Freetown, June 2 (SLENA) – Parliament last week ratified the purchase of 12 megawatt power purchase for electrification of Freetown between the government of Sierra Leone and CEC Africa Sierra Leone Limited which was tabled before the house on the 23rd March 2014.
In his presentation, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Franklyn Bai Kargbo said the government signed the agreement in order to construct a 128MW power plant and the capacity will become available gradually over a period of four years in step with the renovation of the electric grid by the World Bank and other donors.
He said the CEC Africa SL is an independent power producer consistent with and promoting the economic agenda for change of the government and the unbundling of the power sector with Sierra Leone.
He informed his audience that CEC Company will sell its power exclusively to the National Power Authority (NPA) successor utility, adding that currently Freetown requires a 100MW of power while the available production is 50MW but that the project will enable the power produced to meet the needs of Freetown within 18 months.
He said with the growing economic activity, additional demand of up to 200MW in the city is forecasted over the next five years. “Therefore the plant combined with Bumbuna, Addax, JICA and NPA power generation plants will be able to meet the additional demand,” he assured.
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