The book “Tears, Trials and Triumphs” is a compelling, true life story of the effects of the Sierra Leone civil war relates the personal experiences suffered by Wendy Bangura and her family.
Through a horrific and a sudden loss that no family should have to endure, this tragedy has forcer changed the Bangura family, affecting them even to this day.
Yet, despite the devastastion, their faith in God saw them through their ordeal and continues to sustain them daily.
Tears, Trials have marked Wendy’s journey yo finding hope while dealing with great sorrow and hardship. As a result of the Devine provision of God a very great determination, a dream in her heart, and a desire to honor the memory of her father, Wendy triumphed in the midst of the pain and has risen above tragedy to a place of sucess. “Today, I choose life!”
Wendy Bangura