Friday April 8, 2005
The three Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) indictees at Special Court have started a boycott of court proceedings. The three, Ibrahim Bazzy Kamara, Alex Tamba Brima aka Guillit and Santigie Kanu aka 55 were not present in court when the session resumed after the Easter break.
The Defence lawyers representing the indictees told the court, the indictees informed them that they would not be coming to court; adding that they (the defence) had nothing to do with their absence from court. The Defence team explained further that even though they advised the indictees about the importance of their presence in court, they (indictees) still stressed in keeping away from the court.
The three AFRC indictees now join Augustine Gbao of the RUF and Hinga Norman of the CDF to boycott the court sessions. It will be recalled that Augustine Gbao of the RUF was the first indictee to refuse attending the court sessions. He was soon followed by Issa Sesay and Morris Kallon but through the intervention of their lawyers Issa and Kallon later on started attending court. Up to date Augustine Gbao is still adamant about his decision.
Also first accused of the CDF- Sam Hinga Norman followed suit and decided not to corporate with the court anymore and was later joined by Moinina Fofana and Allieu Kondewa. Defence Counsels for Moinina and Kondewa were also later able to convince their clients about the importance of being in court and they too discontinued their action and started attending court sessions. Meanwhile, the RUF trial is scheduled to resume today with a total of 25 witnesses lined up to testify during this session including one that is coming from out of the continent.

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