HINGA NORMAN DECLARES HIS INTENT FOR PRESIDENCY SUNDAY JULY 31 Friday July 22, 2005 The SLPP headquarters will witness a seething flurry of political activities on Sunday July 31 as War Crimes Indictee Chief Hinga Norman declares his intent for the party leadership and the Sierra Leone Presidency. This brings to pass our sensational scoop last week that the Chief was going to throw his heart in the ring, though presently in captivity. Announcing the Chief’s political goal today was the Spokesman of the disbanded Civil Defence Force ( CDF) Rev. Alfred SamForay, who said that all affected parties have consented and approved and a formal campaign committee is in the making in Sierra Leone, U.K and the U.S. And shortly after SamForay’s announcement, a public statement from Chief Norman was released READ THE STATEMENT BELOW : NOTE: I am directed by the Secretary of Communications for the Committee to Elect Chief Hinga Norman,
Mr. AbouBakarr Amara, to post on his behalf the following communication from Hon. Sam Hinga
Norman. (A. SamForay)
The Secretary-General
Tegloma Federation
July 18, 2005
Dear Sirs,
I wish to inform you and through you the entire membership of the SLPP US-Branch and the Tegloma Federation about my decision to contest the position of national leader of our party.
I have arrived at this decision after careful consideration and in response to the overwhelming calls from all sections of the Party throughout the country.
The SLPP US-Branch has a special place in my heart. Quite apart from the fact that you are regarded as the major overseas Branch of the Party, you have shown your commitment and understanding by your decision to declare an open support for me following my arrest and indictment for the alleged war crimes and Crimes against Humanity.
Our Party stands on the cross road. On the one hand, there is the real danger that our Party has lost its way because it has been hijacked by people who have no faith in its direction and no long term prospects as the governing Party of this country. On the other hand, the coming national Convention offers the best opportunity for us to collectively avert the disaster that awaits our Party.
I am a loyal member of our Party and have always remained faithful to its cause ? even at grave personal risk. I believe I have the qualities to ably lead the Party. I also have the national stature and vision to provide the sort of leadership that has eluded our Party in the recent past. As a fellow member of the Party, it will be a singular honour for me to be allowed to lead our Party.
I hope I can count on your support.
Highest Regards,
Chief Samuel Hinga Norman, JP.
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