Julius Maada Bio’s FEED SIERRA LEONE Project : A sham and false hope for Sierra Leone

*Julius Maada Bio’s “Feed Salone Project”: *A Sham and False Hope for Sierra Leone*


As the APC stands united in opposition, we are forced to update the general public about the glaring failures of President Julius Maada Bio’s administration. One such failure is the much-touted “Feed Salone Project,” a flagship initiative of his government that has proven to be nothing more than a sham—a false promise designed to mislead the people of Sierra Leone.

*he Hollow Promises of “Feed Salone”*

When the “Feed Salone Project” was first introduced, it was presented as the cornerstone of Maada Bio’s vision to revolutionize the agricultural sector and achieve food self-sufficiency in Sierra Leone. The project was supposed to empower farmers, increase agricultural productivity, and eliminate hunger. It was hailed as the solution to the nation’s food security challenges, promising to uplift rural communities and reduce poverty.

However, as the years have passed, the reality has starkly contrasted with the promises made. The “Feed Salone Project” has not only failed to deliver on its lofty goals, but it has also deepened the economic despair in our country.

*Lack of Infrastructure and Mismanagement*

One of the most glaring issues with the “Feed Salone Project” is the lack of infrastructure and the mismanagement of resources. The government promised to provide farmers with the necessary tools, seeds, and support to increase productivity, yet countless farmers across the country are still struggling with outdated equipment, poor irrigation systems, and a lack of access to markets. Instead of seeing an increase in agricultural output, we have witnessed stagnation and even decline in key areas of food production.

The Bio administration has failed to invest in the essential infrastructure needed to support agricultural growth. Roads to farming communities remain in deplorable conditions, making it nearly impossible for farmers to transport their produce to markets. Storage facilities are either nonexistent or inadequate, leading to significant post-harvest losses. These fundamental issues have been ignored by the government, which continues to push forward with hollow rhetoric rather than substantive action.

*Corruption and Cronyism*

Another key reason why the “Feed Salone Project” has failed is the rampant corruption and cronyism that has plagued the Bio administration. Funds allocated for agricultural development have been siphoned off by corrupt officials, leaving farmers with little to no support. Contracts for agricultural projects have been awarded to individuals and companies with political connections rather than to those with the expertise and capacity to deliver results.

REF… Auditor General’s Report!

This culture of corruption has crippled the project from the inside out, ensuring that even the best intentions are undermined by greed and self-interest. Instead of feeding the people of Sierra Leone, the “Feed Salone Project” has become a feeding ground for the corrupt elite, leaving ordinary citizens to suffer the consequences.

*False Hope and Broken Promises*

The “Feed Salone Project” was a promise of hope to the people of Sierra Leone—a hope that we could finally overcome the food insecurity that has plagued our nation for decades. But under Maada Bio’s leadership, this promise has been broken. Instead of progress, we have seen a deepening of poverty, hunger, and despair in our rural communities.

Farmers who were once optimistic about the future are now disillusioned, as they struggle to make ends meet in an economy that offers them little support. The government’s failure to deliver on its promises has eroded trust and confidence in its ability to govern effectively. The Bio administration’s rhetoric about agricultural transformation has proven to be nothing more than a smokescreen, hiding the true extent of its failures.

*The APC’s Vision for a Better Sierra Leone*

As A Member of the APC Party, we believe in a future where our nation can truly achieve food security and where our farmers are empowered to drive economic growth. Our vision is one of genuine agricultural development—one that invests in infrastructure, supports innovation, and eradicates corruption.

The APC is committed to creating a Sierra Leone where the promise of “Feed Salone” is not a hollow slogan, but a reality for every citizen. We will work tirelessly to ensure that our farmers have access to the tools, resources, and markets they need to thrive. We will invest in rural infrastructure, support sustainable farming practices, and root out corruption at every level of government.

The “Feed Salone Project” is a symbol of the Bio administration’s broader failure to deliver on its promises to the people of Sierra Leone. It is a reminder that this government has prioritized political expediency over the well-being of its citizens. As the APC, we stand ready to offer a real alternative—a future where Sierra Leone can truly prosper.

In the upcoming elections, let us remember the false hope that Maada Bio has offered us and choose a path that leads to real progress and prosperity for all. Sierra Leone deserves better, and the APC is ready to deliver.

REF… The Cost Of Living Under The APC Regime Versus The Cost Of Living Under The SLPP Regime.

©️The Mighty APC.

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