocent people killed by the SLPP at Tombo, Mile 91, Makeni, Tonko Limba, Kabala, Hastings , Lunsar , Pademba Road Prisons , and during the August 10 demonstrations in 2022 and at the office in Freetown of the very APC office are crying out everyday from their graves for justice but neither the APC, nor the judiciary, civil society, intelligentsia or media listen to their pitiful cries. It is business as usual and everything is going on normally in the country. What a country. It is both a disaster and a shame.
Let it be said here loud and clear. The APC is not a bad or useless political party. It is the most progressive party in Sierra Leone. There is no completed national development project in Sierra Leone that was not constructed by the APC. Anything you would call good in Sierra Leone has the imprints of the APC. That is why everybody is crying for the APC to return to governance. Sierra Leoneans know that it is only when the APC are in power that there is progress in the country. APC is also the most beloved party of the generality of Sierra Leoneans. People love the APC, but SLPP propaganda makes it not to seem so. So, the APC has the goodwill of the people to remove the SLPP from power.
But what has bedeviled the APC is that the party has been hijacked by some of its leaders who are nothing but traitors, puppets, opportunists , carpetbaggers, hawksters, moneychangers, turncoats, sugar ants and narcissists who do not care for the people or the party. All they care for are their wallets and checkbooks. Accusations abound that Maada Bio has shoved some of them into his large pockets. Maada Bio is the secret hand behind the scenes bribing disloyal opporrtunists and orchestrating the woes and infighting in the APC.
The APC Parliamentaty representatives are accused of being hustlers rather than serious lawmakers determined to challenge the SLPP to make sure that it does not pass bad laws or odious precedents. They are also believed to be in Maada Bio”s pockets. When some key leaders of a political party are in the pockets of the president, nobody needs to tell you how ineffective that party becomes . The party will definitely fail as an opposition as it will abdicate its duties and responsibilities.
The APC has very faithful grassroots and very vibrant diaspora followership. Very brilliant, industrious, committed and patriotic titans control and support the diaspora chapters and branches .As a matter of fact, the APC Diaspora 6th Region leaders organized a well- acclaimed retreat in the Gambia last month, which provided encouraging signs that the party is on the verge of recovering and return to its old glory. But it is the leadership of the APC in Freetown that is the blemish and problem. Some of them are completely disloyal and uncommitted and not fit for purpose and are holding the APC hostage. They know that they are debarring the progress of the APC; yet, they will not quit or allow trojans with spine and commitment to take back the party .
The spinelessness , cowardice, opportunism, puppetry and worthlessness of these known APC leaders are mainly responsible for Maada Bio slowly turning Sierra Leone into a de facto one – party state. If the situation continues, Bio will pull another fast one on the APC in 2028, the Lord forbid.
So, what do partisans of the APC need to do to take back their party ?
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