A lot had been said about Washington DC Metropolitan APC chapter. It is in a precarious position. We are the nation’s capital and we have the highest registered APC North America members. Interestingly, it is no longer a secret that a good number of these members are pulling down each other thereby deterring the peace, stability and progress the chapter needs and deserves. While Washington DC Metropolitan APC chapter members are looking for patriots, few have emerged prominently as the ones to push this chapter forward by contributing in whatever way they can.
One such person is Alhaji Al Haji Dumbuya who is a candidate running for the office of vice president with the Washington DC Metropolitan APC chapter. This chapter has a lot of untapped potential. With the right leadership, it will be on the threshold of greatness. I am the person who can take our most beloved Washington DC Metropolitan APC chapter to the next level. I have the vision to see what needs to be done, the courage to act, and the passion to fight long and hard for what we stand for as APC. With my profile below, I have demonstrated that I have the tact, diplomacy, professionalism and soundness of moral character to be trusted with your votes.
I born in Port Loko, Northern Province in Sierra Leone, on March 2, 1964. He attended the Schlenker Secondary School, Port Loko and successfully took the General Certificate of Education (GCE) exams.
As a young man in Port Loko I was able to participate in my uncle, the late S. I. Koroma, 1st Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone’s self help projects. I was instrumental in organizing young boys to carry by wheel barrows and/or by their heads mixed cement to the contractors for the cementing and building of the Port Loko government hospital and other APC self help projects in Port Loko. There after, I worked at Lungi International Airport Hotel as Accounts Clerk for two years. I was later awarded a scholarship, in 1984, facilitated byThe Hon. Patrick Ojong, through the APC youth League education program, to study in Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic.
While in Czechoslovakia, I completed a five year Masters Degree (MA) program in Social Science and Law and graduated in 1989, followed by a Jurist Doctorate degree (JD) in International Law in 1991.
I came to United States from Czechoslovakia, in 1991 and enrolled at the University of Maryland’s Graduate School of Social Work in 1999 and graduated with a Masters in Social Work (MSW) in June 2002. I worked since then in the field of social services and held positions like Mental Health Counselor, Behavior Specialist and Social Worker. I am currently the Program Director for United Communities Against Poverty, Inc. (UCAP). UCAP is a community action agency established in 1957 to eradicate poverty in Prince George’s County in Maryland. I am also a member of the Association of Social Workers, Maryland chapter.
I am the Secretary General of the Port Loko Descendants Association (PLDA) USA, and I have participated in raising funds for the development of Port Loko District. As a strong Muslim who performs five daily prayers, I am a member of the Executive Committee of Prince George’s Muslim Association mosque in Lanham, Maryland, and responsible for organizing Muslims to perform the pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Mecca.
I organized and invited the Hon. Alhaji Abu Bakarr Sam Sumana, Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, to visit and pray Friday prayer (Jumah) at Prince George’s Muslim Association mosque in Lanham, Maryland during the latter’s last visit to the United States.
I am married with four children and enjoy reading, jogging and playing table tennis. Above all I enjoy mediation and conflict resolution. I brokered the first peace between the Sierra Leone Ambassador to USA H.E Bockari Stevens and dissatisfied members of the APC North America branch.
Because you know me as APCNA Peace Maker. Because you know me as a leading voice for paeceful change and you know what I have stood for, I humbly ask you to support our campaign. And, I humbly ask you for your vote. I am ready to serve you as Washington DC Metropolitan APC chapter vice president and/or presidential running mate of Mrs. Yabom Thaslim Sesay-Koroma.
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One Response to “Alhaji Dumbuya : Declaration of candidacy for position of Vice -President of APC -DC Chapter”
Like Yabom, this is another person I personally know and respect, and while I cannot endorse one candidate, I feel a man like a Alhaji with his qualification and personality will bring unity among memebers.