As part of the Sierra Leone Mission in Korea’s continuing efforts to engage the Korean Government in supporting the post Ebola recovery plans of the Government, particularly in the health sector, Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Korea, His Excellency Ambassador Omrie Michael Golley on Tuesday 5th January 2016 visited the Shihwa General Hospital in Siheung on the outskirts of Seoul, the Korean Capital.
Shihwa General Hospital situated in Siheung, Gyeonggi province some 60 kilometres south of Seoul, was opened in 1998 and comprises 8 specialised medical centres and 14 medical departments. This Hospital was one of the contributors of Korean medical personnel sent to Sierra Leone in 2014 to assist in the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease scourge.
His Excellency Ambassador Omrie Michael Golley was received upon arrival at the Hospital by the Founder and Chairman of Shihwa General, Dr. Choi Byeong Chul, and was taken on a conducted tour of it’s main departments.
Welcoming the Ambassador to the medical institution, Dr. Choi stated that he was pleased to have been able to assist in their own way to eradicate Ebola from Sierra Leone, and confirmed his readiness to continue the relationship between Shihwa Hospital Foundation and the Government and people of Sierra Leone.
His Excellency Ambassador Omrie Golley expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Government and people of Sierra Leone Dr. Choi and his staff for the support given during the Ebola crisis.
The Ambassador said that the provision of improved medical services, and adequate health care delivery was at the heart of the Government’s post Ebola development plans, and invited the Chairman and his officials to Sierra Leone to assist the Government in meeting their objectives for improved health care. The Ambassador further mentioned that his visit to the Hospital had been useful in understanding the Korean healthcare system, and that he looked forward to closer collaboration between Sierra Leone and Korea in the Government’s quest for improved health care in the country