The people of Sierra Leone and the APC are tired of lies and false hopes by psychotic Abu Shaw and others : The truth will come out when ECOMOG deploys


Journalism is a credibility game. I have been in journalism for 50 or more years and though no man is perfect, we do try our best to maintain our credibilty. That is why I have won over 20 awards in Journalism . I am not perfect but people see a desire in me not to deliberately seek to deceive my readers.

There are 13 more days left for ECOMOG to deploy in Sierra Leone. On or immediately after September 15, the truth will be known about all the arguments and tribulations, persecution and adverse actions some of us have suffered since we sought to give our own understanding of this ECOMOG deployment.

Abu Shaw, the psychotic ” Editor ” of the Organizer blog in London has been reporting that when ECOMOG  comes on September 15, they will overthrow President Maada Bio and install Dr. Samura Kamara as President of the Republic of Sierra Leone. The hopes he is giving the innocent people of Sierra Leome is that ECOMOG has been given a specific mandate to come and overthrow Maada Bio and appoint Dr. Samura Kamara President . Shaw must be sick in the head as everybody is saying. ECOMOG will do that only when a leader is pronounced defeated by the country’s Elections Commission and he refuses to leave. In our case, we have made the mistake of being scammed by Maada Bio into a fake tripartite committee and Agreement of National Unity with the election thief Maada Bio. If only APC  had boycotted everything Bio until the results were release.

Shaw is calling some of us sellouts for correcting his lies. He has even accused us of being bribed. But the truth will definitely be known on Septemer 15 when ECOMOG  make their arrival statement.

There is no need to enter into any argument with the rascal and deceitful Shaw about this now , though it hurts a lot of us when these fake partisans   continue to subject the APC and the Sierra Leonean people to multiple upon multiple of lies , false narratives and false hopes. We will wait until September 15 to confront Shaw, if it happens that he sought to deliberately mislead our people.

Abu Shaw was once my friend but I am tired of his lies and false hopes he is giving supporters of the party.

The most annoying thing is that because of these lies and false hopes being given by the nebulous Alpha Shaw , the APC has been completely paralyzed and cannot move forward to the detriment of the party’s future. Time is running but all we see happening is infidels like Shaw keeping the APC  mired in lies and false expectations and making the party not to design a Plan B to wrestle power back from the SLPP.

It is now clear to us also from the insults and persecution some of have suffered the past week  that some of  the people who criticize politicians for being undemocratic and muzzling freedom of speech are themselves very undemocratic. Some are more despotic and will be worse than Maada Bio if we ever make the mistake to allow them to lay hands on power in Sierra Leone.

Dr. Samura Kamara , whom some of these despicable people support, is a very democratic man, that I can say and I will emphasize that when the appropriate time comes.  This is what is suprising many people— how a man so liberal and democratic is being represented by people who are hurtfully allergic to the truth. At times, dictatorship shows up in the least expected places ( I will explain all this further when we get the truth about ECOMOG”s real mission to Sierra Leone and nothing will be left unsaid).

One or more of the commanders of the multilateral force will definitely decode the diplomatic language and the nuances of this important mission to be undertaken in Sierra Leone by ECOMOG.

For credibility sake, we wil hold our peace now. We will certainly respond. We will respond appropriately when the truth is laid bare before everybody. You cannot respond to certain things when the truth is yet in limbo. Any true journalist who cares for his credibility knows that. Only illiterate journalists who write for the eyeseeing of men engage in needless polemics and backs and forth over matters that are not succinctly clear .

Our time to respond and rebutt is coming. Let us keep our fingers crossed and wait for SEPTEMBER 15.

You will know the truth and the truth will set you free and also provide the leverage you need to respond appropriately to situations.

Trust me. We are very mature. If we are proved wrong we will take the appropriate action to make amends because nobody knows it all, except those who deliberately seek to deceive.

Sierra Leone is our country and APC is the party for some of us. May God help those of us who want to remain credible and who base what we write on truth. But for liars like Abu Shaw who are derailing the APC’s future with deliberate lies and false hopes, may God punish them.


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