Is President Bio in the US for the UNGA or photo opportunities?
The SLPP under President Bio is the most government since Sierra Leone gained independence in 1961. Look at our President, since he entered the US for the United Nations General Assembly, he is going all over the place looking for photo opportunities, taking photos with little known personalities, while his colleagues are holding fruitful meetings with notable leaders.
Take for example, the President of Ghana met with the US Vice President, Kamala Harris and they held a very fruitful bilateral meeting of mutual interest and our president was not even able to meet any secretary of state in the US since his arrival. And the other thing is, all leaders who went for the meeting have left, Mr. Bio is still there going all over taking photos. What will photos benefit the poor, hungry man and his family in Kailahun, Daru, Pujehun, Moyamba, Kambia, Magburaka, Koinadugu, Kono, etc.?

Majority of Sierra Leoneans are going to bed hungry while Mr. Bio and his Wife are busy taking pictures, posting them on Facebook and Twitter and going around the US admiring the skyscrapers in New York and Washington.
I am sure Britain must have regretted their action, for imposing a non – performing President on the people of Sierra Leone. Maada Bio must go 2023 or else Sierra Leoneans will continue to suffer for another 5 years after 2023. May God give us a good, caring and sympathetic leader in 2023. Amen.
Augustine Sandy
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