PRESIDENT ERNEST BAI KOROMA, unrelenting and determined, continues to push forward his agenda to make Sierra Leone a better country for all her citizens.
It has been a hectic week for the President and his team as he has been traversing the country to launch more development projects. President Koroma launched construction projects for the Rogbere Bridge , the Moyamba Junction-Moyamba Road , which would include the construction of four bridges and the Bandajuma-Gendema international highway linking Sierra Leone to Liberia.
The road construction stretches over 103km and costs 105 million Euros. The Project is funded by the European Union and has been awarded to the Senegalese Construction Company, CSE. It will involve the rehabilitation of the 103km road and the construction of three bridges.
SORIE YANSANEH produced a transcribed version of the statement delivered by President Ernest Koroma during the Gendema highway launching. Pictures are from Yansaneh and Koroma APC .
I would like to register my thanks and appreciation to all those present here and I know you’re all happy to see the launching of a very strategic bridge that has an economic advantage to our country and its people. I know this bridge continue to deteriorate over the years and it was a serious concern for people plying this route. As a responsible government it’s incumbent upon us to efficiently address this issue. Addressing the construction of this bridge and others around the country is a majors infrastructural project my government have committed itself to undertake successfully. That’s why we are here today to continue with our infrastructural projects.
Our majors donor in this infrastructural projects is the European Union. Please it’s worth to note that this isn’t a loan but a grant. These are the types of projects they give us with no strings attached. (In Temne: Kayerr Ka eh fothaneh). Yesterday, we were in Pujuhun District launching the road project from Liberia to Bandajuma. The support of the European Union road projects doesn’t only connect us within Sierra Leone but also connect us with neighbouring countries. This morning we’ve launched the Moyamba junction and the Moyamba road project. We shall continue to do our road projects launching all over the country.
We will continue with the trans international high way. We’ve also launch the four lanes Wellington to Masiaka road. And as our people continue to see light that will take them away from the darkness of the past regime; my government will ensure perpetual light in the lives of our people and remove them from the past darkness they were forced to went through by the past regime. We should have constructed these bridges and roads by now had it not be for the Ebola. Despite the disturbance of the Ebola, my government and the European Union are now working very hard to compensate what we lost from Ebola in the agenda for prosperity.
This is a big moment for us all and we are all happy and I hope you’re all happy as patriotic nationals. I know because of the limited time we need to hasten up our road construction projects. Today we launch the Magbele Bridge with a 24 months time bound.