THE Cocorioko Management and Editorial Board would like to wish our thousands of readers, fans and supporters all over the world a MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS ,
This is a season of goodwill and love, reflecting the hallowed personality whose birthday is being celebrated by a world that God loved so much that he sent this birthday celebrant, his beloved son , who knew no sin, to die for us all on the Cross of Calvary. There is no better way to enjoy the holiday than by sharing our love and goodwill with others .
Some people around us have never experienced love in their lives and the hostility they express towards others is a reflection of their frustration. We must reach out to them always, especially in this season of goodwill.
To enjoy the season, stay away from negative people who refuse to change and are weighed down by malice, envy and jealousy. Stay away from places that do not add to your upbuilding and happiness and focus on positive and edifying vibes and the love that God demonstrated for you by sending his only and precious son to die for you on the Cross.
As you enjoy your Christmas, remember that MODERATION is the message and do not drink and drive or text while driving. The precious life you save may be your own.
Once again, Merry Christmas and thank you for your support throughout the year. Your support meant so much to us and that is why we now have one of the largest readership on the internet, averaging over 800, 000 readers of our online newspaper, Facebook, Twitter and Linked In forums.