Legal luminary Mohamed Pa-Momo Fofana calls for Sierra Leone Bar Association’s sham election to be annuled

BREAKING NEWS!!! By Fatmata Conte


As the Sierra Leone Bar Association’s General Elections are marred with violence , A senior member of the Bar, Mohamed Pa-Momo Fofanah writes the Outgoing Bar President.

He also accuses Francis Ben Kaifala of aiding and abetting the hijacking of the profession and also conducting himself in a manner to rig the election in favour of his interested candidates.

He further states that Francis Ben Kaifala is not qualified to be an election commissioner for the said general elections as he holds a public office that has mandates to supervise The Association.

He also calls for nullification of the elections and a rescheduled date and venue agreed by the general membership to avoid disenfranchisement which is primary right of Bar members.

See letter bellow.




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