- There has been increased heated anger on social media on the continuous excessive overseas travels of President Maada Bio since he came to power in 2018.
President Bio is out of the country for extended periods every month and this continues to be of major concern to Sierra Leoneans who continue to complain bitterly that the President is wasting massive government funds on his overseas travels.
Martin My Brother,
Let’s agree to disagree on the frequent travelling issue of Maada Bio.
First, in the 21st century, he do not have to leave his living room or office to communicate or have a one on one meeting with anyone, whether that person is deep in the bottom of the ocean, or above the earth at the international space station, or at anywhere else on earth.
He can make Zoom Calls for example, or Teams meetings, or by other available means.
Most of these platforms are encrypted, so he doesn’t have to worry about a third party eavesdropping on his conversations.
He can do these things from the comfort of his home or office without spending a dime moving across the globe.
He could also make use of his ambassadors more or a combinations of his ambassadors and foreign minister.
So, I personally don’t agree that the president need to make those travels before he can get those incoming supports from foreign governments?
We here of Russia wanting to build a nuclear energy power plant in Sierra Leone, where our foreign minister was literally the only one involved in such negotiations with the Russian government. To me, if the nuclear power plant project goes ahead, even though I have some reservations, it will be the biggest achievement of the Bio Admin that will make a major impact on his legacy, if he actually cares for a domestic legacy.
So, we disagree in that area, he has not brought a dime travelling that he could no bring sitting at his oval office.
It is also not practical to say that future president should curtail their travels because Maada is making the travelling for them now, without Parliament putting a cap on the number travel a president can make per year.
Believe it or not, both the current and all of the future Sierra Leone presidents would want to travel for those per diem benefits: they have too many girl friends and concubines, including their relatives and well-wishers to feed. 😂😂😂
*A zero tolerance approach* is the only way the fight against corruption can be effective. A half-baked lackluster approach will not cut it. And I am looking for the day, the ACC will adopt the *rid of corruption* methods we are providing here.
In terms of policies, all what the Government need to do is to listen to, and implement, some or all of what we are proposing here.
As for monitoring, everything in the country should be monitored:
Food and drugs, for food and drugs safety;
Traders for price gouging that gives rise to artificial inflation of goods and services;
Banks for unfair lending practices and other malpractices;
Real estates property owners, the police, civil servants who are using government properties/revenues for their own personal gains at the expense of the public. My brother, a lot of things need daily or second by second monitoring.
I can go on, but let me pause here for now.
Anthony, The Town Crier.
August 16, 2024. 13:35HKT.
What does he care about the problems at home when they do not affect him and his immediate crew? His daughter attends the British International School…. international education British curriculum right from the comfort of Sierra Leone.
He doesn’t go to Connaught nor has need for our deteriorating healthcare system since he gets treatment from out of Sierra Leone. Why should he give a damn about the health system? He has access to 24 hours electricity supply. What does he care if corpses at the mortuary rot due to lack of electricity supply?
What does he care if people die for lack of electricity to power oxygen machines? He has running water at home and his office… How is it his concern that people do not have access to clean water or that the quality of water makes typhoid so common? Should I go on to list the reasons why he doesn’t give a rats arse about the country? Both the State house and State Lodge environments are almost sparkling clean. So why should he be bothered about the filth of the country?
We electors need to wake up and stop the sycophancy.
I do not belong to any of these political parties because I can see that we only get to be used by those we elect into office.
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