1. He is a very hard working President who even takes his work home. In his waking moments, he is always working hard to bring desired changes to the country. He went all over the country to provide needed education and social mobilization to our people to help bring the EBOLA outbreak to an end. No sooner had the outbreak ended than he was on the road again , travelling to all parts of the country to thank the people. This is what people mean when they say he is a hands-on President. He is always at the helm of things. Sierra Leoneans are blessed to have such a President. In some countries, you do not feel the presence of a President. The citizens are all on their own, even in the West. Una deny me, ba ? But in Sierra Leone, the President is visible and his work is seen, not just heard about.
2. President Koroma always has a good vision for his country. When it is not the Agenda For Change, it is the Agenda For Prosperity and the many flagship projects he has going on presently in the country . Where there is no vision, my people perish, the Good Book says. President Koroma is not only a visionary. He is a man of action, fighting to put his vision to work. If we had such a visionary leader in all our trials since Independence, Sierra Leone would have been a far better country today than she is presently. That is why the opposition cannot put their acts in order. They are mesmerized by the colossus that is President Koroma and until they begin to work under his shadows, the APC will always win elections in Sierra Leone.
3. President Koroma delivers. Since he came to power, he has delivered infrastructural and other development projects. A woman living here in Somerset, NJ, danced herself almost to death when she heard that apart from the roads that have been paved in her native Moyamba, now the town will soon have pipe-borne water again. This Harfordian is so happy because she loves her Moyamba. And she is a proud Mende woman who also said when she visited Sierra Leone two years ago, her perspective changed when she saw the development projects President Koroma has accomplished. She said she decided to dump the partisan politics craze because it has been rendered foolish and whoever develops her country is the person she will support.
4. President Koroma is the toast of the UN and the international world. Whenever he comes to Washington DC or New York or London etc . for international meetings, world leaders scramble to praise him and try to acquaint themselves with him. They know that he is the glue that has held together a once strife-torn, dangerous and unprogressive country. The Western media are mischievous and petulant but their leaders are smarter than them and they are more honest and understand national development more than these unschooled zombies who called themselves media petsonnel. I trust and respect Western leaders more than their negative media that only want to stereotype Africa whole day
Sierra Leone is blessed to have a leader like President Ernest Koroma. These facts above are four things no honest person can deny about him.