By Foday Morris
APC Media and Publicity Team.
29th March 2018
SLPP Background Belief:
The SLPP believes and usually say that it is very difficult to remove the APC from office via the ballot box in free, fair, transparent, and credible elections. Such a belief is now resolute in their minds because the current APC government has transformed and developed Sierra Leone more than it was 10 years ago.
Proposed Lines Action
Because the ruling APC party has transformed Sierra Leone from what it was 10 years ago and therefore has become more popular, the SLPP fear that they will not get the total votes to win free, fair, credible, and transparent elections. It is for this reason that they devised alternative diabolic plans to win “by hook or crook’ as Joe Sesay once said.
Action Plans Executed
1. NEC employed mostly South-Easterners who either support SLPP or are sympathetic to their political interest.
2. NEC allowed Computer Experts, some of whom work for reputable Computer Companies in the World to access their computer system and compromise it.
3. On and after the March 7 Elections, NEC executed their grand plan using their carefully selected planted staff. They stuffed ballot boxes, deliberately refused to stamp the back of ballot papers, opened Tamper Proof Envelopes, soiled ballots with ink on their fingers, segregated voters by their surnames for ease of compromising specific ballot boxes etc. etc.
4. To limit the number of people from having the same-tallied results, NEC skipped the mandatory District Tallying and proceeded straight to Regional Tallying. Between intervals and travelling time, they executed more of their diabolic plans.
5. The National Tallying Center in Freetown is where they executed their final plan using their already compromised computers to enter the votes already counted. It is for use of these computers that they have insinuated that they will defy the Court Order mandating them to do everything manually.
Both NEC and SLPP know that the APC won the March 7 Election and that their diabolic attempt to rig the elections in favor of the SLPP has failed woefully. Now they are more desperate — but not to out rightly rig the elections as they will not get that chance again. NEC’s goal now is to create serious legal (or political) confrontations between NEC/SLPP against the ruling APC government.
Sierra Leoneans must stand up to NEC so that they do the right thing. The Court Order must be fully executed – with no compromise