The Minister of Transport, Dr. Prince Harding has tonight appeared on
National TV to apologise to passengers of the 8-11 crash. He says he
was “misinformed” about the gravity of the situation.
Looking very contrite, he earlier appeared at the Hospitals with a video team
from the SLBS Television and Radio as well as from Civil Aviation and he
publicly chastised them as having “misled” him. He insisted that he asked
them “over ten times” about the passengers’ welfare when he learnt about the
crash and they told him no one was hurt and he believed them. Later, he took
the team to the airport and the television showed the nation the unbelievable
sight at the airport. Many people called me afterwards weeping tears and
calling us miracle survivors.
And guess what? Prince Harding found out today that one of his very close
cousins from the same chiefdom as him was one of my fellow plane crash
passengers. Additionally, my fellow passenger, Alhaji Muslim Hassan is the
last son of one of the actual Founding Fathers of the SLPP. He was also a
plane crash victim who was admitted and who chastised the lapses today.
When the Minister of Transportation, Prince Harding saw the state of some of
the passengers still admitted in hospital, he almost went on his knees whilst
begging for forgiveness.
Many people here applaud my efforts. Not only did I send out the Open Letter
but I was on the BBC this morning as well as on all the good radio FM local
stations bringing the issue to the fore. Folks have been calling from all
over to say “bravo”. I have also received a few phone calls from irate
callers accusing me of wanting to bring down “their” government. My reply to
them? I love the government and people of Sierra Leone far more than you
sycophants do.
My President is either too upset or too angry with me to respond. But I think
I have made my point. So, on behalf of my fellow passengers, please extend my
thanks to all those who have written to me in sympathy and support. I have
almost 150 emails on the issue and we all deeply appreciate the outpouring. I
will sit down and reply to everyone in the near future.
Thanks again,
Dr. Sylvia Olayinka Blyden
International InfoTech Guru
Washington DC, London, Sierra Leone,
The Gambia, Cameroon, Nigeria.
USA Tel/Fax: +1-775-368-9919
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