education, particularly at the specialist level as soon as he assumed o*ce to
again begin to build up the critical mass of medical specialists that is fast
fading away in the country.
Members of the public would recall that, the House of Parliament early this
year passed two Bills into Acts. These are the Teaching Hospitals Act (2016)
and the Council for the Postgraduate Colleges of Health Specialties Act
(2016). These developments are a direct response to His Excellency’s
directives. Said the Minister.
The object of the %rst Act is to establish a formal nexus between the College
of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences (COMAHS) and by extension the
University of Sierra Leone (USL) and the Tertiary Hospitals (Connaught, Ola
During, Jui, Kissy Psychiatric, Lakka, and the Princess Christian Maternity
Hospitals). This nexus the Minister said is crucial because it opens the way
for the transformation of these hospitals from service hospitals to teaching
Teaching hospitals the Minister said di8ers from ‘normal’ service
hospitals in that teaching hospitals have a greater commitment to teaching
and learning, student discipline is more rigorously enforced, the range of
clinical services o8ered in the teaching hospital are wider and the quality is
better. The administrative set up of the teaching hospital is also di8erent
from that of a service hospital which is what Connaught has been. The object
of the latter Act is to establish a local specialist medical training institution to
address in a sustainable the issue of the paucity of specialist medical doctors
in the country which the minister says has reached epidemic crisis.
After several months of hard work which involves working with donors to
source funds, infrastructure upgrading, procurement of equipment and
addressing sta*ng issues, a team of specialists in postgraduate medical
education from the relevant colleges of the West African Postgraduate
Medical College, (WAPGMC), the West African College of Physicians 9WACP)
and the West African College of Surgeone (WACS) respectively have visited
and assed two of the countries hospitals, the Connaught University Teaching
Hospital and the Ola During University Teaching Hospital viz-a-viz their state
of readiness to commence specialist training in surgery and paediatrics
Due to the tremendous amount of e8orts that have been put by the Ministry
of Health and Sanitation in the areas of infrastructure, equipment and
human resources to lift the pro%le of these hospitals to be%t their status as
Teaching Hospitals, the accreditation team has given them the all clear to