Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI), has uncovered credible evidence of corruption, sexual harassment, and serious human rights violations in the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF). During our investigation, we documented over 20 sexual harassment recorded cases and over 200 gender-based violence (GBV) cases across several military barracks in the country.

Our organization interviewed several individuals at the 5 Infantry Battalion, stationed at Wilberforce, who provided details on how money ends up in the pockets of unregulated tribunals held in the military barracks, headed by Commanding Officers (COs) and Regimental Sergeant Majors (RSMs).
We find it extremely disturbing to uncover such serious allegations of corruption and impunity among top level RSLAF staff, which clearly undermines the country’s efforts to combat sexual-based violence and corruption.
Our findings point that corruption and mismanagement within the RSLAF remain endemic. This has led to less transparent military budgeting, spending and procurement. Our investigation found out that a grant of over $290,000 USD (two hundred and ninety thousand US dollars) received by RSLAF in 2010 from the Norwegian government, through the government of Sierra Leone/Ministry of Defense (MoD) to promote gender equality and protect army personnel from sexual harassment/assault, has been mismanaged and is currently under investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).
Since May 2020, the ACC has been investigating an offence alleged or suspected to have violated the Anti-Corruption Act, 2008. While this investigation is yet to be concluded, the Gender and Security Sector Reform Project continues to suffer from multiple alleged corruption and gross mismanagement.
In late July 2021, the Head of Gender and Equal Opportunities (GEO) wrote a letter to the Bank asking for an opportunity to regain access to the remaining $49,619 USD from the initial grant from the Norwegian government. According to our sources, the donors are unsatisfied with the implementation of the project, particularly with the several allegations of misappropriation and mismanagement of the project funds.
While the project appears to be under criminal investigation by ACC, the MoD recently sent a letter to the Accountant General’s office to nominate four (4) senior MoD staff to serve as signatories to the remaining funds for the Gender and Equal Opportunities project.
Our findings also revealed troubling incidences of corruption at the 34 Military Hospital at Wilberforce barracks, Freetown. Documents in our possession show that the X-ray machine at the 34 Military Hospital has been inoperable (since 2017) and, as of the date of this press release, it has not been repaired. Documents with reference number JFCCR/4030, show that 21 staff members of the MoD / RSLAF, and one representative of the supplier for the X-Ray machine formed an expert verification team which met to evaluate whether the X-ray films were correct or not, but issued no statement on their findings.
We also found out that MOD and RSLAF personnel have been collecting over $36,000 USD (thirty six thousand US dollars) for quarterly payments from the state for X-ray films. However, whilst charging the government for X-ray films, the 34 Military Hospital was sending military patients to private hospitals for X-ray scanning at the patient’s personal expense. We also observed that the medical storage facility is too small and despite the several recommendations that have been made to expand the facility, there has been no progress.
We believe that for far too long, women have been subjected to gender-based discrimination and violence in the workplace and when no one is held accountable; it creates a hostile environment for all survivors, and sends a message to criminals that they can act with impunity.
Violence against women in the Army should be stopped. Proactive steps should be taken at all levels to end sexual harassment within RSLAF, as many of these women do not only serve their country with the same level of sacrifice as men do, but they also serve their families and, in many cases, they are the primary caregivers to children and the elderly in their household.
Serving women in the RSLAF/MoD should be given the respect and recognition they deserve. We have evidence that despite the government’s efforts to address sex-based abuses, a lack of accountability for official misconduct and mechanism to hold perpetrators accountable persisted at all levels of the Army, contributing to widespread impunity.
The new International Labour Organization (ILO) Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019, is an opportunity for Government to strengthen its obligations towards ending gender-based violence in the work place.
These actions also demonstrate that the RSLAF has failed to make progress on two of its main Policy Objectives, i.e. “To transform the RSLAF into an organisation that is accountable, incorruptible and subject to democratic control, and develop and maintain a re-structured and robust RSLAF that is well trained, well-disciplined and well cared for.”
We believe that the alarms we have raised here stand in marked contrast with RSLAF’s rhetoric and almost every point raised in the institution’s Mission Statement. The RSLAF cannot build the image of a respected member of the peace mission community while allowing appearances of corruption and human rights violations to thrive within its ranks. We urge RSLAF to choose rule of law and respect for human rights, a course that is in the best interest of the men and women who serve in the Force and for the cause of international peace.
There is an urgent need for more transparency, respect for human rights and the rule of law, and urgent steps to end gender-based discrimination and harassment in the Army.
Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI) is a rights-based social policy advocacy organisation. We draw attention to the responsibilities of duty-bearers to uphold human rights and seek to support rights-holders to claim their rights. CHRDI is in Special Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council and accredited to several UN Agencies.
Senior military staff in Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Defence (MoD), including the Assistant Chief of Defence (ACDS) Operations and Plans, Brig. Gen. R. B. Harleston, were at a press conference in Freetown on Thursday, where they responded to allegations of corruption and sexual violence and harassment against female personnel in the armed forces (RSLAF), published this week by the Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI).
The MoD officials say that they unequivocally condemn CHRDI’s allegations and described the report as “fallacious, unfounded and an effort to dent the integrity of the Army”.
Assistant Chief of Defence (ACDS) Operations and Plans, Brig. Gen. R. B. Harleston said that the CHRDI report is an “outright misinformation” and that CHRDI had failed to cross-check their evidence before publishing the report.
“Management believes that those issues raised by CHRDI are not well researched. If CHRDI has any issue that has to do with the MoD/RSLAF, let them approach the MoD/RSLAF senior management for access to credible information that will be accurate and balanced,” Harleston said.
Brig. Gen. Harleston told the media that the RSLAF has policies on sexual harassment and gender-based violence, and that tough actions are taken against any officer that breaches those policies. He spoke about a Warrant Officer who was demoted for committing gender-based violence against his wife. Senior Officers he said, have also been dismissed from the military for violating the army’s Sexual Harassment and GBV Policies.

Colonel M.S Fofanah, Director of Gender and Equal Opportunities at the MoD, said that the army does not discriminate, and that all staff recruitment and promotions are based on merit.
“In 2019, all female recruits were given equal opportunities for scholarships and promotions. We don’t discriminate here,” he said.
The Commanding Officer of the Joint Medical Unit (JMU), Dr. Stephen Sevilie, spoke about the many reforms he said they have made at the 34 Military Hospital.
On the allegation by CHRDI that patients at the hospital are sent to other hospitals for scanning, Dr. Sevilie said it is the prudent thing to do in a situation where a patient needs MRI and CT scan which the hospital do not have.
He called on CHRDI to visit the hospital for credible information, saying their doors are always open.
On the allegations of corruption in the army, the MoD officials failed to comment, especially with regards the $290,000 said to have been received by the RSLAF from the Norwegian Government. Instead, the MoD officials told the media that the matter is being investigated by the Anti-Corruption Commission.
Responding to claims by CHRDI that donors are dissatisfied with the implementation of projects, the MoD officials said that the army has recently received funding from the Canadian – ELsie Foundation.
“The Army is conducting a comprehensive assessment of the barrier to increase participation of women in the RSLAF and to propose clear path on how to make progress in the deployment of women to multinational UN peacekeeping operations. The project costs $184,676,79,” they said.

Responding to the MoD denial of the allegations, CHRDI says that it “welcomes the immediate response from RSLAF/MOD, demonstrating that the organization is willing to engage in a transparent dialogue about issues reported within their institution. “
“However, we had hoped that the serious issues raised in our press release would have received more attention than just a mere dismissal. After all, if there are no cases of sexual harassment within RSLAF, why is the institution continuing to receiving money to address a non-existent problem?
Acknowledging that there is a problem is the first step toward fixing it, and it appears RSLAF leadership is in denial.
“We disagree with RSLAF’s way of responding to the issues raised by CHRDI, in large part dismissing our legitimate call for accountability. The MoD/RSLAF press conference failed to provide accountability on funds, resources, and measures/actions the institution is taking to address issues of sex-based harassment to the media and the general public.
“Perhaps MoD/RSLAF didn’t want to comment on the $290,000 USD due to concerns not to prejudice the matter under ACC investigation; But they have not commented on the fact that RSLAF nominated 4 senior staff members from both MoD/ RSLAF to have direct access to the funds, which admittedly are still under ACC investigation.
It is deeply concerning that RSLAF stated that there are no such cases of sexual harassment within RSLAF. Perhaps again there are no such cases “to their knowledge” because there are no proper complaints mechanism established within the RSLAF for GBV cases, sexual penetration, or domestic violence, and when complaints reach the management, they are sometimes catalogued as a family affair issues, and therefore personal issues.
“It seems that an approach of “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was adopted by RSLAF with regard to sex based abuses. We challenge RSLAF to publish a complete documentation on mechanisms in place for members of the RSLAF to file complaints based on sex discrimination; how are these complaints processed, by whom, and within which timeframe. How many such complaints were received in the past 2 years, and how were they addressed. How many individuals were held to account for sex based abuses, and what were the punishments? How many complainants suffered retaliation because of their complaints?
“After all, all Sierra Leone’s public institutions should publish their efforts to address sex based harassment, discrimination, and assault within the workplace, particularly given President Bio and the First Lady’s costly efforts to change the attitudes on women in our society.
“We sincerely hope, and reiterate our call for the MoD/RSLAF to stand up for women rights, and treat their colleague military personnel, their mothers, their sisters, their daughters, with respect for their human rights.
“CHRDI has a dedicated team of selfless volunteers who have remained committed and have contributed immensely to our existence since we registered in 2011 and since then have made a difference in the lives of many Sierra Leoneans through research and public education on human rights and social justice.
“As a Civil Society Organisation, we have a moral obligation to the people, and our democracy to ask for accountability and transparency and to help address the issues that affect the most vulnerable in our society.
“We want to assure MOD/RSLAF that we will not relent in our efforts to ask for accountability and transparency. No amount of intimidation will deter us. We continue to protect the confidentiality of our sources, as some of the survivors who spoke with us fear for their life, their job, and their family.”
CHRDI welcomes the immediate response from RSLAF/MOD to the press release issued on January 5th January 2022, “CHRDI Condemns Corruption, Sexual Harassment and Rights Violations in the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF)”.
This demonstrates that the organization is willing to engage in a transparent dialogue about issues reported within their institution.
However, we had hoped that the serious issues raised in our press release would have received more attention than just a mere dismissal. After all, if there are no cases of sexual harassment within RSLAF, why is the institution continuing to receiving money to address a non-existent problem? Acknowledging that there is a problem is the first step toward fixing it, and it appears RSLAF leadership is in denial. We disagree with RSLAF’s way of responding to the issues raised by CHRDI, in large part dismissing our legitimate call for accountability.
The MoD/RSLAF press conference failed to provide accountability on funds, resources, and measures/actions the institution is taking to address issues of sex based harassment to the media and the general public.
Perhaps MoD/RSLAF didn’t want to comment on the $290,000 USD due to concerns not to prejudice the matter under ACC investigation; But they have not commented on the fact that RSLAF nominated 4 senior staff members from both MoD/ RSLAF to have direct access to the funds, which admittedly are still under ACC investigation. It is deeply concerning that RSLAF stated that there are no such cases of sexual harassment within RSLAF. Perhaps again there are no such cases “to their knowledge” because there are no proper complaints mechanism established within the RSLAF for GBV cases, sexual penetration, or domestic violence, and when complaints reach the management, they are sometimes catalogued as a family affair issues, and therefore personal issues.
It seems that an approach of “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was adopted by RSLAF with regard to sex based abuses. We challenge RSLAF to publish a complete documentation on mechanisms in place for members of the RSLAF to file complaints based on sex discrimination; how are these complaints processed, by whom, and within which timeframe. How many such complaints were received in the past 2 years, and how were they addressed. How many individuals were held to account for sex based abuses, and what were the punishments.
How many complainants suffered retaliation because of their complaints? After all, all Sierra Leone’s public institutions should publish their efforts to address sex based harassment, discrimination, and assault within the workplace, particularly given President Bio and the First Lady’s costly efforts to change the attitudes on women in our society. We sincerely hope, and reiterate our call for the MoD/RSLAF to stand up for women rights, and treat their colleague military personnel, their mothers, their sisters, their daughters, with respect for their human rights.
CHRDI has a dedicated team of selfless volunteers who have remained committed and have contributed immensely to our existence since we registered in 2011 and since then have made a difference in the lives of many Sierra Leoneans through research and public education on human rights and social justice.
As a Civil Society Organisation, we have a moral obligation to the people, and our democracy to ask for accountability and transparency and to help address the issues that affect the most vulnerable in our society. We want to assure MOD/RSLAF that we will not relent in our efforts to ask for accountability and transparency. No amount of intimidation will deter us.
We continue to protect the confidentiality of our sources, as some of the survivors who spoke with us fear for their life, their job, and their family. Note: Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI) is a Rights based social-policy advocacy Organisation. We Draw attention to the responsibility of duty-bearers to uphold human rights, and seek to support rights-holders to claim their rights. CHRDI is in Special Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council and accredited to many UN Agencies. ©️Human Rights and policy Brief (07-01-2022)