Another view of the APC crisis : Open letter to Dr. Samura Matthew Kamara
Dear Mr. Samura Kamara (PhD),
I hope this letter finds you well. It is with great admiration and courage that I write this letter to you. Waking up from my deep slumber this morning, never have I felt so discombobulated about the intrigues so spurn around you within the Party of my birth.
The souls of my parents( The Founding Fathers): S.I Koroma and S.A.T Koroma and a few others will be troubled by such intrigues much more than the forgivable sins( I presume), they might have committed in their time of life. Let everybody that is human raise his hand who believes he is not a sinner. None absolutely will.
I need to let you be aware that there is the light at the end of the tunnel. I have to break my silence this morning not just because of the possible outcome of your fight for democracy but because of the concerns and surprises to see victory knocking at the door steps of the Great APC party, of which certainly, is being fought against by its so called executive members. Now! How true are these members of the Party of my birth. This is not politics. It is not about illusions. This is reality. The truth and nothing else. After all, my pedigree says it all. I will die behind that reality and truth. Miscreants and evil servants have today been implanted in the Party to destroy it. How this has happened lives much to be desired; that’s another topic for the next day.
However, history has taught us to believe that life time experiences are our best teachers. I believe probably that is what has kept you waxing strong. Your faith in the service of your Creator does take precedence over history; but both of them are not mutually exclusive. It therefore beggars belief to see those who hold similar beliefs are deriding themselves. Yeah! The pursuit for power has caused your political opponents in the same Party to Mortgage their integrity for “coco yebbeh”. I don’t feel sorry for you Dr. Samura for in truth I feel sorry for all of us whose preferences you are there to fight for. Because we in the majority and just a few scroungers for power do prefer those in the majority to live like forlons,scavenging for what can earn them a meal to survive the day.
Your darwinian political fight against you by the party caucus will crown you as the alphamale amongst the politicians of that country. Whilst it is not improbable that others have sold out ( hearsay) account, so also is it not untrue that some may prefer the continuation of the political debacle as it stands for their unseen and unreachable 2028 illusionary farce. This has placed your enemies, both in the political divide, in the situation of ” Dezogbeziliza” a fictional character in a poem which says and I quote ” Dezogbezeliza has treated me thus; it has led me in the sharps of the forest; returning is not possible, going forward is a great difficulty “. Some of these dangerous politicians will rather fight to the bitter end of their lives without any gains otherwise than by destroying their their souls and political carriers. My advise to you is that don’t give up the fight as the song writer, Bob Nestor Marley says. Martyrdom will become your historical path in the aftermath of your success over your opponents.
As a legal expert, I see no reason why the Tripartite must fail. Lack of legal knowledge have given the most fainted disbelief over it. But for me as legal personality and of the international participants, it is nogainsay that the intrinsic substance of that binding agreement shall surely bear fruits: restoration of democracy in our motherland. That is what you stand for; that is why you and some of us working behind the scenes are fighting for. Whilst some fight by the use of bribery and the bullets to remain power, others like us fight, using the pen and diplomacy and the power of God we believe in to change the the political dynamics.
The international law principle in agreement such as the Tripartite is consistent with the quote” pacta sunt servanda” meaning: all agreements must be kept to the fullest. That must be your hope, that is my inviolable hope for you as well. Let all the barrack- room lawyers give the Tripartite their insipid and languid interpretations; the fact of the matter is that the international partners shall put their thumb 👍 in the implementation and actionability of those areas of disagreement: the rerun of the elections which are widely considered to be inappsite and irreparably botched.
That is the crux of the matter known to the doers, the international partners, the disadvantaged, the conspirators in our party and even those who are boastful of doubtful terminal degrees that are insulting better educated international observers as ” academic dwarfs “. It’s a shame. How thankful to our Maker shall I become to live and to witness such good-for- nothing politicians inhaling the stench of their utterances in the nearest future.
May the Grace of our Lord shower you, Mr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara(PhD), with His divine mercies, strength, courage and success in all of these seemingly unending imbroglio.
Finally, I am wishing you all the best of God’s richest blessings.
Yours sincerely ,
Alpha Kholifa Koroma esq.
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