He promises to strengthen democratic institutions and shows respect for the constitution.
The President wants only one shift system instead of two shifts. This implied we need more schools and more trained and qualified teachers
Furthermore, we are dealing with quality education that includes free books and uniform as well as teachers training .
Addressing these issues needs a clear and concise policy objectives to be able to attain sustainable delivery.
Government been forced to seek external budgetary support amid crippling financial constraints just to show it is delivery on it promises is like digging a hole to coba another hole way to run the economy.
I had called on the government to announce the time for the start of free education.
But it was a trap because I knew there was no way this new government could have raise domestic revenue in time to come up with an announcement for free education so soon.
What should be of concern and noteworthy is that Sierra Leone’s economy is donor driven by external budgetary support and the election of the SLPP administration has not changed that.
I have just read the full text of President Bio’s address on the occasion of the State Opening of Parliament. First reaction is that this administration seems to be in a hurry to hit the ground running on all fronts which could lead to overreach and consequent failure. A promise to review all mining arrangements and improve marine resource governance by clamping down on illegal fishing should be applauded and prioritised. So is the need to diversify the economy away from the extractive industry to tourism and other sectors. For me this is just a wish list by the new government as there is no way he could possibly achieve a fraction of that in 10 years. But give him and his aides the credit for producing this impressive list of what needs to be done, and by the way, the benefit of the doubt.
Ps. Dr Bio, Sierra Leone is a democracy and therefore you cannot forceably compel citizens to invest in agriculture as a prerequisite to hold political office, whether they are members of the SLPP or not. That is a violation of their inalienable civil rights. 🇸🇱
Hawa Kamara
John Genda $13,000 is spent on each kid in my county. Our public schools are better than most private schools. High quality education.
Yankuba Kai-samba The issue is about the means of funding free education. The issue is how to fund it.
For a start Bio told us that he would fund education through leakages. Why changed that now, rushed in to taken foreign aid . Educating our kids is one of those areas a nation cannot leave it to foreign generosity and aid.
The government must tell us how it will fund this project and how much annual budget it will locate for primary and secondary school education. More important, the government should publish how much it will cost to educate a school pupil a year.
Removing school fees means government has to pay for education. It is therefore necessary for the government to publish how much it spend to support free education, outside foreign aid.
Roger charlton Hannah Father in heaven, be the provider to all the needs of Sierra Leone and her people, as the President has lamented on them. Be by him day in and day out, in all his good thoughts for Sierra Leone. May all the good dreams of President Bio, for Sierra Leone, come through. Amen