Tuesday July 19 , 2005 COCORIOKO added another feather to its cap today as our spectacular scoop last week on the Hinga Norman bid for the SLPP leadership and the Presidency of the nation was confirmed by no less a person than the Spokesman of the Civil Defence Force ( CDF), Rev. Alfred Samforay. Rev.Samforay intimated today that the Exploratory committee of the Hinga Norman bid was at work tying up loose ends. Since our report, which was provided to us by an SLPP insider, our telephones had been ringing off the hook with Sierra Leoneans calling to find out whether the report was a hoax or reality , given the fact that Chief Norman was on trial at the Special Court . Supporters of Chief Norman, who had gone into euphoria after the report had had to endure an anxious week awaiting confirmation. The letter published below , written by SamForay , actually addressed to Liberian-cum- Sierra Leonean journalist , Mr. Joe S. Kappia , who had probably written TEGLOMA , using the CONCORD TIMES article that acknowledged us as source, for confirmation of the story, will put their hearts to rest.
Mr. Kapia,
Thanks for your posting. The fire that Cocorioko has ignited is indeed taking on a life of itself. We are fully aware that there has been dancing and jubilation across the country. Mr. Norman’s home is being invaded by an endless array of visitors and speculators since the Cocorioko report reached Freetown. The court and the party are on notice and have been since last Friday. The ball is in their court.
We are not by any means ignoring Rev. Kanu and his readers. The exploratory committee is hard at work tying up some lose ends: Giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s, if you get my drift. As we say in Lugbu: Nja neh neh loi mia; mbii lemui njei bu loh. (In the dance of the water fly, the drummer remains below the surface).
I know you have heard this before, but please indulge us another 48 hours. And as they say in Jamaica (or Trinidad): Mark my word; next time you hear from us on this matter, we?ll be jumping in the cocoa party – or something to that effect.
Kind Regards,
A. SamForay,
The Committee to Elect Hinga Norman
—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 18:32:51 EDT Subject: [Tegloma Federation] Hinga Norman to Contest SLPP Leadership & Presidency Hinga Norman to Contest SLPP Leadership And PresidencyConcord Times (Freetown) NEWS July 18, 2005 Posted to the web July 18, 2005 Freetown The Sierra Leone political scene will be set ablaze with disbelief within the next week or so as a rather surprising contender for the SLPP leadership and the Sierra Leone Presidency will be announced. A usually reliable SLPP insider recently put COCORIOKO in notice of the oncoming stunner that War Crimes indictee Hinga Norman will soon be entered as one of the candidates for the national throne.
Within the next 48 hours, the SLPP and the Registrar of the Special Court will receive notification of the Hinga Norman candidacy, according to the insider.
Calls made by COCORIOKO to the Spokesman of the Civil Defense Force ( CDF), Rev. Alfred Samforay, for clarification, have yet to be returned. But the insider spoke with confidence and insisted many times to COCORIOKO that he was not pulling anybody’s legs.
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