From: Cornelius Hamelberg
To: All
Date Posted: 23:26:08 10/08/07 ()
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Why delete or distort my importnat first two paragarph? Whatever I say or write, the mistakes are entirley mine, my mistakes.

I wrote: These children of Sierra Leone have been specially chosen, handpicked to serve their people/ country, and will be taking the national pledge which is:

” I pledge my love and loyalty to my country Sierra Leone;
I vow to serve her faithfully at all times;
I promise to defend her honour and good name;
Always work for her unity peace, freedom and prosperity;
And put her interest above all else.
So help me God.”

You have waited so long and speculated so much, given your advice and preferences here and there and you are all now we are all to some extent taken by surprise about the sagacity of Ernesto Bai Koroma’s deliberation in declaring his appointments!

EIGHT ministers so far according to this update, four of whom reportedly come from one of Sierra Leone’s great Diaspora cities, namely ATLANTA, Georgia, USA where some of the rich heavyweight dudes live.

A man or woman is never known until she is tested, and we can see at an instance that there are no round pegs in square holes; my personal judgment is: So far so good, from among those we know and those we don’t know, or know less about or have never heard about, but all to the good, especially the excellent Alpha Kanu, the very able & beautiful Human Rights and gender equality-conscious Zainab Bangura will cut a pretty picture on the international stage and should be impressive in all that she does; and then we have top APC attorney, Hon. Abdul Serry Kemal who we are to suppose is no toothless chimpanzee – and I can’t help having the gut feeling that he is all set to go and will not resist the impulse to do Justice by taking up arms and all legal means at his disposal to WAGE a war of genocidal extinction against the vast sea of corruption on which many SLPP sailors have been so happily sailing with impunity, the past decade or so.

Should anyone be worried as to the position of Sir Charles Margai & the PMDC in the scheme of things, from a reliable authority (a seasoned commentator on Sierra Leone’s political destiny) a man of impressive pedigree we get the following two verses:

1. “Dr. Soccoh Kabia is staunch PMDC and was actually Charles Francis Margia’s original preference for his VP. He has good political pedigree, a thriving private practice here and, from all indications, should do well.”

2. “ Benjamin Davis (Lands) may also be PMDC. He is said to have done a good job with Ports during NPRC and also have good political instincts.”

There were 25 ministers in the SLPP government:

Will there be twenty-five ministers in the APC government?

The ministers will be singing this song along with Bra Enviable: THE SIERRA LEONE NATIONAL ANTHEM:

” High we exalt thee, realm of the free;
Great is the love we have for thee;
Firmly united ever we stand,
Singing thy praise, O native land.
We raise up our hearts and our voices on high,
The hills and the valleys re-echo our cry;
Blessing and peace be ever thine own,
Land that we love, our Sierra Leone.
One with a faith that wisdom inspires,
One with a zeal that never tires;
Ever we seek to honour thy name
Ours is the labour, thine the fame.
We pray that no harm on thy children may fall,
That blessing and peace may descend on us all;
So may we serve thee ever alone,
Land that we love our Sierra Leone.
Knowledge and truth our forefathers spread,
Mighty the nations whom they led;
Mighty they made thee, so too may we
Show forth the good that is ever in thee.
We pledge our devotion, our strength and our might,
Thy cause to defend and to stand for thy right;
All that we have be ever thine own,
Land that we love our Sierra Leone. ”

The outgoing 25-man cabinet.


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