Posted by Cocorioko Newspaper on September 21 2013
A common-sense program designed to instill leadership values, reduce crime and boost national productivity and industry is something sought by many nations, governments and administrative systems around the world.
Now that Colombia has seen visible and striking results with broad-scale implementation of The Way to Happiness program at a national level, other forward-thinking nations are following suit.
Leaders of Sierra Leone, including the Minister of Information, Mr. Alpha Kanu, Sierra Leone Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Bockari Stevens and Goodwill Ambassador Ms. Isatu Timbo gathered in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday to meet with representatives of the Association for Better Living and Education to review The Way to Happiness program and plan its implementation at national level in Sierra Leone.
Goodwill Ambassador for Sierra Leone, Ms. Isatu Timbo arranged the meetings, having been working with The Association for Better Living and Education International and The Way to Happiness Foundation International in Los Angeles for over a year now. Ms. Timbo is a driving force to help others and is intent on bringing The Way to Happiness and ABLE’s array of social betterment programs to Sierra Leone and West Africa to change conditions for the better for generations to come.
Viewed as a natural fit with Mr. Koroma’s visionary Attitudinal and Behavorial Change Initiative, The Way to Happiness program is both non-religious and non-political in nature and is based entirely on common sense.
With the broad-scale distribution and implementation of The Way to Happiness program in Colombia by the National Police to over 5 million citizens, the resulting 50% drop in crime statistics and marked increase in tourism have attracted the attention of a growing number of governmental and community leaders seeking a more calm, productive and prosperous future for their respective countries and communities.
Its diverse appeal to all ages and unique simplicity of implementation are facets which make The Way to Happiness program attractive to government leaders, philanthropists, corporate executives, educators and community leaders alike.
Since the original publication of The Way to Happiness in 1981 by Author and Humanitarian Mr. L. Ron Hubbard as a non-religious common sense guide to better living, response has been immediate and remarkable. Now an international movement with more than 350 Chapters across the world, there have been more than 100 million copies of The Way to Happiness distributed in all 195 nations across the planet thus bringing positive, common sense values to the world.
The Way to Happiness program has been used with great success by governments, administrators and communities across the world from the US and South America to areas of the Middle East and Africa to instill values and a positive approach to both youth and adults alike—resolving conflicts, reducing overall crime and conflict and thus paving the way for a brighter future.
For more information see www.ABLE.org and www.thewaytohappiness.org
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