His has always been a political fairy tale, the sort that many dreams are made of and even the moguls at Hollywood could relay in glorious technicour. The ascendancy of Dr Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara has not been meteoric but slow and steady. As he himself admitted, from relative obscurity in 2018, he has become a household name in 2023, from the quizzical ” you sabi am? ” to the one that gives sleepless nights to the sitting President to the extent that all stones imaginable have been put in his way, from a newcomer to APC politics to a now savvy political administrator, a proven technocrat and a man admired by the whole country.
The new impetus that he brings to politics generally has been mainly attributable to that of his remarkable people skills. You cannot meet with Dr Samura Kamara and not be inured by his humility. He has been steadfast in building a constituency among the grassroots not because he deliberately wanted to use them as a stepping stone to power but because the people chose him. Wherever he went, they followed along, they all wanted to feel his presence and bask in his countenance. Indeed, even his political rivals have to bend to his charm.
This ability to take the people along is what would be his best ally in politics. Dr Samura Kamara would not make enemies easily, he is so easy of speech and comforting of demeanor that you would hardly see in him a frown or vexatious spirit.
What the APC needs now more than ever is unity. Dr Samura Kamara is best aced to bring this to bear on his colleagues. He does not come with an entrenched constituency to defend nor is he in direct competition with any adversary. He is open and confident of his leadership ambitions that he does not have any reason to make enemies of those who do not support him. In his ability to listen and entertain all comers, Dr Samura Kamara epitomises the best quality of an APC leader. Those who have been more successful in this party have been giving leaders and leaders with a mind of their own.
Following on from the leadership stance of Dr Ernest Bai Koroma was always going to be a tough call but for a man who has served that many administrations in the past 30 odd years, a fast kearner and dutiful servant of the people, Dr Samura Kamara is expected to learn fast and build how own profile to suit his temperament. He will definitely not be like Dr Ernest Koroma and no one should expect that of him. He needs to be given the space to make his own mark as the flag bearer of the party and a President of this country.
Dr Samura Kamara is very mindful of the peace that is so much needed in the party. In his quest to maintain that goal, he may have to make some difficult decisions. No one should pre-empt him nor goad him into false negatives based on region or gender or religion especially when he comes to choosing a running mate. Let the man make that decision with the help of the Party and let such decisions serve the greater good.
As one who has always stood on principle, I must admit that having been close to the man himself, sharing very instructive moments with him at our ceremonies in the Lodge, it is gainsay that the knowledge, dexterity and compassion that he has learnt from that place has only done him good and he on his part has made us a proud indeed to be associated with him.
It is tine now for a new era in APC politics and a bright future for this country!
©Titus Boye-Thompson
London *20.02.2023*