Subject: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: Kemoh Kanji Daramy
To: All
Date Posted: 21:40:52 06/23/07 ()
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“Kabbah was the President who was given about everything to kickstart the nation back to its pre-and -immediate post -Independence glories, but the man just refused to spark”.
Wilfred Kabs-Kanu wrote the above as part of his assessment of Kabbah’s presidency. However, the flaw in his reasoning is that ‘Kabbah was given about everything’ as posited by my dear friend. Kabbah became president in 1996 by which time Sierra Leone had lost its ‘nationhood’ since much of Sierra Leonean territory was not under government control and authority. Rebels held sway over considerable swathe of territory and the partnership between them and soldiers over the control of power and territory had rendered Sierra Leone stateless. This statelessness, anarchy and absence of governmental authority in Sierra Leone was to occupy much of Kabbah’s attention and energy as president.
In the absence of governmental authority and control such as was witnessed, no development could have taken place, except that Kabbah and his government embarked on the simultaneous tasks of bringing about stability and creating the minimum of development allowable under a very chaotic environment. To make an illustration which I believe deludes Kabs and those who think like him, Sierra Leone and Somalia experienced the beginning of their national traumas almost at the same time by 1991. Today, Sierra Leone has regained its statehood and has embarked on development. Somalia is still in the throes of war and every effort is directed to ending their war. Development is not on their agenda. I hope at this point Kabs understands the priority of a nation-state when it is confronted with and threatened by annihilation.
If Kabbah has made a difference, it is because under his watch Sierra Leone has been saved from annihilation and total collapse as it was heading when Kabbah came to the Sierra Leonean political scene in 1996.
After World War 2 europe benefitted from a large infusion of american aid under the Marshall Plan to rebuild it. That was not the case for Sierra Leone. No huge capital infusion was done for Sierra Leone to rebuild itself or to be rebuilt by any wealthy country or group of countries. The wealthier nations have always held the position, after the end of the rebel war, to wait and see if there was going to be sustainable peace before they could make offers of funds that could address the question of rebuilding the battered infrastructure that requires huge capital commitments.
What Sierra Leone has actually benefitted from is technical assistance to return the country to normalcy. This involves helping and restructuring the army, police, the civil service machinery and local government reactivation. Basically you could call these ‘the hygiene factors’to help the country keep ‘body and soul’ together. It is like helping to mend the ‘software’ when it had gone broken and postponing the replacement of the ‘hardware’ if this illustration can help Kabs and others to see the forests from the woods. Those familiar with the workings and dynamics of international development assistance should be able to reason with me.
Talking about bilateral aid from Britain and other developed countries, it should not be difficult to understand that a very large proportion if not all of their assistance is implemented through their own non-governmental agencies where they are not the direct implementing instruments like the British have DFID on the ground and the Americans implement some of their interventions through monies held by their embassy. The discretionary powers and exercise over the purses meant for delivering development assistance are executed by the donors themselves. Even the multilaterals like the World Bank and the European Union (EU) disburse aid funds in the same pattern. Direct budgetary support is limited and exercised by a tiny number such as the EU.
The situation in neighbouring Liberia until very recent has not helped donor and investor confidence, many of whom see the problems besetting the two countries as intertwined and that unless there were visible signs of sustainable stability in both states their commitments of meaningfully huge funds were not to be expected.
President Kabbah has catalogued his successes and those of his government for all to see. My thinking is that Kabs should try to address himself to those issues rather than resorting to abstract and amorphous calculations derived from gut-feelings of failings which are far removed from contextual and environmental realities and considerations. We all tend to fall into the trap of submitting overly subjective assessments and appraisals of situations if our attempts are to reach easy conclusions through shortcuts simply because we either lack the energy or are afraid of engaging a little more resourcefulness to look at the whole rather than fractions of it. The debate between objective and subjective thinking is not new and will not end with how we appraise Kabbah or any other leader, place or thing.
“How can History judge President Kabbah kindly with all these failures ? Kabbah, unfortunately, only ended up as another statistics in Sierra Leone’s unending run of disasterous leaderships”.
This is another statement by Kabs on Kabbah. “Another statistic”. Each of us is just a number but if your neighbour has made a differece, even just a little difference, give him or her the credit. If Kabbah has led your country for eleven years and has kept it as one unified entity without cracks, why can’t you appreciate that? After all he inherited a country that was in a much worse state in 1996. He is now leaving at a time when Sierra Leone has proudly redeemed its sovereignty notwithstanding its own problems of poverty and underdevelopment which also afflict almost all the other countries in sub-saharan Africa and other least developed countries (LDCs)in different parts of the world.
Thank you for offering this opportunity of a reply through your internet forum.
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: Knice
To: All
Date Posted: 12:37:31 06/25/07 ()
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Entered From: ool-457836a6.dyn.optonline.net at
Clearly no leader of Sierra Leone assumed office under more dire circumstances than president Kabbah. Kabbah took over a country with all social, economic, and political institutions in total disarray. Kabbah also faced the unenviable challenge of defending the country without a reliable army or negotiating with inebriated and untrustworthy rebels. Frankly I think Kabbah’s finest hour was in those negotiations especially in Lome. Many, myself included, believed that Kabbah was out of his mind to make the concessions he made. I don’t know if it was deliberate strategy, but those concessions turned out to be brilliant strategy. Kabbah in effect gave the rebels sufficient rope which they could use to rescue or hang themselves. They chose to hang themselves.
On the other hand the depth of depravity that the rebels inflicted on innocents won much sympathy for Sierra Leone. Rarely have the UN, the USA, and the UK been in such staunch agreement as they were on behalf of Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone was also the first venue where the UN succeeded in ending a war. Kabbah’s challenge then was to leverage that enormous international goodwill to first, restore hope among Sierra Leoneans and second, to restructure the country to preclude a return to chaos. What is his score on this count? Fairness demands that we leave that to the judgment of history. So I will leave the fairness concerns to the historians. I have opinions that cannot wait.
I can look next door to Liberia and see how small measures can lift the spirits of a people who have been to the abyss, which experience makes them receptive to dramatic changes that are led by a bold and well-meaning leader. I observed that president Sirleaf-Johnson combed the globe to line up Liberia’s best and brightest to rebuild their country. She has also focused on big goals and most importantly, shown gratitude to the biggest of Liberia’s benefactors, the USA. I may be wrong, but I am not sure Kabbah has been as bold or as visionary. I am bothered that people who are sufficiently well-off and not in need of the job, people like James Jonah and Ekeh Halloway for instance have had only a brief dalliance in the Kabbah administration. A Kabbah insider once boasted to me of how the president spends long hours at night perusing expenditures and expected me to be impressed. I was not. I elected a president and not an accounting clerk, and I expect my president to invest his time on bigger issues, and this too bothers me. I am also bothered that Kabbah reached into local governance to overturn a chieftaincy election. The perpetual blackout of Freetown, the drinking water shortages, and the mounding garbage pile up were not caused by the Kabbah government. That said, it is their responsibility to have done as much as they could about it, and I am not sure they have. I am bothered by Kabbah’s stealth maneuvering of a proudly secular Sierra Leone into an Islamic state. Overall I am bothered by the seeming pettiness that pervades this administration.
Prime Minister Tony Blair spent precious political capital and went against popular British opinion to save Sierra Leone. I have nothing against Cuba or Iran. But in light of the poor relations between Britain and these nations, a state visit to them amounted to a kick in Blair’s fanny and in very poor taste. Kabbah inherited a country without checks and balances, whose fate and welfare depends entirely on the character and goodwill of its president. Kabbah will pass along a country without checks and balances, whose fate and welfare depends entirely on the character and goodwill of its president. As a result Sierra Leone remains as vulnerable to chaos as ever before, which is what bothers me the most.
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: Yaya Fanusie
To: All
Date Posted: 12:12:31 06/24/07 ()
Email Address: [email protected]
Entered From: adsl-71-138-128-90.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net at
Mr. Daramy,
Your attempt to paint Kabbah’s dismal leadership performance as a sucessful one failed dismally. I and many Sierra Leoneans view Kabbah as an utter failure. And after August 11, 2007, you and co will be looking for jobs.
Yaya Fanusie-APC
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: Joseph Sherman
To: All
Date Posted: 06:13:32 06/24/07 ()
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Entered From: pool-70-108-186-218.washdc.east.verizon.net at
Kabs-kanu on President Kabbah (Cocorioko Forum) – A Rejoinder
By Joseph S. Sherman, Washington, DC
Mr. Kanji Daramy, I must applaud you for being a dying minute surrogate supporter of President Kabbah, I hope when the time comes for accountability for the abuse, murders and mortgaging Sierra Leone’s sovereignty (Yenga) in Guinea, you will be ready to face the truth in a competent court of justice.
First of all, you are totally wrong in equating Sierra Leone’s civil war to that of Somalia. Sierra Leone war was financed and fueled by the SLPP government unlike Somalia, which catastrophe is due to ideological and clan interest sectarianism. The weakness of President Kabbah after he cowardly ran away and left the mercy of Sierra Leoneans to marauding rebels and disgruntled soldiers depicts the type of leadership he maintained to his disgraceful end as unaccomplished president in the history of Sierra Leone.
Being a president who wants power at all cost, he employed mercenaries and Nigerian soldiers to massacre our people just to be restored to power. Indeed, he became president after all the atrocities perpetuated against our people, then he introduced witch hunting against perceived enemies-lynching, burning alive those perceived as rebels collaborators, and summary execution of soldiers without due process of law even after Britain and the international community ask for restrain. As a coward and being uneasy with those around him (Dr. Demby, and the late Hinga Norman) who sacrificed their lives against the rebels and the AFRC, he used the politics of extermination by dismissing Dr. Demby and betraying the late Hinga Norman whom he sponsored and financed to be restored to power. What an ingrate!!
Mr. Daramy, do you think Sierra Leoneans are fools for ever? A day of reckoning awaits every one of you. Your SLPP government has made Sierra Leone the most insignificant country in the world. President Kabbah is leaving gracefully but he has no hiding place. Charles Taylor is in the Hague, because of financing the RUF to kill and dehumanize our people, Hinga Norman whom President Kabbah financed and betrayed to restore him to power, died in jail without him (Kabbah) retrospecting the evil he has done against him. Look at V.P. Berewah, an opportunist who was with President Kabbah when he cowardly ran away to Guinea. When the late President Joseph S. Momo was ousted, did he employ mercenaries to restore him back to power?
Since President Kabbah believes in sycophancy, he immediately appointed Mr. Berewah as V.P. after achieving his goals of being restored to power with the blood of our people spilled in the city, towns and villages. Still not satisfied, President Kabbah wants his legacy of evil, betrayal and corruption to continue-he appointed Dr. Christiana Thorpe as Election Commissioner who was with him Guinea so that V.P. Berewah will win the elections. There are countless scenarios that await President Kabbah and his SLPP supporters to account for when the time comes.
Furthermore, Mr. Daramy it is a shame to say that Sierra Leone didn’t receive maximum support from the international community-the blood of British soldiers and million of dollars given to the SLPP government by the international community for reconstruction has been pocketed by President Kabbah and his cabinet. International monitors have even stigmatized Sierra Leone as the most corrupt country in the world.
Is President Kabbah not ashamed of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf our next door neighbor of the tremendous efforts and improvements she is doing in Liberia? Did America ever send soldiers in that country as Britain did in Sierra Leone? Please don’t even talk about Sierra Leone not having physical and moral support from the international community; it is an act of ingratitude just as your boss (Kabbah) is known for. Kanji, remember President Kabbah and all his cohorts have no hiding place- President Pinochet, was prosecuted, Charles Taylor is in The Hague so it will be no surprise for President Kabbah to account for the act of murder and human rights abuse he, Berewah, and his collaborators committed against the people of Sierra Leone.
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
To: All
Date Posted: 13:16:33 06/24/07 ()
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“Being a president who wants power
at all cost, he employed mercenaries
and Nigerian soldiers to massacre our
people just to be restored to power.”
For the sake of objectivity, please give this one to Kabba. There were unintended casualties but most people I spoke with wanted the AFRC out even if Judas had to do it for Kabba.
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: Fact
To: All
Date Posted: 13:52:23 06/24/07 ()
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Entered From: cache-ntc-ad04.proxy.aol.com at
They were not “unintended casualties”, it was a deliberate massacre of innocent civilians by Kabbah and his Nigerians after Kabbah and his ministers had taken their families to safety. Becareful what you say, people are still mourning their lost ones. I guess you did not lose a relative during those bombings.
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: APC
To: All
Date Posted: 14:00:08 06/24/07 ()
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Entered From: c-75-66-114-24.hsd1.tn.comcast.net at
Will you be willing to testify under oath the veracity of your statement( deliberate massacre of innocent civilians by Kabba)by Kabba when called upon?
We have to be careful how and when we say things. Densay Densay takes us nowhere.
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: Fact
To: All
Date Posted: 14:24:55 06/24/07 ()
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Entered From: cache-ntc-ad04.proxy.aol.com at
There is no need to further argue with you because you have already assumed, wrongly, that my statement is based on rumours (densay). Udat know, ee know.
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: Hashim Daboh
To: All
Date Posted: 07:29:50 06/24/07 ()
Email Address: [email protected]
Entered From: at
Whoa ! Mr. Sherman . A well written piece that crushes everything you intended crushing. This is what i expect of such a pen power like you to expose himself with no hope of any recovery .
I love to criticize Tejan for the mess he has made of himself and his unpatriotic handling of the affairs of State . I don’t know where you were when Sankoh and Taylor, along with Qaddafi colluded and waged war on Sierra Leone. If nothing else ,take Kabbah and his SLPP from the war talk . You’re probably used to the Ellen ,Sawyer and Fahnbulleh connivance in hatching Taylor to get rid of Doe ,but not sierra Leone man. And i can state with clear emphasis that no true APC or SLPP member/s or sympathizers ever directly or indirectly financed or help organize the RUF as it happened in Liberia .
Perhaps it was the glaring wasteland of national call,as a result of poor leadership,that may have
provided grounds, and recruits for Sankoh . But no true APC or SLPP member either paid money or direct the course of the RUF.
Say anything about Tejan and his party ,but not on organizing or propelling the course of the RUF . Lets be realistic here man . At least in Liberia ,evidence abounds on that, especially with the current leadership . Indeed, in the spirit of national reconciliation ,Ellen and most others have accepted their roles in creating that monster -Taylor .
You need to get some facts about the war sir ,before coming there again .
In fact Momoh used all what he had to trash the RUF ,but he had little too little of every thing needed to fight such a war.You’re too sentimental in that piece .
For Daramy and Harding , i hope their time is over and should be required to explain to the nation how we lost the land line phone in sierra Leone whilst cell phone companies in which they all have vested intrests triumph despite it ( the cell phone ) being an extractive industry with minnmal national benefit . And hope the ACC will further investigate the corporate deals involving the establishment and operations of those cell phone companies ,share holders ,and finaces .
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: foday mansaray
To: All
Date Posted: 09:53:29 06/24/07 ()
Email Address: [email protected]
Entered From: host-24-225-160-74.patmedia.net at
Mr Daboh do you know Foday Sankoh?This was a disgruntle breed of soldier who was court marshll and dismissed just like chief norma.They had these idea of wrecking sierra leone with the sole intention of restoring SLPP.
Kabba like Berewa is the same breed of people who knowingly know that they are on the wrong side of history but still pushing agaist the grain hoping to glide to victory.
All these people sat and eat on the same table for years.How do you think they maneuveux a paace coup against Stresser to install Maadoo Bio?.It was the master plan they brokered with Sankoh because that was his nephew.Sankoh had break out of the Gaddafi doctrine and as you can see the government is still much in line with those policies. Fundamentalist like Gaddafi have come to sierra leone to rip our wealth but always disguising himself. Why was he not called to on trials for crime against sierra leOne?How much diamond did he gets in exchange for all these support to Berewa.?
How many people did Berewa eliminated viciously to get to the SLPP nomination.To name few Margai,Demby and Chief Norma your famous John Leigh my most admired SLPP supporter.This guy will not stop at nothing to become president even for one day.
It is painful for most of us who go to sierra leone like going to NY or DC. We do it honarably because we still believe and hope to see the day you can board a plain from JFK to Freetown in 6 hours in time to shop and be back in the USA the same day. That day will come when clean drinking water once again will become a theme of the past.That day will come when Education will be free like when I went to services primary and secondary school.That day will come when you fly over freetown you will think you are flying over the city that never sleeps(New York).That day will come when when sierra leone will join the ranks FROM underdeveloped to developing conutries such as Ghana, South africa and Nigeria’s Abuja and Ivory Coast.
To enact a very ambiious plans to rebuild sierra leone,you need sober minded motivated patriot leader.I can assure you and everyone that Ernest koroma will transformed sierra leone because he has the bussiness savvy which sierra leoneans leadership lacks, since we were told learning is better than silver and gold .Rest assured that if its means crossing over to SLPP to get the best of the best of sierra leoneans that is what he is going to do.
At seventy four his health is not so good.His body and mind is failing.Is this how sierra leone should be treated.?The SLPP made a wrong choice. They cannot forced Berewa down our throat in broad day light. I am not talking because am supporting APC. I am talking because we are at the end of the rope in requesting handout which includes massive accumulations of debt undisbursed from ADB and nothing has been presented to us.No structures,nothing tangigle to hold on to.How can you support a govt like that.We to name a few including myself, Shamsu Deen,Obai TaylorKamara,Victor Fakundo,Alex Mansaray,Ben Jalloh worked tirelessly to institute sanctions to restore Kabba in power.Was it worth it?.The answer is NO. But what was worth it was we truley supported democracy and that is the same tool we are going to use to send Kabba and Berewa to safe retirement to Banana Island.
Your new Paradise in Africa West of the Atlantic.
Come to sierra leone After August 11th 2007 . You will see the endless determination of ordinary sierra leoneans and even the dead will rise again to say
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: Hashim Daboh
To: All
Date Posted: 15:31:26 06/25/07 ()
Email Address: [email protected]
Entered From: at
Ngor Foday , the scale of your imaginative stretch is too elaborate and, again, let me emphatically state here that your kind will never get near power in Sierra Leone. You mean you can lie with candour hiding behind your fingers and expect to remain in hiding. Despite Tejan being a northner ,yet you only know him as a mende /madingo man form the south who is only connected to the north by accident of history .
No serious minded Sierra Leonean including Ernest Koroma ,Serry Kamal ,Victor Foh will endorse your vicious outrage against a region and its people who took much of Sankoh’s nasty perpetration . Some of us lost not only homes ,but dear family ,and all what our parents had worked for with no remorse from the perpetrators.
You need to re-engage your facts and resources ( if you’ve any ) to test the simple veracity of those salacious, insulting and misleading statements you continue to sell to your skewed minded bellicose ‘politikers ‘ who are knowingly conniving with you to distort history in a rabid pursuit for power. You mean to this moment, there is nothing you can campaign with to win an election in a place you call home.
It’s no hidden fact that with or without Taylor ,Sankoh and his drugged gun totting bandits would have entered Sierra Leone . Probably the most direct assistance Taylor dished out to them was the launch pad . Indeed ,( stand to be corrected ) with the proximity and ethical content of the refugees in the border region with Liberia by then,I’m inclined to concur with one of you ‘batomen ‘that the mendes may have formed a larger brigade in the initial group that took over from Taylor’s men .
But same would have been the case had that been the Kabala – Koinadugu axis . But beyond that ,why should you dishonestly continue to blame the SLPP when it was the APC in power. What would have been your position today had it been SLPP in power then ? You may have likely insinuated that the SLPP is waging fake war to perpetuate its hold on power – just as you maliciously distorted facts about the Ndorgbohunsu episode .
Gentlemen , if we continue cultivating seeds of discord in politics this way ,the entire nation is doomed. You mean that is all what you’ve got you’ve to tell your voters . I bet if you take such a nonsense to the Sierra Leone of today as a campaign mascot ,you’ll be trashed and booed by your own family members who knows better about what transpired beyond the paucity of your thinking jell .
No temmne or mende supported that war .None . Even when Sankoh is a born and bred temmne ,as long as it is about maligning and bad politics ,you known fools have made him a mende man in temmne sheep clothing . You’ve gone length and breath of the universe to connect Sankoh to your personal vile for the mende ethnic group . Yet Norman who fought for the nationhood you today pride ,but abuse, is gone but never forgotten. You think all those ambassadors and other notables who vouched for Norman’s heroic deed were on the late man’s payroll .
Fellow country men and womenit’s high time you allow common sense to take charge of your ailing coconuts,because no conscientious Sierra Leonean will spew the nonsense you put out here for mere electioneering. There is so much you’ve against Tejan to campaign with ,but you prefer to remain in your cocoon and manufacture stories completely oblivious of our sentiments toward that devastation.
I hope you read I.B.Kargbo’s New Citizen today regarding JJC’s in politics. I bet your Enerst Koroma will never in his wildest dream use your divisive and wanton lies to campaign in Sierra Leone.
Gentlemen ,if nothing else ,let us be part of that process that gave our poor people some degree of stability by preaching unity ,anti corruption ,handwork and peace. Without any of those no nation will challenge growth in any form.
Foday ,do you know the elementary history of the formation of the two parties -APC & SLPP ?
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: foday mansaray
To: All
Date Posted: 14:04:06 06/26/07 ()
Email Address: [email protected]
Entered From: at
My brother, I for one participated full to restore Kabba in power and I am very thankful that we are truly pushing democracy forward. Where were you those crucial days.? My position on the issue of National Security is very clear. The Truth and nothing but the truth. Even when APC was in power we stood against number of issues here in the US and we continued to prosecute the need for a better sierra Leone. We sent a delegation to Freetown to Momoh to warn him that the sierra Leonean needs answers. It was too late to react because the power mongers came and destroyed sierra Leone in the name of what.? Trust me ,I have very close friends who are SLPP and I know what they are saying behind the scene.
There is nothing wrong with anyone to support but just don’t blindly follow someone. If you are related to Ambassador Dabor talk to him about me. Are you in your right mind to vow for this SLPP government that they will solve our minor problems the next 5 years.? Between your and the almighty you know the answer is a Big noop. Just so you know Sankoh spent most of his adult life in the South and East after been dismissed from the Army. As for your question on the history of the two parties; I have professors of history in our mist, whenever I am in doubt, I will consult them. As far as I know Kabba is a disgrace to Sierra Leone and United Nations. This so called lost son of us stoled from sierra Leone and was pardon by our right Reverned Joseph Saidu Momoh,may his soul rest in peace. Why was he on the run for over 15 years? He had a chance to redeemed himself and what did he do, dragged us into a war that we did not need to fight. Brought executive outcome with hundreds of mercenaries collected from other west African countries to hack off decent people’s hands and legs just for him to prove what?. Do you know Momoh? a military General could have fought back when the Boys came to overthrown him ,he did not because he love sierra Leone and his people. He said i quote I will not shed a single blood in the name of power.If that is the will of the power mongers they can have it.
He may have been slow ,called him lazy but he was not a power Monger or Coward like Berewa and kabbah murdering 24 people in broad day light without the due process of the law. Where is the human rights he spoke about in his farewell speech?. He needs to be tried along side with Ghadaffi and all those participated in signing of the agreement with Executive Outcome to come and destroy sierra Leone.
Now , can you tell me Mr. Daboh, is sierra Leone better off today than 1980ss or 70,Do you really think Gadaffi is in sierra Leone because he wants to help us. Grow up. This is politics on a mutual benefit basis.;
You have a nice day.
Subject: Re: Kabs-Kanu On President Kabbah
From: Hashim Daboh
To: All
Date Posted: 16:56:31 06/26/07 ()
Email Address: [email protected]
Entered From: at
Ngor Mansaray , You’re still missing the point. If you could once more carefully read through my contributions to the dialogue ,I’ve never relented in my criticism for Kabbah and his cabal .But ,first, i was in Freetown through the NPRC ,and the initial elections that ushered the kabbah led SLPP into State House. I believe Jonah did his best considering the circumstance .
Moreover ,indeed ,I’m Amb. Foday’s nephew . Ambassador Dabor of the EU has been part of the Kabbah’s administration whose performance remains under the sword . And to this moment ,if Kabbah can stand with Jonah ,I’ll vote Jonah .
The growing gulf of understanding or communication between myself and you is everything ranging from fact and fiction . But worst still is your infatuation with attacks on both the SLPP and the mende ethnic group as if they’re one single entity. Further more ,i hope you’re guided the the fact that no party will win a national election in Sierra Leone without you securing a national vote in any of the electoral districts.
So i am continuously appalled over your endless vilification of the mendes within the kamajor and SLPP shadows. How do you think APC will ever gain national power if Ernest Koroma thinks and practice politics like you . Well ,may be, your desire is equally limited as your local historical knowledge -just for Masimera .
When you make a parrot cry about killing of this and that by SLPP is mimicking not nauseating. First killing by any kind besides criminal murder for common criminals is wrong. I’m one of those on record to have vehemently protested against the killing of Hassan Conteh and others. The same goes for Norman’s incarceration which I’ll always consider unfair and unjustifiable by any standard . But that’s now all history. Yet you intentionally refuse to make any appraisal or a single statement about Jim Fornah ,Bash Taqi ,Bangura and others .It seems so long that was done by the APC nothing matters. Have you forgotten the former Bank Governor – S.L.Bangura under the APC ‘kapukapu ‘ moment.
If Berewah would have visited Makeni ,Bombali ,Port Loko reminding them of what Shaki and co did to their sons, brothers ,nephews and fathers do you think anyone would take him seriously ,hell no !. Or tell them how many Limba notables the APC sent down below. The answer is emphatic NO ! But this is what you’re preaching and i wonder what is the rationale propellling you to such a disatrious political blunder.
All what the APC ever did wrong in their twenty something years in power is all SLPP’s fault . This creates a flawless image about your poor judgement and lack of honesty and basic tenet of a matured academic to discuss national issues. At least you should learn to exercise some degree of decency and integrity on what we dish out there for public consumption. I’m sure you can live a fairly descent life without any ill-gotten wealth from politics . So don’t fear to loose friends whose only way out is draining the natiuonal coffers by means of political power. It’s our duty to be balanced in judgement and always to weigh heavier toward the national focus.
I suggest that you drop this your mende phobia and walk your walk to the voters and tell them what you think can bee done to steady our state of ship . But as others have commented and rightly so ,most of us in this community write just because we went to school and further it for cheap and sheepish publicity . You see why you have psycho names behaving like an amoeba- keep changing with any rant sent out. Just a shame that Kabs effort is really not been properly utilized .
Anyway ,kekeh Mans’, if you’re serious about making meaningful contribution to the development of the country ,first you should have an enlightened national focus and not that vitriolic southeastern phobia .Attesting to lies especially about the war is hart rendering no matter what you may have against Kabbah and his SLPP . This was neither a temmne or mende war ,lonta. I was there and saw it .So for mere political gains if any ,why should you be so simple minded on such a touchy national disaster. Had Sankoh been a mende ,what would have been your judgement. Or had the war started from Guinea ,what do you think could have been the composition of the lower cadre of the early insurgents.
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