His Excellency the Vice- President and Leader of the ruling SLPP, Solomon Ekuma Berewa has reiterated that he is the only one with the necessary experience to consolidate the gains which will take Sierra Leone to its pristine position. Speaking to a cross-section of the Sierra Leonean community in the UK at the prestigious Royal National Hotel, the Vice President stated that Sierra Leone is at a cross road and the decision which Sierra Leoneans will make come 2007 will have a very reaching consequences for generation yet unborn. The Vice President emphasised that as someone who is tried and tested, he is fully aware of the complex set of problems that is why he has identified poverty alleviation, justice for all and stamping out corruption among his leading priorities.
He thanked the organisers most immensely for the wonderful reception and assured that in him they had a friend and a brother.
Amidst thunderous applause “One Solo B one State House” from the jam packed hall, the Vice- President disclosed that by the end of December 2005, residents in the Western Area will enjoy continuous electricity supply. Emphasising on familiar themes, the Vice-President made a clarion call by appealing to all Sierra Leoneans to return home and contribute meaningfully to nation building.
Earlier on, in his welcome address, Mr Samuel B Jonjo recalled that the “Friends of Berewa UK & Ireland” was formed after a prescriptive analysis and a rational decision that at this crucial time, Sierra Leone deserves nothing less than responsible leadership underpinned by democratic values as the only way forward to sustainable development and better opportunity for all Sierra Leoneans. Mr Jonjo reiterated that “Friends of Berewa UK” is only committed to one agenda and that is to ensure that Vice President Berewa becomes the next president of Sierra Leone.
In his contributions, Mr Eric Lansana observed that the elections for the leadership of the party were hotly contested but the delegates decided to democratically elect Hon. Solomon Berewa as the new leader. He therefore called on all members of the party to close ranks, now that the delegates’ conference has ended, and solidly support the new leader and presidential candidate. Mr. Lansana stated that it was the noble desire of the Vice President to create hope and minimise the social tensions which will lead to sustainable development and better opportunity for all.
Mr Lansana maintained that this occasion has been graced by every nook and cranny to reflect Vice-Presidents’ vision of an inclusive participatory approach where all stakeholders can participate in the decision making process.
Mr Abdul B Kargbo noted in his contributing remarks that Vice President Berewa has acquired an enviable recognition both at home and abroad as an architect of peace which signifies unity, cohesion and peaceful co-existence among all Sierra Leoneans. He therefore stressed that it is for this very qualities that Sierra Leoneans should support the Vice- President in his noble aspiration to become President of Sierra Leone come 2007.
The highlight of the occasion was the presentation of a plaque of art (symbolising good leadership and harmony, and engraved on it the words ?Our Leader, Solo B) on behalf of the “Friends of Solo B UK & Ireland” by Mr Mohamed Alie Bah to Vice President Berewa in recognition of his landslide victory and significant contributions towards peace, democracy and development in Sierra Leone. The ceremony was introduced by Mr Ansu Bapoto Momoh, the Master of Ceremony was Mr Michael Wundah. Vote of thanks was delivered by Miss Pauline Panda.
The occasion was climaxed by the Vice President’s walk-around engulfed by warm embrace, handshakes and smiles punctuated by the Berewa vision Music.
The occasion was witnessed by the Sierra Leonean High Commissioner, Alhaji Sulaiman Tejan-Jalloh, Minister of Finance; John O Benjamin, and Honourable Members of Parliament Augustine B Torto, and Mrs Janet Sam King. Also in attendance were some foreign dignitaries and friends of Sierra Leone. Also leading media outlets were represented including OBE, Africa Week Magazine, Mano-Vision and Palm Tree Magazine.
Friends of Solo B UK & Ireland
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