UNICEF and partners continue their efforts to support the recovery of victims in this second phase of the response to the torrential rains and landslides that occurred in Freetown and its outskirts on the 13 and 14 August 2017.
With funding from DFID, UNICEF, in close collaboration with the Government of Sierra Leone, the mobile money agent as well as key stakeholders and affected communities, is supporting the roll-out of a cash transfer programme for the affected communities. The Government of Sierra Leone has approved US$120 as an immediate unconditional transfer of cash and two subsequent installments of US$30, each in October and November to support the affected households. These installments will be supplemented by an additional transfer from the World Food Programme, which is estimated as the food needs of the household per month. Additionally, a one-off conditional recovery aid cash transfer will be provided to the households who wish to voluntarily settle outside the camp.
In the meantime, UNICEF is continuing to support the affected communities (at the temporary displacement centres in Regent, Kaningo and Pentagon and those that have been relocated to the Old Skool and Juba barracks shelters) through supply of WASH services, as well as supporting affected children, including provision of psychosocial support, identification of child protection concern and referral to support. In addition, UNICEF is supporting the Government of Sierra Leone in the preparation of the first round of the cholera vaccination and the back to school campaigns.
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