By Kabs Kanu
A former highly -respected Sierra Leone Ambassador to the U.S , responding to my mockery of the Millennium Challenge Corporation ( MCC ) for their just – released scorecards , which criminally gave pass grades to illegal President Maada Bio in the areas of promoting democracy and people’s rights, raised a possibility that had often boggled my mind as well —-DOES IT SEEM LIKE , FOR SOME REASONS , THE U.S, under the Democratic Party, are in bed with the undemocratic and tyrannical Maada Bio and the SLPP, to the exclusion of democratic and human rights forces in Sierra Leone and the APC ?
And the reason, if at all, is not that the SLPP have done anything spectacular in power or they have done better in governance than the APC.
LOOK at it from any angle, there seems to be a criminal conspiracy by the MCC and the West against the APC and to subvert the democratic rights of the people of Sierra Leone. The criminal MCC grades being given to the SLPP are completely unrealistic and antithetical to realities on the ground.
The question anybody would love to ask is : Have the Democratic Party and the West settled with the SLPP because APC is so fragmented and disunited and so unserious as an opposition party that they have decided not to regard us as any serious entity ? Are we responsible for the way we are being treated ?.
Another possibility the Ambassador and I raised was : Is it the socialist orientation and posture the APC once assumed during the early days of President Siaka Stevens ?
Look at the following facts with an honest mind and you will see the necessity of these questions :
APC performed far better than the SLPP in power. The infrastructural developments alone accomplished by the APC under President Ernest Koroma put the Red Sun in a class of its own, which the Palm Tree can never match. APC developed Sierra Leone; SLPP destroyed Sierra Leone.
So, if the APC outdid the SLPP in good governance , is the favor he is enjoying because Maada Bio is facilitating the unscrupulous and inordinate plunder of the country’s resources by the West , than ever done by the APC ? It is strange for Bio to be now supported over the APC .
Nobody will convince me that , by the kinds of grades being given the SLPP year by year , the MCC is not a criminal international organization, whose members are probably getting substantial personal cuts from the grants they purport to be giving countries.
Come to think of it, show me any sane and non- criminal organization that will give Maada Bio pass grades in democratic and people’s rights after the disgrace Bio subjected himself and the SLPP to last year by criminally stealing the Sierra Leone elections for which he received local and international clobbering . Given the shame and humiliation Bio suffered, only men and women of depraved minds will give Maada Bio pass grades in democratic and people’s rights. The MCC should be ashamed of itself.
Maada Bio has spent his time in power shedding the innocent blood of the people . How can he be given a pass in people’ rights when his hands smell of the bloid of his people. The poor souls of the innocent people Maada Bio killed will be crying out from their graves to hear that the MCC gave Bio a pass in promoting people’s rights.
Bio is nothing but a criminal . All he has done is loot the Sierra Leone treasury. All he has done is bloat the payroll with his tribesmen and women who have become a scourge even to their own SLPP supporters for their greed, brutal exploitation of the country’s resources and ostentatious lifestyles.
Looking at the manner the Democrats have treated the questions of governance, human rights, corruption and extrajudicial killings in Sierra Leone, one could even be tempted to think that there is a justification for majority of Americans and a substantial number of foreign borns abandoning the Democrats to vote the Republicans back to power on a landslide. Democrats have become too liberal for their own good . With Republican oversight and a Republican- controlled Congress , will the MCC turn blind eyes to Maada Bio ‘s crimes, perversion and wickedness in Sierra Leone ?
Allowing Maada Bio to sign a Compactand now giving him fresh good grades compromised democracy, human rights and good governance in Sierra Leone and puffed Maada Bio up more with the spirit of impunity .
Instead of fighting one another for power, the APC should spend time mulling over these questions.
The APC is being shortchanged internationally but APC members are so busy betraying their party and hungrily aspiring for power in 2028 that they are not concerned at all.
All President Bio has ever done in power is to waste the country’s money on wasteful travels . But he has been given pass grades even in the Corruption category.
What a depraved organization this MCC has proved to be.
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