The rate at which human rights abuses are escalating in Sierra Leone is concerning. This week, a Sierra Leone Police officer was caught on video brutalizing a woman with the butt of his bullets encasement. The video created a big stink on social media when it was circulated. The Police has responded >
Sierra* *Leone* *Police* *Press* *Statement*
The attention of the Management of the Sierra Leone Police has been drawn to a widely shared video on social media, which content depicts an OSD (Operations Support Division) Officer cruelly manhandling a suspected civilian lady, in the full view of some onlookers.

No doubt that there is prima facie evidence of professional misconduct perpetrated by the Police Officer. As part of our accountability mechanism, Management has tasked the Complaint Discipline and Internal Investigations Department (CDIID) to institute a full blown investigation into the said matter.

Be therefore informed that the Officer in question has been identified, arrested, suspended, and placed in custody, pending the outcome of the Investigation into his conduct.
The Media and Public Relations Department commits itself to updating the public as the investigation progresses.
For any enquiries, please contact the Media and Public Relations Department at Police Headquarters, George Street, Freetown, on +23277361070; +23277507955.
Inspector General of the Sierra Leone Police and Deputy Inspector General Mrs. Elizabeth Turay, we are so devastated seeing this video going viral in and out of Sierra Leone, displaying WORLD WIDE the Human Rights ethics of the Sierra Leone Police.
These police men that are supposed to uphold the law and Protect Citizens, are the very people violating the law with no one to hold them accountable for their actions. Are we living in “Jungle Justice” country with lawless police men parading themselves around the country beating a woman on her head with his magazine and with the intention to kill her?
Deputy Inspector General of Police Mrs.Elizabath Turay , we deliberately mentioned you by name on purpose, because you are a woman like her and when you took up office as duty Deputy, we were thrilled with the hope that you will make a difference and stand for women. But we are disappointed by your total quietness and joining the bandwagon complacently, turning a blind eye to all these atrocities women are going through.
Let it be clear that, we take up this issue because she is a woman thus our existence. Actions should be taken against these police men and we expect the Inspector General of Police to make a statement condemning these men actions. Women are suffering, in Sierra Leone.
What is going on. The lawlessness is becoming the order of the day with NO-ONE In control. Who is in charge please…….?