Sierra Leone’s embattled President, Retired Brig. Maada Bio, will face more demonstrations against his human rights abuses, tribalism and poor leadership , this time in Brussels, Belgium, where he will be paying a visit on November 6.
According to State House, President Bio will visit Brussels between November 4 and 7 on the invitation of the European Commission ( EU) . As shown below, the President will also be holding a town hall meeting on November 6 during his visit .According to information received by COCORIOKO, Sierra Leoneans plan to stage mass demonstrations against President Bio on the day of the town hall meeting.
Since he came to power in March , President Bio has deviated from his lofty promises enshrined in his electioneering campaign blueprint, THE NEW DIRECTION and has instead engaged in consistent human rights abuses , massive discrimination against other tribes by giving employment only to members of his Mende tribe and his officials , like his Local Government Minister Tetema Tondoneh and Speaker of the House of Parliament, Abbass Bundu, among others, have been involved in public scandals that have tarnished the country’s name abroad.
What is most alarming about the government is the blatant tribalism and hostility to opposition parties and President Bio’s silence in the face of gross human rights abuses by his government . Subsequently, Sierra Leoneans have decided to demonstrate against hiim in different parts of the world to draw international attention to the unfolding crises in Sierra Leone.
When President Bio attended the UN General Assembly in New York in September, he faced massive demonstrations from concerned Sierra Leoneans. Last Monday, Sierra Leoneans in London, backed by two British MPs–Neil Coyle and Harriet Harman– demonstrated massively against President Bio.
COCORIOKO learns that these demonstrations have rattled President Bio but because he is surrounded by selfish, tribalistic, vindictive, arrogant, pompous and clueless individuals serving only their own narcississtic interests, he has not been advised to change course .