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John Leigh and the Lust for Power

Karamoh Kabba

Former Sierra Leone Ambassador to the United States, Hon. John Ernest Leigh has no moral authority to shower such plaudits on Vice President Solomon Berewa:


“I support VP Berewa as our next President because I believe he is the most qualified candidate among those currently vying for the presidency. In my experience, Mr. Berewa is known to be far more experienced, far more educated, far more able, and far more good-intentioned than any other candidate contesting with him. I know Mr. Berewa to be nationalistic, not tribalistic.  Mr. Berewa is known to me as a mature leader free from petulance, political selfishness and rash actions. In fact, he is quite deliberative.”


In a meeting with Mr. Leigh in the spring of 2001, he had nothing good to say for the SLPP-led government, but downright condemnation for endemic corruption amongst its leaders. Not only did he cite Vice President Berewa by name as being very corrupt, he discussed a specific event that he referred to as an “unscrupulous diamond mining deal” with a certain western corporation that was under way, which he [Mr. Leigh] thought was totally unpatriotic and an act of criminality against the people of Sierra Leone.

I believe these are the same views that probably cost him his ambassadorial job. For such noble views in the past, I became a fervent defender of Mr. Leigh and was branded by many in the diaspora as a John Leigh defender.


When Mr. Leigh was recalled from the Sierra Leone embassy shortly after our discussion, I publicly observed that a true son of the soil, a lone warrior against corruption in Sierra Leone, had fallen.


But Mr. Leigh has now turned his back away from that noble cause of fighting for the people to settle for less?to join the band of bandits, whom he once put his noble career in the line to preach against, in a lost dispensation for such nobility, not in the absence of an alternative, but in a quest to join them if you cannot beat them. Mr. Leigh, you cannot “win the world and lose your soul”, as the great African American fighter, late Johnny Cochran once stated in his famous court case; “If it does not fit, you must acquit”.

Did you say “free from petulance”? Speaking of a man who went to England, peevishly earmarking those with different views, including Mr. Moijue KaiKai, with different views to the point of fostering a new sub-chapter of the SLPP England chapter called “Friends of Berewa”?


How dare you say: “Mr. Berewa is known to me as a mature leader free from petulance, political selfishness and rash actions,” when he rashly ordered the arrest of his political opponent, Charles Margai, because ordinary citizens threw missiles at him before a proper investigation into whether Charles Margai influenced the actions or not? Is such a disposition a true portrayal of being “quite deliberative”?

Mr. Leigh, you should be lauding a man, Charles Margai, the subject of your recent insinuation, who, according to you failed in form four, but yet bounced back to get 33 delegate votes amidst SLPP vote banditry where you failed to be nominated.

Shame! Shame!! Shame!!! Mr. Leigh; again, such praise-singing is not for flip-floppers. This is the same newspaper columnist politics you played in the run up to the SLPP convention in November, demonstrating extreme forgetfulness that you needed delegates to nominate you before you could be voted for, only to come out crying louder than everyone else and coined a neologism in Sierra Leone politics; “conbention” and later coined other disparaging labels such as: “Low grade noisemakers – san san boys, honda drivers, ex-combatants, carwash boys, etc,” all in a gross desire for power and position.


Director of Comm. & Media


Karamoh Kabba
With our hurricane lamps, who says we cannot light asphalt jungles despite the high winds? “Then right opinion is nothing inferior to knowledge.” (Socrates)
MORQUEE – A Political Drama of Wish over Wisdom by Karamoh Kabba now at Sierra Leonean Writers Series – www.sl-writers-series.org


…For taking Special Court pictures

Saturday May 13, 2006

A citizen  of the United States of America is in hot waters in Sierra Leone for taking unauthorized pictures of the Special Court . Our reporter, Tamba Borbor  in the capital, Freetown,  said that the American will likely be charged with subversion , according to the Inspector General of the Sierra Leone Police, Mr. Brima Acha Kamara.




By Tamba Borbor in Freetown


Police attached the United Nations backed Special Court in Freetown Tuesday arrested a suspected United States of American citizen, Mich Chemidline outside the court, for taking footages without obtaining permission from the authorities.


According the Inspector General of Police Brima Acha, the suspect, Chemidline will be charged to court for subversion.


Rodmier Taylor Smith of the Public Affairs Section at the US Embassy in Freetown also confirmed the arrest of the suspected US citizen but stop-short from saying why Chemidline was nabbed.


Reports further stated Chemidline has been around the Special Court’s vicinity at New England Vile, from the 29th April the year taking snap shorts.


Chemidline is currently held in police custody ahead of his appearance in court for alleged subversion whiles his home in Freetown was searched by police for incriminating materials but however refused to comment on the continuing investigation into the matter.


An immigration source in Freetown has disclosed that this is Chemidline’s first visit to Sierra Leone.


The Deputy Chief Public and Press Affairs at the Special Court, Peter Anderson, said the snapshots were taken outside of the court, thus it is not a Special Court matter.


Since the commencement of the war crime court hearing started in Sierra Leone, this is the first incident of subversion that has so far occurred at the court.




By a special correspondent


Thursday May 4, 2006


A week of sensitisation and workshop involving the National Executive Committee of the SLPP has ended in London with the Party emboldened by the renewed commitment and determination of the UK and Ireland Branch to play its fullest part to ensure victory in the 2007 elections.


The delegation comprised the national Chairman, Alhaji U.N.S.Jah, Mr. Jacob Jusu Saffa, National Secretary-General, Hon. Victor Reider, National Publicity Secretary, Hon Bernadette Lahai, National Women’s Leader, Mrs Josephine Mark Thompson, National Financial Secretary, Hon. Solomon Bangali, Parliamentary representative, Mr. Sahr Nyamah, National Youth Leader, and Mr. Brima Koroma, National Administrative Secretary.


The rationale behind the conference was not only in line with new thinking within the  leadership to take the party to the people, but to also, to afford the members the opportunity to contribute to the formulation of ideas aimed at making the party more relevant to the lives of the people of Sierra Leone.


Opening the conference in London, the national Chairman of the party, Alhaji U.N.S. Jah, recognised the pivotal role played by the UK and Ireland Branch, and underscored the strategic importance of Diaspora Branches in the management of the party.


The new National Executive Committee (NEC) headed by Alhaji U.N.S. Jah has taken a deliberate decision to open the party and extend its reach to all corners of Sierra Leone, as well as to explore areas of cooperation with foreign institutions. It was within this context that he led a seven-man delegation to the People’s Republic of China on the invitation of the Chinese Communist Party. In appraising the conference of their visit to China, the National Chairman said the SLPP was in a hurry to transform and develop Sierra Leone, and as such, it was important to look at the development models of other countries, and to this extent, the party would place emphasis on countries in transition.


Alhaji Jah informed members that as a developing nation, Sierra Leone should lay premium on south-south cooperation. He said the transformation of China from a Communist command economy to that of a socialist-market economy was worthy of note for any society that was in transition such as ours.


The National Secretary-General presented a thought provoking paper titled: “SLPP YESTERDAY, SLPP TODAY AND A VISION OF ITS OUTLOOK FOR TOMORROW”. The Document looked at the strides made by the SLPP Government in not only the restoration of peace and security to the Country, but the socio-economic gains that have been achieved, and the development challenges that lie ahead. The conference also had presentations from other members of the delegation.


In specific terms members were able to examine the role of Diaspora branches as well as affiliated groups in taping into and encouraging the reversal of the brain drain that continues to affect the human resource potential of the Country; the imperative need for Sierra Leoneans in the Diaspora to avail themselves of progressive laws being championed by the SLPP government, such as the Dual Citizenship Act as well as the  promotion of a positive image of the Country, and where necessary, to encourage foreign direct investment in the country.


On the role of the Diaspora branches, the conference also examined the possibility of networking, with a view to seeking and promoting the interest of not only party members but the wider Sierra Leonean community in the Diaspora. The Diaspora branches will also play their full part in the on-going Constitutional review within the party.

The conference agreed on the need for Diaspora branches to continue to support the party’s Secretariat to effectively carry out its function.


Earlier in his remarks, the Chairman of the UK and Ireland Branch Mr. Tamba Lamina described the conference as a seminal moment in the history of the branch. He called on members of the party branch to make full use of the presence of members of the National Executive Committee to resolve not only the internal difficulties within the branch, but to seek clarification and assurances from the parent body about some of the apprehensions that had previously characterised parent-branch relations. Mr. Lamina exuded confidence in the ability of the UK branch to rise to the occasion and to further reinforce the status of the branch as the premier Diaspora branch.


In presenting his report to the conference, the Secretary-General of the branch Mr. Harold Saffa assured members of the NEC that the branch was stable, focused and loyal to the national leadership. Mr Saffa said the party was vibrant and growing, and announced to thunderous applause that the SLPP branch was the largest Sierra Leone political organisation in the United Kingdom.


Addressing the conference amidst a sea of green colour, the National Secretary-General, Mr. JJ Saffa enumerated the achievement of the SLPP government and challenged anyone to point to any government in post Independence Sierra Leone that that prioritised the development needs of the rural areas more than what the current government was doing.

Dr. Bernadette Lahai called on Sierra Leonean women to take advantage of the progressive laws that have been enacted by the SLPP government, and challenged them to be hindered by no barriers as under the SLPP there was none.


The National Publicity Secretary Hon Victor Reider assured the conference that the SLPP had nothing to be ashamed of, because the primary responsibility of any government worth its name was to provide peace security and freedom to its citizens, which was what the SLPP had made its prime objectives and delivered to the people of Sierra Leone. Mr. Reider said only the SLPP had the ability to unite the people of Sierra Leone, and called on members not to confused by the rhetoric of those he called political pygmies.


The Young Generation leader, Mr. Sahr Nyamah reminded the conference about the importance the SLPP was placing on the role of the youths in national development. He encouraged his compatriots to be at the vanguard in spreading the positive image of the party.


In his closing remarks, the National Chairman of the party, Alhaji U.N.S.Jah admonished all party members not to be distracted by what he called internet parties, but to focus on the election of Vice President Solomon Berewa as the next President of Sierra Leone. The delegation left London on Sunday for the USA on the final leg of their trip.


Thursday March 9, 2006

Freetown has been experiencing long lines at the various peterol filling stations. A report from Freetown said :

As of night before last (March 6), long lines have formed in front of petrol stations. Press accounts suggest on the one hand that this will ease when a fuel tanker docks, expected on the 14th. Other press accounts suggest that it is an artifical shortage by suppliers to force up prices.

Diesel is still readily available, and so is kerosene. I understand that petrol is being rationed. I haven’t checked it out, but was told 3 gallons per vehicle, and only one per container.

The pumps are surrounded by throngs of young men, probably a mixture of boys being sent to buy generator fuel and black marketeers.

We are following the story



Councillor exposes ex-Chairman…

‘Fergusson Is A Big Thief’

By Chernor Ojuku Sesay


Friday February 24, 2006


A former Councillor in the then Freetown City
Council Committee of Management under
the Chairmanship of Henry Fergusson, Councillor Hector A. Turay has described Fergusson as “a very big thief, a liar and a dishonest man”.


Concillor Turay said Fergusson was running the then Council as his personal property without consulting  Concillors on most pertinent matters.

“He never discussed with any Councillor neither did he received any Council’s approval for tampering with Crown Agents Fund in the UK to buy that rotten Street Sweeper and that half-back he calls a Meat Van. That is not a Meat Van, it is a half-back. A Meat Van is a vehicle that is well refrigerated and not that one whose truck was built right here in Freetown”, Councillor Turay said angrily.


Councillor Turay said he was one of the Councillors who called for the setting up of a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the stewardship of Henry Fregusson.

“The Commission of Inquiry was set up but its recommendations were kept secret by the Local Government Minister, Sidikie Brima without disclosing its contents to neither the Council nor the general public simply because the report was damaging on the part of Fergusson. It was because of this he sneaked out of the country to London. I challanged him to sit face-to-face with us and face the press”, Turay challanged.

Councillor Turay accused Fergusson of misusing Council funds by making numerous trips abroad without the knowledge and approval of Council.


He said Fergusson illegally employed three non-Council workers as domestic servants in his house without the knowledge of the Council but were all paid through the Council funds.

“His daughter always used his official vehicle whenever Fergusson is out of the country and fuel and driver provided by the Council amounting to millions of leones”, Turay claimed.

He questioned that if the late Madam Gloria Smart was forwarded to the Anti-Corruption Commission and was hauled for a mere $500, why is Fergusson who embezzled over Le700,000,000(Seven hundred millio) is allowed to walk freely in this country?.


By Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu

 Some of the hottest commodities in world commercial exchanges  are Sierra Leone’s diamonds They have enriched thousands of foreigners and corrupt public officials in the country and they have been used to fund wars like the Civil war in Lebanon and the rebel conflicts in Liberia and Sierra Leone itself, while the citizens of the country wallow in want and misery.

Sierra Leone’s diamonds hit the highest notes imaginable yesterday when a song about the nation’s gems propelled American rapper Kanye West to the citadel of glory as he won a much-coveted Grammy  during the Grammy Award Night in Los Angeles  yesterday.

Kanye won one grammy for the song  “Diamonds from Sierra Leone ” which was adjudged the best rap song and another for the album LATE REGISTRATION  which also contained the “Diamonds From Sierra Leone ” chart -burster.

The lyrics  brought victory for the rapper .Kanye warns listeners of the song to avoid buying Sierra Leone’s blood diamonds , because  .”.Over here , its the drug trade , we die from drugs . Over there, they die from what we buy from drugs , the diamonds “.

Many Sierra Leoneans in New Jersey who watched the awards program on TV  last night were amused and fascinated that Sierra Leone’s  much -valued but notorious diamonds made  an American rapper win such a golden laurel as the Grammy. Some said that it showed how much international fame Sierra Leone’s diamonds have attained.  Others said this will further draw attention to the fact that there is a country on earth which should have been one of the richest in  the world but is the poorest because its people were being ripped off  their diamonds  by their own politicians , public officials, foreign business hawks , rogue countries and other criminal collaborators.


By Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu

 Some of the hottest commodities in world commercial exchanges  are Sierra Leone’s diamonds They have enriched thousands of foreigners and corrupt public officials in the country and they have been used to fund wars like the Civil war in Lebanon and the rebel conflicts in Liberia and Sierra Leone itself, while the citizens of the country wallow in want and misery.

Sierra Leone’s diamonds hit the highest notes imaginable yesterday when a song about the nation’s gems propelled American rapper Kanye West to the citadel of glory as he won a much-coveted Grammy  during the Grammy Award Night in Los Angeles  yesterday.

Kanye won one grammy for the song  “Diamonds from Sierra Leone ” which was adjudged the best rap song and another for the album LATE REGISTRATION  which also contained the “Diamonds From Sierra Leone ” chart -burster.

The lyrics  brought victory for the rapper .Kanye warns listeners of the song to avoid buying Sierra Leone’s blood diamonds , because  .”.Over here , its the drug trade , we die from drugs . Over there, they die from what we buy from drugs , the diamonds “.

Many Sierra Leoneans in New Jersey who watched the awards program on TV  last night were amused and fascinated that Sierra Leone’s  much -valued but notorious diamonds made  an American rapper win such a golden laurel as the Grammy. Some said that it showed how much international fame Sierra Leone’s diamonds have attained.  Others said this will further draw attention to the fact that there is a country on earth which should have been one of the richest in  the world but is the poorest because its people were being ripped off  their diamonds  by their own politicians , public officials, foreign business hawks , rogue countries and other criminal collaborators.


Thursday February 9, 2006

By Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu

 Some of the hottest commodities in world commercial exchanges  are Sierra Leone’s diamonds They have enriched thousands of foreigners and corrupt public officials in the country and they have been used to fund wars like the Civil war in Lebanon and the rebel conflicts in Liberia and Sierra Leone itself, while the citizens of the country wallow in want and misery.

Sierra Leone’s diamonds hit the highest notes imaginable yesterday when a song about the nation’s gems propelled American rapper Kanye West to the citadel of glory as he won a much-coveted Grammy  during the Grammy Award Night in Los Angeles  yesterday.

Kanye won one grammy for the song  “Diamonds from Sierra Leone ” which was adjudged the best rap song and another for the album LATE REGISTRATION  which also contained the “Diamonds From Sierra Leone ” chart -burster.

The lyrics  brought victory for the rapper .Kanye warns listeners of the song to avoid buying Sierra Leone’s blood diamonds , because  .”.Over here , its the drug trade , we die from drugs . Over there, they die from what we buy from drugs , the diamonds “.

Many Sierra Leoneans in New Jersey who watched the awards program on TV  last night were amused and fascinated that Sierra Leone’s  much -valued but notorious diamonds made  an American rapper win such a golden laurel as the Grammy. Some said that it showed how much international fame Sierra Leone’s diamonds have attained.  Others said this will further draw attention to the fact that there is a country on earth which should have been one of the richest in  the world but is the poorest because its people were being ripped off  their diamonds  by their own politicians , public officials, foreign business hawks , rogue countries and other criminal collaborators.

Freetown, Sierra Leone, 7 February 2006

U.K. Judges Gain First-Hand Insight on International Humanitarian Law at Special Court

The Interim Registrar and the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Court briefed a delegation of fifty-one visiting British immigration judges Monday on the progress of the Special Court and the challenges ahead.

The judges are currently on a private visit to West Africa, to see first hand the situation in the region.

Interim Registrar Lovemore Munlo SC described how the Special Court came about, and some of the major challenges it has had to meet in the first three years of its existence.

“Funding of the Court is based only on voluntary contributions and this has got its own challenges,” Mr. Munlo said. “It creates uncertainty as to whether you will get funding, and whether it will come in time.”

He told the judges that being situated in the country where the conflict took place required the Court to connect and interact, through the Outreach Section, with the people of Sierra Leone.

“(We must) explain to them what the court is here for, what it is supposed to achieve, and also get feedback from the Sierra Leonean people relating to how they perceive the court,” Mr. Munlo said. “Across the social fabric, we talk to schoolchildren, we talk to chiefs, we talk to police officers and military people, across the country.”

Chief Prosecutor Desmond de Silva QC told the judges that when the United Nations Security Council decided to establish the Special Court, they took into account lessons learned from the other tribunals.

“They took the view, perhaps rightly, that the other tribunals were costing too much and taking too long to dispense justice,” he said.

“I do believe that unless one can discharge one’s duty to the international community within a politically acceptable timeframe, you have failed,” Mr. de Silva said. “The administration of justice is vital in bringing those have perpetrated abominable crimes against man to account, because the victims are entitled to see justice done.”

Said Mr. de Silva: “The whole process of trials tears at the scabs of war. Trials must be brought to a speedy end to allow the healing process to begin and for people to move beyond the memories of the atrocities into a new future.”

The visiting judges also observed a trial session, and met informally with the Special Court Trial Judges of Trial Chambers I and II, and with Justice Gelaga-King of the Appeals Chamber.

The Special Court is an independent tribunal established jointly by the United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone. It is mandated to bring to justice those who bear the greatest responsibility for atrocities committed in Sierra Leone after 30 November 1996. To date, the Prosecutor has indicted eleven persons on various charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other serious violations of international humanitarian law. Nine indictees are currently in the custody of the Court.


Produced by the
Press and Public Affairs Office
Special Court for Sierra Leone
Mobile: 232 76  655 237
Email: [email protected]

Visit our website at www.sc-sl.org

Press and Public Affairs Office
Special Court for Sierra Leone

Salone prepares for Bird Flu pandemic

By Chernor Ojuku Sesay


Thursday January 26, 2006


Ministry of Health and Sanitation, (MOHS) Minister  Mrs Abator Thomas has told Parliament that the MOHS is putting modalities in place to combat any incidence of a new disease ‘Bird flu,’ now ravaging parts of the world.

The Health Minister was speaking before members of Parliament last Tuesday after being summoned by the Speaker, Hon. Edmund Cowan to answer to questions regarding the new but threatening disease.


Mrs. Thomas said the disease is otherwise known as Avian Influenza and is caused by the H5N1 Virus called ?Bird flu’.  She added that this disease is caused by every bird and not just one particular species.  She noted that the disease has been identified in Kenya, east of Africa, adding that it could get closer as it spreads.  Other areas where ‘Bird flu’ has affected are Cambodia, China, Japan, Russia, Romania and Turkey.


The Health Minister promised that henceforth, the MOHS shall concentrate on more education of the masses with regard the disease.


Hon. Dr. Princess Baba Jigida (SLPP) speaking under Standing Order (SO) 024,  noted that ?Bird Flu’ is gradually becoming a major threat to populations all over the world.  She maintained that the source of its spread emanates from migrating birds from South-East Asia to other parts of the world, adding that Sierra Leone is one country where migrating birds from other countries gather during the dry season.  She urged the Health Minister to do everything possible to sensitize the public so as to be able to combat the disease in the event it does appear here

Golley, others face Treason charges

Monday January 23, 2006

Chernor Ojuku Sesay


Omrie Golley, Mohamed Alpha Bah and David Kai Tunde were today sent to Pademba Road Prison  after they were refused bail by Sam Margai presiding Freetown Magistrate Court No. 1.


According to the charge court sheet read in court, the accused persons, on the 9th January 2006 plotted to overthrow the government of Sierra Leone and to assasinate Vice President Solomon Berewa by an unlawful means. The charge sheet stated further that on  diverse dates between the 9th to 13th January, 2006, the accused persons conspired together with other persons unknown to hold a first meeting at Bintumani Hotel on the plot to overthrow the government in order to create a situation where chaos will prevail; and that on a date unknown within the first day of December 2005 to  January 2006, the accused persons met at Kaddy’s Beach Bar again to hold their second meeting.

It was also stated that Mohamed Alpha Bah visited the ammunition store at Wilberforce Barracks.


The prosecution team is led by Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Fedrick Carew. Others in the team are O.V. Robin-Mason, Gerald J. Soyei, Mrs. J.A. Betts and A.K. Barber among others.

The defence team include Charles Francis Margai and Ansu Lansana.


Charles Margai pointed out that the defence team shall increase their number on the next adjournment date. He further asked the Attorney General whether he has any intention of taking the matter to the High Court.

The accused were not granted bail.

Meanwhile, the accused persons are remanded at the Pademba Road Prisons. The matter comes up again on the 30th January at 9 am.



Political Parties Registration Commission Starts Work

By Chernor Ojuku Sesay


Wednesday January  18, 2006



The Political Parties Registration Commission, which was set up by an Act of Parliament in 2002 and its members sworn into office on 19th December 2005, has fully started operations.

Temporarily, the Commission is located at the office of the Administrator and Registrar-General at Roxy Building, 1 Walpole Street in Freetown.


Registered political parties and other Sierra Leoneans wishing to register new parties can always contact the Commission between 9:00am – 5:00pm daily.

The “Political Parties Act, 2002”, mandated the Commission to “register and regulate the conduct of political parties in accordance with sections 34 and 35 of the Constitution and to provide for related matters.


The Commission consists of four members appointed by the President of Sierra Leone. They are the Chairman Justice Abdulai Timbo; the Chief Electoral Commissioner Ms. Christiana Thorpe; Mr. Muctarr .B. Williams who was nominated by the Sierra Leone Labour Congress; Lawyer R. A. Caesar from the Sierra Leone Bar Association and the Secretary Mr. Aiah .D. Konoyima.


The creation of the Commission will facilitate preparations for the Presidential and Parliamentary elections and will help ensure a level playing field for candidates and political parties. In addition to registering new parties, the Commission has the authority to monitor the conduct of parties and make regulations as may be necessary for the discharge of its responsibilities under the Constitution of Sierra Leone.


The Political Parties Registration Commission will be preparing the people of Sierra Leone for the 2007 elections, while the National electoral Commission (NEC) will be conducting the elections.

More distress and  uncertainty , as…..


Armed robbery is the latest menace in Sierra Leone and victims are distressed and uncertain about the direction life is going for the ordinary man in the street .Many reports reaching COCORIOKO  during the Christmas season spoke of an alarming increase in armed break-ins at private dwellings.

Our reporter , Chernor Ojuku Sesay , who also fell victim to armed robbers, describes the situation as so serious that urgent action is required from the Sierra Leone Police and other security agencies in the country.

The robbers come in  hooded and armed to the teeth with AK-47s or M-I6s or shotguns  and their modus operandi include ordering everybody on the floor and threatening to kill victims if they put up any resistance.The robbers would then cart everything out of the home, including electronic instruments like computers , radios and TV .They also terrorize victims to surrender jewelries and money.

The robberies seem to be well-coordinated with the hoodlums able to get away without any of them being caught. Criminal Investigation Department ( CID )  officials told our reporters that they have a heavy backlog of robbery cases and Police officers were on the lookout for armed robbers.

Some residents of Freetown have attributed the rise in armed robbberies to the prevalence of guns in today’s  post-war Sierra Leone  and the high rate of unemployment both in the urban and rural areas.During the 11-year civil war in the country, lots of guns entered the country and residents believe that the authorities have still not recovered all from the society . They also told our reporters that unless the government did something about unemployment and the frustration within the ranks of the youth, crimes will escalate in the country.

Armed robbery is usually an unfortunate consequence of civil wars in Africa. Whenever war comes to an end in an African country, armed robbery becomes the next problem. It happened in Nigeria, Congo DR, Rwanda, Burundi and Liberia.




Friday December 23, 2005

News reports that Chief Hinga Norman has joined the People’s Movement For Democratic Change ( PMDC )  are blatant lies , the Chief’s Spokesman, Rev. Alfred SamForay protested yesterday. Samforay asserted that Chief Hinga Norman was still a bona fide card-carrying member of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP ) and he has no desires to quit.


The Committee to Elect Hinga Norman wishes to inform the public that there is absolutely no truth to comments, rumors or suggestions presently circulating in some media outlets that Chief Samuel Hinga Norman has joined or intends to join the PMDC. The Committee regards as irresponsible any such reports whether intentional or otherwise to implicate Mr. Norman in the political activities of the PMDC.

The statement attributed to the Publicity Secretary of the SLPP, Mr. Victor Reider, without consulting Mr. Norman or the Committee to Elect Norman is equally reckless and ill-advised. Chief Norman is and remains an active member in good standing of the SLPP and no other political party. Chief Norman, however, retains his full rights of freedom of association without the blessing of the SLPP leadership.

In addition, Mr. Norman will issue a formal statement to this effect following the Christmas festivities when public attention is more conducive to such a discussion. Meanwhile, any attempt by any one inside or outside Sierra Leone to subvert the good name and intentions of Mr. Norman should cease such activities immediately.

Alfred M. SamForay,
Committee to Elect Hinga Norman.
VP Berewa or Abass Bundu, Who Is A Liar?

By Chernor Ojuku Sesay

Cocorioko Correspondent in Freetown


Wednesday December 14, 2005


Dr. Abass Bundu yesterday disclosed to journalists at a press conference at SLENA headquarters in Freetown, that he never issued a bounced cheque to the SLPP government in 1996, as part payment of US $210,000 he was asked to refund for the illegal sale of Sierra Leone passport to foreign nationals.

“I issued a bank draft of US $ 105,000 (one hundred and five thousand US dollars) and a bank draft is an irrevocable commitment on the bank”, he said.


Dr. Bundu read out a prepared marathon statement to explain the entire passport saga (Read full statement below).


He further informed journalists that the same SLPP government which indicted him in 1996, has recently exonerated him from any wrong doing as evidenced by two letters written to him by the Attorney General and Justice Minister dated 30th September and 7th October this year.

Questioned by journalists whether the exoneration was one of the reasons he decided to join the SLPP, he replied in the negative. Dr. Bundu added that he paid the US $105,000 under protest and did not pay the balance. He added that even though he had been exonerated, ” I consider it my legal right to claim the refund of the money I paid to the government in 1996 In view of government decision to issue a public statement exonerating me of any wrongdoing or impropriety and considering also its present financial constraints, I have agreed to renounce my right and forgo the claim”.


When questioned also on why he embarrassed the former Vice President, Dr. Albergt Joe Demby by dragging him to court in London for stealing his Jeep, Dr. Bundu answered that he sued Dr. Demby in his capacity as an individual and not as Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone because, “no one can imagine that a Vice President could seize and use the property of a private citizen”.

On his book Democracy by Force, which journalists said was very uncomplimentary of the SLPP, a party he has now decided to join, Dr. Bundu said he authored the book, “but I did not attack personalities in that book rather, I attacked the then bad policies of the SLPP”.


When further questioned how he would describe a politician who once served the APC, NPRC, PPP, AFRC and now SLPP, the learned Doctor refused to answer the question but added that he did not leave the APC to join the SLPP but from the PPP.

“I was suspended from the APC in 1991 along side others like Hassan Gbessay Kanu, Dr. Sheka Kaun, Thaimu Bangura, Osman Kamara and others. But they used my name as the most prominent. Since then I have never returned to the APC. I will not say any bad things about the APC because I worked in that party diligently and I’m proud of that. However, since my suspension, I was never welcomed by the APC but by the SLPP. And who would want to associate himself with a party that is full of internal squabbles”?, he questioned.


It would be recalled that in 1996, Vice President Solomon Berewa who was then the Attorney General and Minister of Justice summoned a press conference to inform journalists that Dr. Abass Bundu had requested for an out-of-court settlement of the matter against him and had issued a cheque of $105,000 dollars which had bounced. Since then, the press had never been informed of any further development until the now reaction of Dr. Bundu.




Tense moment in Sierra Leone. and Margai says ……


Wednesday November 7, 2005

People’s Movement for Democratic Change ( PMDC) Leader , Charles Margai,  said in Freetown today that he was not disturbed  by his dramatic arrest ,  before he was carried away in handcuffs by the Sierra Leone Police,  who upped the ante in the chaotic cat-and-mouse game  going on between the PMDC Chairman and the SLPP  government.

True to Inspector General Brima Acha Kamara’s statement to COCORIOKO  last night that Margai would soon be charged, the son of former Prime Minister Albert Margai was arrested today and slapped with an 11-count charge in connection with the turmoil in Bo two weeks ago when supporters of Margai were alleged to have blocked the motorcade of Vice-President Solomon Berewa from entering the campus of Christ The King’s College.

Despite Margai ‘s cool demeanor to what might raise the stakes in the drama, at least 1, 000 supporters soon massed around the Criminal Investigations Department ( CID ) where the atmosphere was said to be tense.

The whole thing started yesterday when Charles Margai was invited to the CID  but reports said that he refused to budge saying that he will not respond without a warrant of arrest.

COCORIOKO  is presently on the line with reporters in Freetown and will soon update the story.



Saturday December 3, 2005

COCORIOKO  can now reliably inform readers that the Special Court in Sierra Leone may indeed  very likely catch its biggest fish after all. A personal  letter sent to this newspaper yesterday by the U.S Senate  Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation ‘s Committee on International Relations spelt out clearly the determination of the US. government to ensure that former Liberian warlord Charles Taylor faces justice in Freetown.

A Spokesman of the committee has written COCORIOKO  to emphasize that indeed U.S .President George W. Bush jr did make it clear to Liberia’s President-Elect , Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, in his congratulatory message to her this week ,  the importance of bringing Charles Taylor to justice so that he would not continue to threaten the security of Liberia and the West African region again

Other newspapers did report on the Bush statement but people  have read so many such newspaper reports that  this recent flurry of reports did not strike a serious chord. Yesterday, all that ended.  The letter from the  U.S . Senate Subcommittee on International Terrorism  underlined the seriousness of the situation.

Infact , Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf will be in Washington D.C .  the week of December 12 , 2005 and she is expected to hold talks with U.S. Secretary of State , Mrs. Condoleeza Rice .

If Taylor ever thought that he will beat the rap, he should start singing a different tune and begin brainstorming about his Legal Defence Team before the Special Court . He should know by now that President George Bush does not double-speak.

Read part of the letter that pertains to Taylor :

“As you may know, Julianne Smith has left U.S. Congressman Ed Royce’s office.  My name is Edward Burrier, I will be helping to coordinate Mr. Royce foreign policy press until a new press secretary is hired.”

“I wanted to bring your attention to the latest development on former Liberian President Charles Taylor below.  In his call to President-elect Johnson-Sirleaf, President Bush raised the importance of bringing Taylor to justice.  You may recall that Mr. Royce wrote Johnson-Sirleaf asking that she immediately call upon the Nigerian government to transfer Taylor to the custody of the Special Court for Sierra Leone. [Let me know if you would like another copy.]  Also, please note that Johnson-Sirleaf will be in Washington, D.C. the week of December 12th.  I will work to get you more details as they become available, but I believe that she will be meeting with Secretary Rice.”

Mr. Burrier also sent us the press release that was published this week by other newspapers. The release reads :


President Bush telephoned Liberian President-elect Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf to congratulate her on her electoral victory, as well as “the historic significance of her election” as the first elected female African head of state.

Press secretary McClellan said Bush emphasized to Johnson-Sirleaf the U.S. “commitment and support to help build a democratic secure and prosperous Liberia.”

McClellan also said the president conveyed his view of the importance of bringing former Liberian leader Charles Taylor to justice so that “he can no longer threaten the people of Liberia and the region of West Africa.”

Johnson-Sirleaf is scheduled to assume the presidency January 16






Thursday November 24, 2005

Sierra Leone’s  Vice-President , Mr. Solomon Berewa , yesterday said that he had to appeal specially to his security not to respond to the acts of lawlessness that prevented him from entering the campus of Christ The King’s College , Bo , last Saturday. The Vice-President emphasized that he made the appeal to his security because he wanted to avoid bloodshed .He stated that if he had not done so, there would have been serious trouble that could have endangered live and property .

Vice-President Berewa was giving his own version of the Bo incident to COCORIOKO in another exclusive interview. last night .  Sounding calm and composed , Mr. Berewa said that the behavior of the people who barred him from entering the campus was so terrible, he had to do his best to avoid any reaction from his security that could have led to violence.

Contrary to what was reported by many newspapers based in Freetown, Mr. Berewa said he did not enter the campus to attend the Prize-Giving ceremony where he was to have been the Guest Of Honor . He stated that he was so disgusted  by the behavior of the unruly crowd that he turned back and returned to his Lodge. “I have never seen the like before”, the Vice-President said of the hostile action.

“What was the protest about ?” The Editor of COCORIOKO  asked the Vice-President . “It was not a protest,”  Berewa responded . “It was just lawlessness. There was no reason for it. I went to CKC  because I was invited there .I did nothing to anybody  that deserved the treatment I received . ” The President said his opponent, Mr. Charles Margai , was disturbed by the massive support he  ( Mr. Berewa ) received in Bo and the huge crowd that turned up to welcome him and thus  he decided to stir up trouble.

Mr. Berewa said he will not elaborate on the incident because it was under investigation by the Police.

“There are rumors in the diaspora that if he is implicated in the disturbances, Mr. Charles Margai might be charged with Treason . Is that true, Mr. Vice-President ? ”  . Responding , Mr. Berewa said that he was in no position to state the nature of the charges that might  be brought against Margai or whether he will be charged at all.  ” As I said, the matter is being investigated . It is left with the Police . If they find sufficient grounds  to charge him, they might do it, but I don’t know what the charges will be  or whether he will be charged ” , Mr. Berewa stressed.

Disturbances broke out in Bo , the Southern Province capital, over the weekend  when crowds alleged to be in support of Mr. Charles Margai blocked the entrance of the CKC  campus and  prevented the Vice-President from entering the campus. The incident led to a clash between a detachment of Police sent to break up the blockage and the demonstrators.Police allegedly fired teargas and rubber bullets and engaged in running battles with the defiant crowd.

Mr. Margai, who was also invited to the CKC Prize-Giving ceremony , was arrested and later released.


There’s still anger on the Liberian streets , as……


Saturday November 11, 2005

By Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu , Editor of COCORIOKO

Africa , a continent plagued with male chauvinism , got her first woman President ever yesterday when Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was declared winner of the runoff by the National Elections Commission ( NEC ) . Sirleaf, who was trained at the prestigious Harvard University as a Public Administrator , was in the throes of jubilation when she also called the BBC  to declare that she had won.

Mrs. Sirleaf , who served as Minister of Finance in the overthrown government of the late President William R. Tolbert jnr , has promised to form a government of national unity , which will include her opponent, George Oppong Weah, the ace football maestro who won the first round of voting but failed to get the 51% margin required to be President.

It was a long road to victory for an indomitable woman who endured the desperate and vindictive harassment and persecution of a magalomanic dictator during  the Samuel Doe rule .Doe , a military fascist leader who took over through a bloody coup in 1980,  hated the guts of Mrs Sirleaf. She was hounded , harassed, falsely accused and  detained her twice and also charged her with Treason . Following her release from prison when she was granted amnesty by the same dictator, Mrs .Sirleaf fled Liberia in fear of her life through a private plane that took her to neighbouring Ivory Coast from where she found her way to the U.S. .

Mrs .Sirleaf ‘s next round of troubles was with Liberia’s next dictator, former rebel leader Charles Taylor whom she initially supported when he launched his insurrection to overthrow Doe, but fell apart with him when innocent Liberians started dying in their thousands .Mrs .Sirleaf’s opponents had often sought to villify her for her support of Charles Taylor , but to Ellen’s credit, she did not support Taylor against the Liberian people. She was so determined to see Doe off by any means that she worked along with Taylor who had initially won the support of Liberians as a real redeemer . She withdrew her support from Taylor when the invasion degenerated into tribal killings and when Taylor took office as President, the two became eternal enemies. But Sirleaf also surmounted everything Taylor threw at her.

Weah tried to stave chaos by appealing to his angry supporters : “I can see in your eyes, I can see in your faces that you are crying but there is no need to cry because we have not lost the election …..But the streets of Monrovia do not belong to violent people. Do not, in the name of peace, go on the streets. Please, please, stay in your vicinities. Leave the streets of Monrovia; people are frightened. They want no more war. You can trust me. I will be here with you.”. But it is hard to say whether these appeals will  melt the anger away permanently.

However , Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf will face tough challenges once her victory is certified and she enters the Executive Mansion , the seat of power in Liberia. Firstly, she will have to cool down passions not only from the 14-year war that killed 200,000 Liberians and destroyed the country’s infrastructure , but the latest from supporters of her opponent Weah , who staged demonstrations in the capital yesterday , protesting that the elections were rigged. Weah had taken the case to the Supreme Court prohibiting the NEC  from continuing counting the votes because of alleged fraud.

Weah  tried to stave chaos by appealing to his rampaging supporters : “I can see in your eyes, I can see in your faces that you are crying but there is no need to cry because we have not lost the election….But the streets of Monrovia do not belong to violent people. Do not, in the name of peace, go on the streets. Please, please, stay in your vicinities. Leave the streets of Monrovia; people are frightened. They want no more war. You can trust me. I will be here with you.”.UN Forces had to disperse the protesters with teargas and it is not certain whether his supporters will heed Weah’s frenzied appeals.

The second difficult task Mrs. Sirleaf will face is bridging the so-called Congo Vs. Countrymen divide. The Congos were  freed  African-American slaves who were shipped to Liberia in the eighteenth century and had been accused of oppressing the original citizens they met in what later became  the Republic of Liberia. The Congo/countrymen feud later exploded violently on Saturday April 12, 1980 with the bloody coup staged by soldiers belonging to the “countrymen ”  faction . Through successive dictatorships by Doe , “a countryman ” and Taylor , a Congo, the problem had continued to simmer underground and threatened to resurface after the first round of voting when it was thought that the runoffs would boil down to a Congo vs.Countrymen showdown . Mrs Sirleaf’s task will be to unite Liberia under one banner , which other governments had failed to do.

Though her opponent Weah is disputing the polls for now, the general consensus of opinion is that Mrs. Sirleaf’s election is the best thing that could  have happened  to Liberia for a long while , given the enormous tasks that the post-war government will face to unite, rehabilitate and reconstruct the nation. It is believed that Mrs .Sirleaf is the better candidate to accomplish these goals , given her level of education, international respect as a former UN and World Bank official  and her clout as the “Iron Lady”  of Liberia , in comparison to Mr. Weah’s modest credentials .

However, Mrs. Sirleaf should try to appease Liberians by injectiong young blood into her cabinet , rather than repeating the mistakes of past governments which studded their cabinets with old, recycled and failed politicians. The very reason that Weah is such a phenomenal character among Liberian voters is that the people of Liberia are sick and tired of old, recycled politicians who have failed them miserably in the past. The idea that only well-educated citizens were capable of rescuing Liberia from her present dismal socio-economic and political straits also does not cut ice with the Liberian people anymore. They infact believe that it was the “Book People” who plunged the country in its present mess.

One mitigating factor is the fact that Mrs.Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is a proven no-nonsense, hardworking, efficient and principled woman who could make a difference if given the chance. The prayer of anyone who loves Liberia is that peace and prosperity should  at last return to the land  .This is attainable, if all Liberians decide  at last that now is the time to put aside all their differences, jump onboard and work for the good of their beloved nation.




Justice Minister meets Journalists on Monday

By Chernor Ojuku Sesay

Cocorioko Correpondent in Freetown


Monday November 7, 2005

The Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Frederick Carew would meet journalists to make a few clarification on the latest press release issued by SLAJ regarding the state of the late For Di People (FDP) acting Editor, Harry Yansanehs matter and other related issues”.

It should be recalled that the late Mr. Yansaneh was brutalised on the orders of Hon. Fatmata Hassan (SLPP) by hired thugs and three of her children who later fled to the United Kingdom shortly before the death of the FDP Editor.

The incident which occured in July this year at the No-1 Short street building in Freetown, where  the FDP offices were located was witnesed by a number of people including journalists. Following the death of Harry Yansaneh, there was outcry from almost all sectors of the public including local and international human rights organisations and many others, demanding that Hon. Hassan and her thugs brought to justice.

A Coroners Inquest presided over by magistrate Adrian Fisher was then set up by govrnment to look into the cause of death of the FDP Editor. Many witnesses testifed and Cornor Fisher in passing judgement recommended that Hon. Hassan and the other accused persons be remanded in custody unitl a proper hearing of the matter commences. Howoever, barely 24 hours upon passing judgement the Attorney General and Minister of Justice Frederick Carew manipulated the judical process and Hon. Hassan was released under circumstances that are still unclear.




Friday November 25, 2005

The Vice-President of Sierra Leone, Mr. Solomon Berewa , has expressed thanks and appreciation to COCORIOKO  for its timely and professional coverage of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party Delegates Convention held at the  Makeni  Teachers ‘ College in the Northern Province capital on Sunday September 4, 2005.

During an exclusive interview on the Bo incident , conducted by this paper, Mr. Berewa said he read   the articles and saw the pictures and was deeply indebted to the paper for its coverage of his victory and for the pictures published.

COCORIOKO  was the first Sierra Leone newspaper to break the news to the world minutes after the votes that Mr. Solomon Berewa had won the election for SLPP Leadership and will be the party’s Presidential candidate in the 2007 General Elections , thanks to speedy and efficient reporting by our then Correspondent , Tamba Borbor , who now has a new job as Managing Editor of THE POST.

Many  anxious  Sierra Leoneans  in Freetown worrying how they would know the results of the votes that Sunday were asked to go online and read COCORIOKO and some of them wrote back to thank the paper for satisfying their craving for news of the winner that day.




Monday October 17, 2005

His Excellency the Vice-President of Sierra Leone , Mr. Solomon Ekuma Berewa , will steal the show again , this time in London,  as an organization called FRIENDS OF BEREWA UK  plan a big program for the SLPP Leader and Presidential candidate , on Friday October 21 , 2005

The Vice-President almost two months ago became the  ’cause celebre’ when he won the election to become the SLPP Leader to replace   the President, Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah , who will be retiring, and also Presidential candidate for the 2007 General Elections.

MR.ANSU B. MOMOH of the Berewa Campaign Team in the United Kingdom  , who gave COCORIOKO the report wrote :

The Vice- President of Sierra Leone and Leader-elect of the ruling SLPP, Solomon Ekuma Berewa will be the guest of honour at a reception to be organise by Friends of Berewa UK. The reception will take place on Friday 21st of October 2005 at the prestigious Royal National Hotel, Russel Square London.

The purpose of the reception is to welcome and congratulate the Vice-President on his historical victory and to thank him for his invaluable contribution towards peace, security, democracy and development in Sierra Leone. This event will provide an opportunity for His Excellency the Vice- President to meet and interact with a cross-section of the Sierra Leonean community in the UK.

Friends of Berewa UK, are a group of independent-minded, progressive and forward looking Sierra Leoneans who passionately believe that at this crucial moment, Sierra Leone deserves nothing other than responsible leadership that would rectify the failures of previous regimes ; that would build on  the post-war political, economic and social gains achieved so far which will lead the country to future development and prosperity for all.






Tuesday October 4, 2005

The race for the Liberian Presidency has become more fierce and tense with Mrs. Ellen Johnson -Sirleaf of the Unity Party ( UP )  and former football star , George Opong Weah  of the Campaign for Democatic Change ( CDC ) going head -to-head for victory .

While the bulk of George Oppong Weah’s supporters remain city youths and throngs in Monrovia  who were captivated by his soccer wizardry, Elllen Johnson -Sirleaf has made significant inroads into the hearts of prospective voters in the interior and that clearly makes her the hottest favourite to win the elections on October 15.

Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf ‘s bludgeoning popularity is being enhanced by her experience in government in Liberia where she served the regime of the late President William R. Tolbert as Minister of Finance in the 1970s until the April 12, 1980 military coup , led by the late then Master-Sergeant Samuel K. Doe.

Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf is also trying to turn tables by stressing her experience in the international field of finance , having worked with the World Bank for a considerable period where she excelled herself.

If Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf wins, she will become the first-ever elected President of an African nation. But her opponents are trying to unhinge her campaign by dwelling on her support for the former rebel kingpin , Charles Taylor, whose insurgency into the country she allegedly financed. The saving grace for Mrs. Sirleaf is that she supported Taylor at a time when the rebel leader was massively popular and his invasion of Liberia welcomed by the people. At that time, even radical students and the country’s intellectuals, all determined to see the last of Doe, supported Taylor.

George Oppong Weah has tremendous grassroots support .His advantage is his generosity and the fact that his public profile has never been tarnished by involvements with old politicians , rebels or warlords. People think that he will give Liberia a fresh start.

However, his antagonists are capitalizing on his lack of experience.

The election itself entered a phase of uncertainty last week when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of  independent presidential candidates who had earlier been rejected by the National Elections Commission ( NEC). The sudden re-entry of more presidential candidates has raised the possibility that the date of the elections may be changed , to give these candidates equal opportunities to campaign.

Sierra leone students have problems in Egypt


By Alpha Joh Barrie in Egypt


Monday September 19, 2005







Tuesday September 6, 2005

John Oponjo Benjamin , a one-time Chairman of the National Unity Party ( NUP ) , has been nominated as Sierra Leone’s new Minister of Finance in a surprising cabinet reshuffle effected today by President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah.

According to our reporter, Olu Faulkner, who called COCORIOKO  with the news, out in the cold  is the former minister, Mr. J.B. Dauda , just two days after he also lost his bid to become Leader of the SLPP and Presidential candidate . Also dropped in the reshuffle today was  the popular socialite , Mr. Emmanuel Orisejolomi Grant , whose position of Minister of Energy and Power will go to Mr. Lyoud During.  Mr. George Banda-Thomas is also replaced as Minister of Internal Affairs.

Former FBC Lecturer, Mr. Pascal  Egbenda, who was Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, has been nominated for the post of  Minister of Internal Affairs, while the Minister of Tourism and Culture, Mr. Chernor Jalloh, switches posts with Minister of Fisheries and Marine Affairs Mr. Okere Adams.

This surprise cabinet reshuffle comes just two days after the dramatic SLPP Delegates Convention in Makeni , Northern Province, where the Vice-President , Solomon Berewa , in a winner-takes-all spectacle , captured the votes for the SLPP Leadership and the Presidential candidate for the 2007 General Elections.

The political developments in Sierra Leone during the past week have been really breathcatching , starting with the Supreme Court verdict in the case filed against the ruling SLPP  by Chief Hinga Norman, who was delivered a shocker as the case was thrown out for want of locus standi for the plaintiff and jurisdiction for the court .This was followed by last weekend’s earth-shaking SLPP Delegates Convention , which left the nation with mixed feelings.

Our reporter , Olu Faulkner, said more changes are expected in the government, especially with rumors that President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah may take an early retirement , now that the vexing problem of his successor  as SLPP leader has been solved in Makeni on Sunday

According to our reporter, some people who heard about today’s cabinet reshuffle , described  it as “still too little” in view of the dismal performance of members of the Kabbah government. “President Kabbah has still not touched many of the sacred cows in the government, but who knows ? This might be just the beginning “, Faulkner quoted a work mate.


 SLPP  risks more lawsuits, as….


Thursday September 1, 2005

Sierra Leonean political experts at home and abroad have expressed apprehension about the possibility of more law suits against the strife-torn ruling SLPP if the party goes ahead with its National Leadership Convention this weekend.

COCORIOKO  sampled the views of the experts by telephone and also monitored the opinions of Sierra Leoneans in various online discussion forums yesterday after the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone ruled that Chief Hinga Norman did not have locus standi to bring his much-discussed law suit against the SLPP ,thereby paving the way for the convention , which had infact been already scheduled for this weekend even before yesterday’s verdict from the highest court in the land.

While emotions were mixed with some people hailing the verdict of the court, many others looked at the verdict from the perspective of the manner this weekend’s convention was rescheduled. The convention was originally postponed indefinitely , following the Hinga Norman law suit which was also an interlocutory injunction against the election of party officials and a presidential candidate in the same convention.

With the court decision slated for yesterday, and the verdict yet unknown, the SLPP had gone ahead and announced through its National Chairman , Mr. Sama Banya , that the party’s convention would be held this weekend. This development was astounding and puzzling to many neutralists and supporters of the various candidates challenging Vice-President Berewa for the SLPP Leadership and Presidential nomination. They could not understand how the SLPP could   have done that with the verdict still pending.

But supporters of Vice-President Berewa told COCORIOKO  that there was nothing wrong with the decision , in as much as the court had earlier ruled that the party could go on with the convention but elect no leader until after the verdict. Mr. Banya gave credence to this contention when he reportedly told the CONCORD TIMES  that the party was holding the convention on Saturday and would go on and elect officers. He however left out the issue of the election of leaders, adding however that if the court verdict allowed them to elect leaders also, then that would be done. Some supporters told COCORIOKO  that the SLPP , from Dr.Banya’s statement, had no plans to do anything  that the court had not ordered.

This explanation however did not address the questions being asked by supporters of other candidates why the convention was being rushed. Some people feel that the other candidates should have been given sufficient time to galvanize and bring together their delegates, many of whom were still abroad , having been compelled to stay put by the uncertainties around the convention due to the Hinga Norman law suit. They believe that if the convention went on under the present circumstances, Vice-President Berewa will be handed a clear advantage and this could create the possibility of more lawsuits by the other candidates.Already , the Charles Margai and John Leigh teams have protested against  the hasty convening of the convention.

A source in the  capital who did  not want to be named told this paper that the SLPP scheduled the convention this weekend for two reasons : Firstly, President Kabbah would be leaving Sierra Leone next week to attend the UN General Assembly in New York .The SLPP wanted the convention out of the way before the President’s trip. The source went on to state that Kabbah could use the opportunity to carry out his alleged plans for a much-earlier retirement which could also give Berewa a feel of the Presidency before the elections, should he win the nomination this weekend. The source said Kabbah was serious about his plans to retire early.

The second reason given by the source was that the party had come to the conclusion that some people just wanted to create chaos and hold back the convention , thereby creating the prospect for bigger chaos somewhere along the line. The SLPP,he went on, wanted to forestall this problem by getting the convention out of the way before the troublemakers executed their plan. The SLPP,  he said, understood that a long drawn-out conflict between its members  over leadership issues would not augur well for the party during the elections and thus it decided to take the bull by the horns and get done with the convention.

Whatever the outcome of this weekend’s convention, it does appear likely that it will lay to rest the rumbles within the grand, old party.


Monday August 29, 2005

She has come a long way. She has survived the ravages of one of Africa’s worst military dictatorships, been accused of Treason, thrown into  jail and almost killed by a megalomanic dictator .For Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Liberia’s ‘Iron Lady, ‘ it  appears as if she has  come to the defining moment of her chequered political career .

With only few months before Liberia’s first ever democratic elections, Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf is one of the hot favourites for the crown in what could boil down to a two-horse bitter race between her and ace football hero, George Oppong Weah. COCORIOKO’s Editor-In-Chief Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu looks at the chances of a woman who could become the first ever elected woman President in Africa :

Liberia’s forthcoming Presidential Elections  may not be fought around the pivot of who is the cleanest candidate of them all because the electorate seems to have something against  all of them. For Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, the woman who has gone through  the crucibles of dangerous African politics , the complaints against her are  firstly that she was one of the power-seeking Liberians who helped lure the much -adored Brigadier-General Thomas Quiwonkpa to his timely death at the hands of brutal dictator , Samuel K.Doe , via the Saturday November 12, 1985 military misadventure.

Fingers are also being pointed at Mrs.Johnson-Sirleaf as one of the backbones of the December 24, 1989 invasion of Liberia by Charles Taylor who turned an innocent attempt to get rid of a dictator into the bloodiest incursions ever  in modern African warfare. Innocent people on whose behalf the putsch was launched turned out to be its victims. Mrs .Johnson-Sirleaf has already apologised but her enemies have held her mistakes infront of her like a trump card.

But given the fact that none of her opponents can be truly said to be without  faults, Liberians could forgive Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf and vote her into the Executive Mansion if they decide to look for the candidate who holds the  best promise for ushering   the war-destroyed nation  into a fruitful era of national recovery and national reconstruction. .Liberia ‘s most dire need today is to rebuild , after a devastating war that destroyed the country in every sphere of life . That passion to reconstruct their nation may yet shape the minds of Liberian voters on October 12.

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf may have committed errors that were  really unintended and unforeseen consequences of a driving passion  to get rid of Samuel Doe but  many Liberians  I have spoken with believe she presently holds the key  to  inational reconstruction in Liberia ,  considering the more serious credibility problems affecting most of the other candidates and the inexperience of her most bitter rival, George Oppong Weah.

Liberians giving thumbs up to Mrs.Johnson-Sirleaf point to her tremenduous political experience as Finance Minister under the Tolbert administration ,  as one of the opposition leaders during the most difficult era of Liberia’s political history and her international connections and credibility as one-time  top executive of the Britton Woods institutions, the World Bank and the IMF. The Harvard-educated Mrs.Johnson-Sirleaf is not only an internationally-reknowned economist ; she has excelled at the World Bank and the IMF and her exemplary performance in these institutions and her international credibility may help Liberia get the financial assistance she needs to rebuild and reconstruct. That is the main promise of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.

Though there is never any guarantee that a leader capable of generating foreign economic support for a nation could turn out to be a successful President ,considering the experience of Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah in neighbouring Sierra Leone, Mrs.Sirleaf has to her credit a reputation for scrupulous financial management . At least, with all the calumny poured on the Tolbert regime after its April 12, 1980 overthrow by Doe for rampant corruption, there is yet to emerge hard core evidence linking Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf with wilful money mismanagement, thieving and wastage. Those who have worked her have commended her for her stringent habits with money and strong principles, though success for her will hinge on the kinds of people who work with her and her willingness to clamp down seriously on corruption and economic wastage.

In neigbouring Sierra Leone, nobody has yet provided any authoritative evidence linking President Kabbah with personal financial aggrandizement and thieving , but he presides over a kleptomanic government  famed for misappropriating national funds .A leader may have profound international connections and he may be financially prudent and scrupulous but if he surrounds himself with thieves, he is not likely to emerge successful.

It is still too early to predict a winner in the Liberian elections as there could still be a resurgence in the fortunes of even less reckoned candidates like Winston Tubman , not to mention a  likely universal acceptance of George Oppong Weah’s inexperience and naivety as being more preferable to  the tarnished image of recycled politicians . But Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has turned on the heat with vigorous campaigning  and impressive speeches like her condemnation of violence and her promise to clamp down on corruption in Liberia. .And when all is said and done and push comes to shove, she may be the candidate to beat in the elections.



Thursday August 25, 2005

Top executive member of the Concerned Citizens for the Restoration of Democracy in Sierra Leone ( New Jersey Branch ), Morgage Banker Mr. Foday Mansaray yesterday welcomed and praised the stand taken by the Chief of Defence Staff of the Sierra Leone Army, Major General Sam M’Boma on the  recent threat made against one of the country’s political parties by former junta leader Maada Bio.

It must be recalled that two weeks ago Maada Bio told a Radio Talk Show in Freetown that he did not regret helping to overthrow the APC  government and that if the APC won the forthcoming General Elections and did the same things that caused the coup, he would overthrow them again. Since Maada’s statement, there has been a flurry of articles in newspapers condemning or supporting the former Army strongman.

Talking to COCORIOKO, Mr. Mansaray first of all said that he did not mind the attacks he had been getting from supporters of Bio since he and some Concerned Citizens members in New Jersey condemned Bio for his statement and called for his arrest and trial for Treason. Mr.Mansaray said that people were entitled to their opinions.

He told this newspaper that he was however not taking the statements made by Maada lightly because Maada’s threats were not only directedat a political party but at the survival of the nation. He recalled how he and many patriots braved the adverse weather in 1997-1998  to hold meetings and rallies to procure international support for reversing the Johnny Paul Koroma coup and restoring President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah after his overthrow by the RUF/AFRC. He said that a military coup will not only reverse the gains of multi-party democracy but  will destroy the economy and cause more suffering in the country.

Mr. Mansaray stated that Bio’s statement should not be underestimated because he had the capacity to carry out his threats, i.e. overthrow any government in Sierra Leone. He renewed his call for Bio to be arrested and tried for Treason. Mr. Mansaray also called on President Kabbah to address the concerns of the Concerned Citizens because they affected the fate of the country.

On Friday, the Army Chief of Defence Staff , General M’Boma expressed disappointment with Bio’s utterance and described it as unfortunate. He too warned that Bio’s statement should not be regarded as a joke or a slip of the tongue because it ammounted to a security threat.

Charles Margai Camp cries foul


Friday August 19, 2005


Tamba Borbor reports from Freetown


A member of the Charles Margai Campaign Team, Mr. Dauda T. Bangura has complained that up till now, a comprehensive list of delegates has not been displayed. He was speaking at a Press briefing held at their Campaign Headquarters at Rawdon Street Tuesday 16th August.


Mr. Bangura maintained that the list should have been out according to the SLPP Constitution, 30 days before the holding of the convention. He went on to disclose that they have information that the Koinadugu and Kenema list of delegates have been tampered with. He noted that with this list, they would be able to verify the names of each delegate and the constituency they represent.


The Spokesman of the Charles Margai Campaign Team, Sulaiman Banja Tejan-Sie also disclosed that as at present, they do not know who the Electoral Commissioner is nor the mode of voting that would be used during the Conference. He maintained that these issues should be clarified to make room for objections if there would be any. On the present Court injunction, Mr. Tejan-Sie noted that the Conference has not been postponed but put on hold. He added that only the National Executive Council of the SLPP has the constitutional power or mandate to postpone or defer such a convention.


Asked whether they are disappointed about the hold put on the convention, Mr. Tejan-Sei stated that indeed they are because having done their homework very well; they were in high gear to go to the conference and clinch the leadership of the SLPP with their candidate, Mr. Charles Francis Margai. He disclosed that after going to eleven out of the twelve districts in the country, 70% of the people in those places expressed the urgent desire and need for change and that this should be effected by their candidate.


The Campaign Spokesman boldly stated that they are confident they will win the leadership election not only in the South but also in the North and the Western Area. On the issue of Charles Margai not going to the conference as a delegate, Mr. Tejan-Sie said that this does not in anyway pose a problem to their campaign as even Vice President Berewa would not be a delegate. “Even President Tejan Kabbah was not a delegate during the past elections and he won the leadership position,” he stated.

 Energy and Power Minister denies Government release

Wednesday August 17, 2005

Tamba Borbor reports from Freetown

Energy and Power Minister Emmanuel O Grant has publicly dissociated himself from parts of the content of the press release on the National Power Authority issued by the Office of the President.

The release had accused the Board Chairman of having caused the breakdown of negotiations between the government and the Libyans when it stated that “it was later learnt that the NPA team that went on the trip tried to convince the entity that was designated to execute the project to increase its cost, no doubt to make the offer uncompetitive in relation to the IPP proposed. Trust broke down between the implementing agency and the Government as a result of the influence of the Chairman of NPA and the project was aborted.”

Asked by the Ex-Chairman to clarify whether what was written was what transpired during the Libyan trip as it was written in the press release, during the live broadcast programme “Leh di pipul Tok” Thursday, Minister Emmanuel Grant stated that he was not the one who prepared the press release.

He said if he had prepared the press release and had seen such statements, he would have made sure that they are deleted. He disclosed that to his own knowledge the Libyan arrangement failed because the Libyans were changing their position anytime they met. That arrangement was meant to be a government-to-government business in which the machines will be secured at a reasonable cost.

Later on he said they found out that it had been turned into a highly commercial business, which did not make it very competitive for the Sierra Leone government to enter that kind of deal. The Minister publicly emphasised that the person who wrote the press release should be called to answer where he got that information. In effect he was maintaining his innocence and proving that the information contained in the press release issued from the Office of the President was wrong.



Another armed robbery in the city

Friday August 5, 2005

Tamba Borbor reports from Freetown

Sulaiman Barrie, a trader has been the latest victim of armed robbery barely few days after an armed robbery at Rokel in the outskirt of Freetown. Armed robbers broke into his stall in the early hours of Tuesday morning 3rd August at the Victoria Park.

According to report, prior to the incident, Operational Security Division (OSD) personnel drove petty traders who usually trade an assortment of prepared food and tea, till the early hours of the morning.

Report also states that around 2am the previous day, a group of armed men with facemasks and dark blue camouflage resembling that worn by OSDs, asked those trading in the area to leave.

The traders who resisted at first finally left; when these armed men arrived for the second time insisting that the traders most go. Sulaiman Barrie who sells men’s wear explained that his shopkeeper- Alimamy Kamara reported to him in the morning that the shop had been broken into by robbers. He further explained, “When I went to the scene and saw that all I have laboured for over the years has gone, I felt very downcast.”

He maintained that there is no security in the city. Pointing at the locks on the door, Mr. Barrie said, “the locks were shot at.” As traders expressed security concerns, a young man lamented: “The rate of armed robbery nowadays is very alarming.”


Special Court revelations.

Adama ‘cuthand’ ordered the amputation of civilians

Wednesday July 27, 2005

Tamba Borbor reports from Freetown

In his evidence at the trial chamber II of the Special Court, Prosecution witness TF1-157 has explained that Adama ?cuthand’ ordered the amputation of civilians in Freetown. The witness maintained that when they entered Freetown on the January 6th, 1999, people were killed and houses and vehicles burnt down.  It was at this point the witness said that Adama gave orders that civilians should be amputated, which then led to the rebels engaging in massive amputation of civilians.

The witness who was testifying in Mandingo told the Court that when the rebels entered Freetown, the civilians were tormented as they were forced to sing for the troops while others were engaged in the burning of houses. Later he went on to narrate, some civilians were ordered to put out the fires.  ” The troops then went in search of Police Officers. The rebels disguised as civilians and went in search of Police Officers who when found, were killed together with their families and their houses burnt down. It was during this period that the Eastern Police Station was burnt down. A Government official was also killed at Kissy,” TF1-157 narrated. 

The 20-year-old witness said that he was captured by the rebels at his village in Bonoya in the Bombali District. Some of the rebels he said were in combat fatigue and others in civilian attire. ” During this attack, six people were killed and four houses burnt down. The six killed included my elder brother; my uncle and his two children- Mamie Adama and Momodu who were thrown into a fire and those that were not killed were seriously injured.  I together with some other children were forced to carry loads for them.”

He narrated that they went through many villages, which he could not remember; adding that the troops attacked Rosus where a Muslim man was stripped naked and killed by Musa with orders from one Captain Junior. He explained further, ” we were attacked by the ECOMOG jet which forced us to leave Rosus and headed for Red Lion where we stayed for some time. While we were at Red Lion, we usually cross a river to search for food and on one particular day, a man was left behind and upon our return the next day, his body was seen at the junction having been mutilated by the Kamajors.”

The troops TF1-157 went further to narrate “then decided to head for Freetown and went through Lunsar where houses were also burnt and civilians killed. Mamamah, Waterloo and Benguema where attacked and Saj Musa died at Benguema,” he narrated.


Friday July 22, 2005

The SLPP  headquarters will witness a seething flurry of political activities on Sunday  July 31 as War Crimes Indictee Chief Hinga Norman declares his intent for the party leadership and the Sierra Leone Presidency. This brings to pass our sensational scoop last week that the Chief was going to throw his heart in the ring, though presently in captivity.

Announcing the Chief’s political goal today was the Spokesman of the disbanded Civil Defence Force ( CDF) Rev. Alfred SamForay, who said that all affected parties have consented  and approved and a formal campaign committee is in the making in Sierra Leone, U.K and the U.S. And shortly after SamForay’s announcement, a public statement from Chief Norman was released


NOTE:  I am directed by the Secretary of Communications for the Committee to Elect Chief Hinga Norman,

Mr. AbouBakarr Amara, to post on his behalf the following communication from Hon. Sam Hinga

Norman.  (A. SamForay)









The Secretary-General

Tegloma Federation


July 18, 2005


Dear Sirs,




I wish to inform you and through you the entire membership of the SLPP US-Branch and the Tegloma Federation about my decision to contest the position of national leader of our party.


I have arrived at this decision after careful consideration and in response to the overwhelming calls from all sections of the Party throughout the country.


The SLPP US-Branch has a special place in my heart.  Quite apart from the fact that you are regarded as the major overseas Branch of the Party, you have shown your commitment and understanding by your decision to declare an open support for me following my arrest and indictment for the alleged war crimes and Crimes against Humanity.


Our Party stands on the cross road.  On the one hand, there is the real danger that our Party has lost its way because it has been hijacked by people who have no faith in its direction and no long term prospects as the governing Party of this country.  On the other hand, the coming national Convention offers the best opportunity for us to collectively avert the disaster that awaits our Party.


I am a loyal member of our Party and have always remained faithful to its cause ? even at grave personal risk.  I believe I have the qualities to ably lead the Party.  I also have the national stature and vision to provide the sort of leadership that has eluded our Party in the recent past. As a fellow member of the Party, it will be a singular honour for me to be allowed to lead our Party.


I hope I can count on your support.




Highest Regards,

Chief Samuel Hinga Norman, JP.







Monday June 20, 2005

Veteran politician Dr. John Karefa-Smart has clarified that his quest to serve Sierra Leone was never an ambition , but an opportunity to use his vast education and experience to serve his country for the betterment of the people.

Dr. Karefa-Smart was responding to questions from the Editor-In-Chief of COCORIOKO , Rev. Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu , who interviewed him on the occasion of his 90th birthday , which the esteemed politician celebrated with his daughter in California on Friday.

When the Editor called Dr. Karefa-Smart yesterday evening, he immediately responded and his voice was so vibrant that he belied a senior citizen of such an advanced age. And during the interview Dr. Karefa-Smart’s mind was so sharp that he did not miss any word in the questions and he interrupted to make interesting clarification,  based on the Editor’s diction, where necessary.

The first example of Dr. Karefa-Smart’s sharpness of mind  surfaced when the Editor asked him whether at his age he still had the ambition to run for the Presidency in 2007. Dr. Karefa-Smart immediately seized on the word , “Ambition “. He said he had clarified to many people and he wanted to clarify to the Editor too that his quest to serve Sierra Leone was never an ambition. Dr. Karefa-Smart said that he felt that he had received  such abundant education and experience that he thought that he must use the opportunity   to serve his country for the betterment of the people.

Dr. Karefa-Smart was the Assistant Director -General of the World Health Organization ( WHO)  for 5 years after serving for another extended time in the WHO Regional office for Africa. He also has 15 years of teaching experience in international health universities and was a consultant to the World Bank, the Unied Nations Fund for Population Activities, the Pan American Health Organization , USAID and the African Development Bank.

At the start of the interview when the Editor asked him how he felt at age 90, Dr. Karefa -Smart , who is also a United Methodist Church ordained minister of the gospel, said that  he first of all thanked God Almighty for giving him strength and long life. Next, he said he thanked his parents , who are now deceased, for bringing him into this world , and then he also thanked his beloved wife who for 56 years faithfully worked with him in Africa and Europe.” I am stressing these three–God, my parents and my wife–because people do not appreciate them anymore “,  he stressed.

Dr. Karefa-Smart told COCORIOKO  further that his quest was a willingness to serve the people of his country. He declared that one of his aims for going back  to Sierra Leone was to  put into practice the ideals he shared with the founding father of the nation, Sir Milton Margai , when they worked together.

Dr. Karefa-Smart regretted the way Sierra Leone was being run. He said he was disgruntled with members of his party, the UNPP ,  because the members did not share the same vision he had. He accused members of the party of wanting to be elected only to live the same corrupt life being led by the politicians they wanted to replace. .



Monday April 9, 2005

A usually reliable source has hinted to COCORIOKO  that President George W. Bush jr and Nigerian leader , Olusegun Obasanjo are working out modalities that would ensure the transfer of former Liberian President Charles Taylor to Freetown.

Taylor has been indicted by the Special Court for Sierra Leone for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Nigerian leader’s concern is said to be his credibility in foreign relations , having committed himself to offer protection to Taylor in exchange for giving up power in Liberia. But it is learnt that Taylor’s extradition is being planned in such a way that it will spare the Nigerian President any loss of face.

Before Taylor is taken away probably by INTERPOL  officials , backed by U.S. Marshalls,  one of the two nations will send out an envoy to some African countries to explain the necessity of upholding the Rule of Law.

Strasser declares his Presidential intentions Saturday

Wednesday April 27, 2005

Former Chairman of the National Provisional Ruling Council ( NPRC) Valentine Strasser will steal the limelight from the politicians on Saturday when he declares his intentions to contest the 2007 Presidential Elections.  Strasser is holding a big Press conference at the Stop Press Restaurant owned by the publisher of The Democrat newspaper, Pios Foray.

Strasser will be the second leader of the discredited NPRC  to throw his hat in the ring. The man who overthrew him, Julius Maada Bio , has already announced his desire to also contest the presidency in 2007. Many journalists from media houses in Freetown have been invited to the ceremony.

Strasser was the most senior officer  of the soldiers who staged the military coup that overthrew the then ruling All People’s Congress ( APC ) in 1992.He became the youngest head of state then at 27 .But after ruling for three years, he was overthrown in 1995 by his deputy, Maada Bio , who accused him of planning to transform himself into a civilian President by highjacking the then scheduled 1996 General Elections.

Bio himself stalled and planned to hold on to power indefinitely  , once he entered State House, but stakeholders Britain , the U.S. and many other members of the international community forced him to stage the 1996 Elections and hand over to the present SLPP government who were adjudged winners.

Strasser had his UN scholarship withdrawn  while studying Law at Warwick University in England and the British government deported him because of the human rights abuses committed by the NPRC  during his leadership. Bio, fortunately, got by , staying in the U.S. and studying for his Bachelor’s and Masters degrees. Why both  ex-soldiers think  that they are the answers to the country’s problems at this time remains a mystery.

AFRC indictees boycott trial at Special Court

Friday April 8, 2005

The three Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) indictees at Special Court have started a boycott of court proceedings.  The three, Ibrahim Bazzy Kamara, Alex Tamba Brima aka Guillit and Santigie Kanu aka 55 were not present in court when the session resumed after the Easter break.

The Defence lawyers representing the indictees told the court, the indictees informed them that they would not be coming to court; adding that they (the defence) had nothing to do with their absence from court. The Defence team explained further that even though they advised the indictees about the importance of their presence in court, they (indictees) still stressed in keeping away from the court.

The three AFRC indictees now join Augustine Gbao of the RUF and Hinga Norman of the CDF to boycott the court sessions. It will be recalled that Augustine Gbao of the RUF was the first indictee to refuse attending the court sessions. He was soon followed by Issa Sesay and Morris Kallon but through the intervention of their lawyers Issa and Kallon later on started attending court. Up to date Augustine Gbao is still adamant about his decision.

Also first accused of the CDF- Sam Hinga Norman followed suit and decided not to corporate with the court anymore and was later joined by Moinina Fofana and Allieu Kondewa. Defence Counsels for Moinina and Kondewa were also later able to convince their clients about the importance of being in court and they too discontinued their action and started attending court sessions. Meanwhile, the RUF trial is scheduled to resume today with a total of 25 witnesses lined up to testify during this session including one that is coming from out of the continent.


Monday March 7, 2005

Mr. Abu Aiah Koroma, the politician once regarded as the leader of the Kono people of Sierra Leone, has died. Mr. Koroma died yesterday in Freetown, just two months after his beloved wife also succumbed to death’s balmy hands in the U.S.

Mr. Koroma,  a British-trained lawyer, came to prominence in the 1960s when the late Brigadier A.T.Juxon-Smith  appointed him Attorney General in the then NRC Junta . He was charged with  Misprison of Treason  by the Siaka Stevens’ APC government  in 1968 after  the NRC lost power that year .

The charge at the time alleged that Mr. Koroma knew or had cause to know that Brigadier Juxon-Smith and his junta endeavoured to subvert the SierraLeone constitution , but failed to inform authorities about it.  Mr. Koroma  considered the charge so preposterous he caused a stir in court  for many days when  he refused to take a plea .

Koroma was eventually found guilty and sentenced to a long-term imprisonment at the notorious Pademba Road Prison. He was later released when the government granted amnesty to the 1967 alleged coup masterminds and appointed General Manager of the Diamond Mining Company ( DIMINCO). He  also served as Minister in the APC government of Major-General J.S.Momoh.

Mr. Koroma remained in  the political limelight  when the military junta then , headed by Brigadier -General  Marda Bio , under international pressure , restored civilian rule with the 1996 General Elections , which Koroma contested as Presidential candidate for the Democratic Center Party ( DCP ) .He won only 36, 799 votes , which constituted 5 % of all votes. Mr. Koroma then  declared support for the victorious SLPP  was appointed in the very first Prsident Ahmad Tejan Kabbah government as Minister of Presidential and Political Affairs. He served in that capacity until he was dropped in a cabinet reshuffle in 2002.

Koroma was instrumental in having the Donsos , the Kono  wing of the Civil Defence Force ( CDF) , and remnants of the Revolutionary United Front ( RUF) in Kono join the disarmament program at the conclusion of the Sierra Leone war in 2001.

Sia Lamin  , who informed COCORIOKO  about the demise of Mr. Koroma , said his death was a huge loss to the Konos and Sierra Leoneans in general because of the services he rendered his country. May his soul rest in peace.




Saturday February 5, 2005

The page has closed on another brutal chapter in the chequered history of political dictatorship and repression in Africa. Gnassingbe Eyadema, the man who ambushed the incumbent Head of State in broad daylight and shot him dead with his pistol  , died today in a plane rushing him abroad for medical treatment.

When the then Prime Minister  of Togo, Sylvanus Olympio refused to take back into the  Army 626 veterans of French wars,  the then Sergeant Etienne Eyadema quarrelled with him and settled scores by killing the Chief Executive  in cold blood on January 13, 1963  , paving the way for a return to power by  Togo’s first Premier Nicholas Grunitzky who had been upended by Olympio in 1960.

The ruthlessly ambitious  Eyadema then kicked Grunitzsky out of power in a bloodless coup on April 14, 1967 , setting the stage for the long, heartbreaking decades of political dictatorship and repression that have marked the history of the little West African nation. Eyadema banned all political parties, suspended all democratic processes and imprisoned all political opponents.

Eyadema became the longest-serving African leader by stealing election after election and keeping opponents mesmerized by an iron fist that was both cruel and merciless .Now that he has died, debates will definitely be renewed about the futility of power , vis-a-vis the brevity of human life and the worthless endeavour ofseeking  glories that would be left behind one day. Even more, Togolese will strive to put their nation back on the right track, but any hope of  a meaningful change has already suffered a hit as  the President’s son, Faure Eyadema, has already been named his successor , breaching the constitution which stipulates that the Speaker of the House should replaced an incumbent upon death or incapacitation.

This constitutional blunder may open the way for a military coup and more power struggles and political instability in the impoverished landlocked African country.

Sierra Leone– Aids, Grants & Loan


Since the official declaration of end of the decade long armed insurgency and retribution, only God knows the exact figure of foreign financial and material investment lavished on the Kabbah government for the total rehabilitation and reconstruction of the country. From the Paris Club to the Geneva, from the ADB loans and grants to the Arab Banks for Development, from bilateral assistances, to the Marine and the Mineral resources, the Sierra Leone government will never publish exact figure of what those resources actually brought into the country. What makes the accountability issue a more urgent, but prudent factor in the post war era is the ugly, nasty and gloomy reality on the ground. There is nothing, absolutely of concrete evidence, besides the out-of -control corruption quagmire to show for the blood, tears and toil our poor people paid to stand off the armed marauders. At the height of everything called destruction and devastation, TJ and his Men, besides the now manacled Norman had lived in Conakry crying wolf while chopping our money.

In a recent ADB country report, it was noted with shock and alarm that Tejan Kabbah’s government has already signed for over four hundred million dollars from the ADB alone for various to-be accounted for projects. Those projected projects ranged from school reconstruction to rural electricity and housing.  But alas, mush of that money will never be accounted for most especially when the VP’s office controls the bidding for public contracts. And despite the fact that evidence abounds about the unscrupulous method such contracts are dished out. That coupled with the VP’s wide mouth blah blah about his running for the presidency campaign money laundering scheme. But when Sankoh and his blood letting hoodlums totally locked up our people, the VP and his boss were somewhere lavishing on themselves financial resources from the national coffers.

It’s a colorful fact that almost all kanja’s Triple “R” programs have failed to impact peoples’ lives because, much of the needed funds ended up in some one else’s pocket or directly into private construction projects. It’s no hidden secret that not even the rural municipalities such as the chiefdom administrative facilities, Health centers, Schools have been spared in this corruption onslaught on our nation at its neediest moment by so few with so much foreign donor resources.

I just wonder what it takes Tj to define himself as a bold, selfless, patriotic and visionary leader. One question that has obstinately refused to go away from my radar is the question of the coziness between NGO’s and these corrupt governments with whom they should work to implement donor funds. Like Sierra Leone, despite the fact that we’re leaderless, and mired in absolute financial corruption, yet much of the NGOs seem quite comfortable with that despite the fact that one of the reasons for their being in the region was the destructive result of unaccountable governments whose leaderliness (or really lack of a visionary one) and unchecked and lavishing corrupt practices might have been the driving force behind much of the armed conflict that swallowed the country. Because without such nonchalant, corrupt and unaccountable attitude and style of leadership, unleashed on the nation, economic and social developments would have prevailed. So that raises the question of the sincerity of the foreign donors and their NGOs.

NGOs nowadays are more like alternative business ventures or mouth pieces for either the Christian and Muslim evangelicals or a substitution for straight jacket colonialist adventures by the “Donor” countries. From the Catholic Relief Services to the Islamic relief ones, the catalyst is always to establish presence and much of the rest is a histogram of fine prints narrating statistics of the poor who have been assisted as well as those in ?dire’ need of assistance. Save the Tsunami victims in South East Asia and other non cared-for areas affected by tsunami; but nevertheless disregarded by the main donor powers. I feel for you Somalians and Kenyans whose lives were touched but remained to be forgotten in the publicity slot of the donation conglomerates. It’s no hidden secret that much of today’s NGOs are like vultures hungry and famished for trouble spots around the globe. Often most of them are either at the door of trouble spots or are there immediately the trouble starts bringing into question the driving force or the connection between donor countries and trouble spots especially the killing fields of Africa, Sierra Leone being a center piece of that pernicious quagmire. As in Tejan Kabbah’s Sierra Leone, the services of the UN World food Program and other much publicized relief services are as corrupt as the governments they work with to rob the masses. As a result, country reports from Sierra Leone on Relief services especially the WFP works has always been excellent despite the fact much of the relief rice and other food items are sold and distributed amongst top political functionaries.  Ask the rice mammies in the rice, bulgur, corn meal, beans and other relief products markets (especially in Freetown and the provincial headquarters) about the source of their goods.

The recent alleged leaked Auditor General’s report on the state of financial probity is just one of those testimonies that showcase the extent of the corruption pervading the Sierra Leone society. But what’s more torturing is Kabbah’s reluctance, if not his total failure to address the situation notwithstanding the tons and tons of evidence of the destructive headlong course the actions of his government implicitly has mandated. As one commentator recently stated, all conditions that generated the decade long banditry have been rejuvenated by the actions of Pre. Kabbah and, his entire government functionaries. The Anti corruption episode is just the tip of the ice. Never will any active kabbah chorus singer be sent to that guillotine of investigation. Not ngor Momodu, nor ngor Kanja, ngor Solo.B or Education Wurrie despite the glaring facts about their departments corrupt practices.

So who actually is to be investigated by the Anti Corruption Bureau when those to be investigated are the powers that be. The very people that recommends who to be investigated and who can be prosecuted are the very people considered master thieves of public funds in the country.

Kabbah has never (since coming to power) made the slightest remark on his past dealings at the SLPMB. So he shall never deal with anything labeled corruption in his regime. In fact, anyone talking about financial malpractice in his administration is be labeled a disgruntled and reading too much into the papers. Journalist and ordinary citizens whose lives have been touched with the wave of mis- governance are labeled as miscreants, beggars, bring-him downs, rumor mongers, sell outs, distracters.

Fellow Sierra Leoneans wake up or else Kabbah and his fellow maladministrators are going to sell the only remaining hope you may have, and that hope is your liberty to constructively oppose or participate in the functioning of the affairs of your state.  Even as I write, there is a ministerial wheeling dealing thriving in the cubicles of power from State House to the Pa’s lodge, from Youyu building to parliament, from everywhere you smell Tj and Ngor Solo .B. Your so-called MPs are good for nothing bunch of beggars. Ask each constituent representative about his stewardship in the parliament besides the appending of his/her signature to the executive bills or parliamentarian attestations to those muddy international dealings of the President. Nothing ever your MP(s) did in parliament that was worthy of his being seated in parliament. Simple example, since the Paul kamara debacle, has any parliamentarian raised up the issue of either decapitating the century old Libel and seditious provisions of our law, no. No one will ever not even the law learned lawyers choked in both parties in parliament. These people were not born crooks but society seem to make them live that life hence we never hold them accountable for their stewardship.

My fellow Sierra Leoneans, please wake up, there is no time left for cooling off, now is your time and, probably your only chance to work toward probity in our government. If we wait until the international community sends us into total oblivion, we’ll have no one to blame. Let’s fire our civil cylinders and ask Tj and his political machinery to publicly account for their stewardship. Lets us ask where do our Ministers travel, for how long, at what cost and the mission objective of all such travel. We again request that no government minister leaves Sierra Leone unless his trip and mission goals are made public through a Ministerial press conference and a sort of debriefing on return home. Freedom and probity is going to be our banners.


God bless


Abdul Hashim Daboh



By Tamba Borbor


The United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Goodwill Ambassador- Crown Prince Haakon Magnus of Norway has on Friday (11th February 2005) ended his first visit to Sierra Leone.

The visit to Sierra Leone is the third country visit since the Prince was appointed Goodwill Ambassador by the UNDP leader- Mark Malloch Brown on 16th October 2003. Ending his weeklong stay to the country, Prince Haakon travelled to the provinces and made his first stop in Makeni town, where the National Director of Prisons- Mr. Sheku S. Conteh received him.

The Crown Prince, who was in the company of the UNDP Resident Representative to Sierra Leone- Mr. Victor Angelo and Senior Governance Adviser of UNDP- Sylvia Fletcher, inspected both male and female cells in the Prison and talked to some inmates.

At his second port of call, which was the Magburaka Prison where he was received by the Officer-in-charge, Mr. A.Y. Sesay, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon Magnus in responding to a question from IRIN, said that the Prison conditions are not up to standard. He noted that there are a lot of challenges that needs to be met, as things are even tough for those working in the Prison Service. According to him, the Prisons are an area of increased focus of the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP).

Also adding a voice on the issue, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General (DRSG) of the United Nation- Victor Angelo said that there is a dire need for resources to be put into the Prison Service to improve the system, as there is a need to create mechanisms in ensuring that prisoners are separated by categories.

Also in Magburaka where he witnessed proceedings at the local Customary Court, Prince Haakon at the Press Conference held at the Magistrate Court next to the Prison said that there are a lot of constraints facing the justice system regarding salaries, logistics, training among other things.  Preceding the meeting with Prison authorities and officials of the Local Customary Court, the Crown of Norway met with the Local Unit Commander of the Magburaka Police Station were he observed the small arms collection programme of the UNDP under the Arms For Development Project. He even witnessed the destruction of a gun with a metal cutting machine, while destroying one weapon himself. At the Magburaka football Field, Paroke Kholifa Rowala, the Regent Chief of Rowala Chiefdom, bestowed the title of “Paroke Kholifa of Rowala” on the Crown Prince Haakon, while he was dressed in traditional attire by the tribal authorities and presented with kola nuts. He later took the kick-off to start the Peace tournament.

In  a short statement at the Football Field, Prince Haakon Magnus thanked the people of Magburaka for bestowing honour on him during his visit, while expressing admiration at the way in which the people have improved their lives after coming from a civil war. In Kono, where the Local Council in the district on arrival hosted him to a dinner, the Crown Prince after been crowned honorary Paramount Chief of the Kono district, expressed delight at the warm welcomed accorded him by the people of Kono.

He went to state that he has seen for himself the ravages of Sierra Leone’s 11-years war; adding that he has seen evidence of post-conflict recovery carried out by the people of Sierra Leone with support from the UN and bilateral partners including Norway. “Poverty alleviation and conflict prevention are inextricably linked. Sierra Leone has made remarkable progress towards post-conflict stabilisation and I encourage you to continue your impressive effort to bring peace, justice and prosperity to Kono and Sierra Leone entirely,” Prince Haakon said after which he proposed a toast for the Kono district. While in Kono, the    UNDP Goodwill Ambassador visited diamond-digging areas in the outskirts of Koidu Town where he talked to miners about the processes involved in the search for diamonds and the constraints they are facing.

Moving in a 20-vehicle motorcade, the Norwegian Crown Prince met with farmers at Yegbeda village in the outskirts of Koidu where he met with the Chairlady of the UNDP-Funded Agricultural Business Unit (ABU- Mrs. Hawa Koroma. He encouraged the farmers to work together to aid in the economic recovery of the country. At the Fachima Hall in the heart of Koidu town, Prince Haakon Magnus met with officials of the Town and District Councils of Kono.

The Chairman of the Kono District Council- Mr. Sahr Tamba thanked the Prince for deciding to visit the district, while appealing for assistance in the establishment of tertiary institutions in the district and the construction of Court Barrays in all 14 chiefdoms of Kono. In his statement to the people at the Hall, he maintained that it is up to the people of Kono to decide the kind of future they would like to build; adding that local governance is so important because it is the key to building the type of future that the people would want. Enroute back to Freetown to end his provincial stop, His Royal Highness Prince Haakon visited the Norwegian Refugee Council’s (NRC) Amputee Housing Project in Makeni. Whilst there, the Paramount Chief of Makari Gbanti Chiefdom- Massa Yeli N’tham welcomed the Prince and expressed thanks to the people of Norway for their immense assistance to the people of Sierra Leone, especially the amputees in Makeni. He maintained that had it not been for the involvement of the NRC, the lives of the amputees would have been miserable.

The Chairman of the National Amputees and War-Wounded Association- Mr. Lamin Jusu-Jaka in his statement said that 420 of them- out of 1000 have so far benefited from the Housing and Reintegrated Project funded by the Norwegian Government. He explained that while they were in Displaced Camps, they were scared to return back to their villages; fearing that they would not be accepted; noting that it was the NRC Project Manager- Madam Elise Schancke who challenged them and together they prepared themselves to sensitise the communities. Mr. Jaka said that it was only the NRC that was prepared to start a shelter programme for them; adding that their drama group has been very instrumental in proving that they can still do well even though they are without hands and legs. He expressed thanks to Norway and especially the Prime Minister- Bondevik whom he said was very instrumental in ensuring the donation to the amputees in Sierra Leone; appealing that the people of Norway should not forget that there are still 600 amputees in the country without houses.

The Norwegian Crown Prince inspected the houses build for the amputees and spoke to some of them about their life and the constraints thy are facing. The Amputee Drama Group rendered songs of praise and thanks for the Prince during the occasion. Before flying back to Norway on Friday (11th February), the Prince met with human rights NGOs and the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights at the Atlantic Hall of the National Stadium before proceeding for a meeting with the President- Alhaji Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah at the Presidential Lodge.


The Deputy Chief of Press and Public Affairs  of the Sierra Leone Special Court, Mr.Peter Andersen today indicated that the decision rendered by the Appeals Chamber on Monday was on the addition of sex charges to the Civil Defence Force indictment and not on the consolidated indictments as intimated by the CDF Spokesman, Rev. Alfred SamForay.

Mr.Andersen said  the Rev. Samforay  named the wrong case  and he  sent  COCORIOKO a release that explained what Monday’s matter was all about  at the Special Court .

The matter  dealt with the  decision of the prosecution, which is led by Mr. David Crane ( Pictured above ) to appeal against the Trial Chamber’s decision on 2 August 2004  refusing  the addition  of sex charges to the CDF  indictment.


On 9 February 2004 the Prosecution asked leave to amend the 9-count
indictment against the CDF indictees (Norman, Fofana and Kondewa) to
include new counts of gender offences. Had the motion had been approved by
the Trial Chamber, four new counts would have been added to the indictment:
rape, sexual slavery, other inhumane acts (forced marriage) and outrages
upon personal dignity.

The Prosecution said in its submission that the proposed new charges were
based on “new evidence that has recently come into its possession.”

All three defence teams responded in writing on 19 February 2004. The
Prosecution replied to these responses on 24 February.

On 20 May 2004, in a 2-1 decision (with Judge Boutet dissenting), the Trial
Chamber ruled against the motion. The majority found that new charges at
this stage “would prejudice their rights to a fair and expeditious trial.”

Judge Boutet, in his dissent, said he would have allowed the addition of
the new charges.

The trial of the CDF accused began on 5 June 2004.

The Prosecution filed an Application for Leave to File an Interlocutory
Appeal against the decision on 4 June. Fofana and Kondewa filed a Joint
Response on 14 June. The Prosecution filed a Reply to the Joint Response on
18 June.

On 2 August 2004, again on a 2-1 decision with Judge Boutet dissenting, the
Trial Chamber dismissed the Prosecution motion which would have allowed an
appeal to the Appeals Chamber. [THIS DECISION IS ONLINE]

On 30 August 2004, Prosecution attempted to lodge an appeal directly with
the Appeals Chamber.

The five judges of the Appeals Chamber, in a unanimous decision dated 17
January 2005, found that “the Appeals Chamber has no jurisdiction to grant
leave to the Appellants to appeal from the interlocutory decision of the
Trial Chamber and also has no jurisdiction to entertain the appellant’s
appeal brought without leave of the Trial Chamber.” [THIS DECISION IS

The Joinder Decision is an entirely different case. That decision is
currently being appealed by both sides.



Thursday October 14, 2004

Supporters of the ruling  Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP) have asserted that whatever the mistakes of the government , there is no way that anybody can justifiably compare the President Tejan Kabbah era with the despotic Siaka Stevens period. They were reacting to the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission ( TRC) which said last week that there was nothing to choose between the SLPP and the opposition APC in their  lack of commitment to  the task of righting the wrongs in the Sierra Leone society.

In letters written to COCORIOKO,  the SLPP supporters declared that despite all the mistakes of his government, President Kabbah has demonstrated more democratic inclinations and has shown far more respect for the civil and constitutional rights of the Sierra Leonean people  than the late President Siaka Stevens (Pictured left ).

Cyrus McCarthy, who said that he hailed from Bonthe and who wrote from England , pointed out that during the APC  rule, there was not a iota of press freedom in Sierra Leone.He said the APC  sent thugs to kill a newspaper vendor called Hindolo at the offices of the then opposition newspaper, THE EXPRESS , in 1969. He also recounted that in 1983, the APC  government sent thugs to bomb the offices of the TABLET  newspaper which was critical of the government.

Cyrus claimed that though it was true that President Kabbah has made many mistakes, he is a democratic leader who has a multi-party democracy in place , whereas President Siaka Stevens never wanted to hear anything about another party and banned the SLPP  in 1978 and declared a one-party state against the people’s wishes.

Another SLPP supporter Morie Ngegbe , who wrote this paper from Rhode Island,  said that when the APC was in power, nobody was free to condemn the APC government. He recalled that people were arrested or brutalized by thugs because they  spoke against the government in private conversations. He stated that the APC had the old Soviet Union poiltical propaganda system where they did not only have spies to report people who talked against the government’s policies but that the  the radio, TV  and few newspapers that existed fed the public  only news about President Stevens and his government. All the newspapers published the same story.  Nobody dared to write anything against the President. He said that on a recent visit to Sierra Leone, he was amazed to see over 52 different newspapers being sold in the capital and almost all of them criticised the government bitterly.

Jabez Hotagua , who wrote from Amsterdam, said that the TRC  was wrong to have put the SLPP and APC  in the same category. He questioned the neutrality of the commission, asserting that he did not agree with many of the conclusions in the report.He pointed out that during the APC  era, people were not free to vote. All the APC  candidates were always returned unopposed. He recounted how APC  thugs attacked or sealed off polling stations and suspected supporters of the SLPP were beaten up or kidnapped or turned away.He wondered why the TRC  did not mention these events.

Hotagua could not believe that Sierra Leoneans had such a porous memory and had forgotten how they had to stand on long lines to buy rice and petrol or board the few poda podas  that remained after transport operators sought more lucrative business -minded places  like neighbouring Guinea.He asserted that despite all the mistakes of President Kabbah, comparing him with the late President Stevens is like comparing sleep and death.

Ahmed  Benya, writing  from Brussels, also faulted the TRC  report, declaring that it was not accurate in some of its conclusions about how Sierra Leone got into her present mess. He feels that most of the problems in the country were created by the Siaka Stevens APC  government.He said corruption was minimal during past regimes, but the APC  not only institutionalized corruption but made it a way of life and he complained that President Stevens justified corruption with his philosophy : “Usai den tie cow nar dey e dey  eat” ( A cow feeds where it is tethered.).



For Immediate Release

Contact: Abu-Hassan (Askia) Koroma – National Secretary-General

Telephone:  608-274-8542

E-mail: [email protected]

The Leader of Sierra Leonean’s National Alliance Democratic Party (NADP), Mohamed Yahya Sillah, today made a solemn appeal to the government of the United States of America not to deport Sierra Leonean nationals resident in the United States under the immigration’s Temporary Protective Service (TPS).

In a meeting at the office of Georgia’s Congressman, Honorable John Lewis, at the Cannon House Building in Washington, DC, Mr. Sillah told officials that although atrocities of a ten-year war in Sierra Leone seemed to have lapsed, conditions still remained volatile for Sierra Leoneans that escaped agonies of the war.

“Sierra Leoneans would like to return home someday,” Sillah said, adding, however, that Sierra Leone still posed an environment that was not conducive to accommodating the hundreds of thousands of Sierra Leoneans that were refugees and asylum seekers all over the world. Sillah said Sierra Leoneans in the United States helped support their families back home from the meager income they made in the United States. Deporting them at this time would create hardship for their families back in Sierra Leone, he said.

Earlier in a communication to Congressman John Lewis, Mr. Sillah noted that during the bloody and dehumanizing rebel war in Sierra Leone, hundreds of thousands of Sierra Leoneans became displaced and were scattered all over the world as refugees and political asylum seekers. He commended the United States government for graciously providing the Temporary Protective Status (TPS) to Sierra Leoneans that entered the U. S. as escapees from agonies of the war.

Expressing regrets, however, that the United States government had opted to withdraw the Temporary Protective Status from all Sierra Leoneans, Yahya Sillah reminded Congressman Lewis that his many years of following the Congressman had created a unique opportunity for him to learn a lot from the congressman as a leader in dealing with human and political interest issues.

“When we as leaders advance ourselves to the task of standing up for the electorate that are vulnerable to underprivileged conditions,” Sillah said, “we become sacrificial lambs in the sight of God and in the interest of mankind.”  Sillah then appealed to the congressman to use the power of his office to intervene on behalf of the Sierra Leoneans that are threatened with deportation as a result of the TPS withdrawal.

Responding to the concerns raised by Mr. Sillah, Jessica Battaglia, Senior Policy Advisor to Congressman John Lewis, said that through Hon Lewis, the Georgia Congressional office would forward a request to the Secretary of Homeland Security to reconsider the TPS issue for Sierra Leoneans.

Later, the Georgia Congressman made a personal telephone call on Mr. Sillah to reassure him of his interest in the TPS issue.

Accompanying Mr. Sillah to the Congressional Office were his wife, Mrs. Matilda Sillah and other NADP senior officials, Mr. Patrick Moriba and Mr. Ahmed Bowling.




Abu-Hassan (Askia) Koroma
National Secretary General
National Alliance Democratic Party, Sierra Leone
“The greatest achievement was at first and for a time (only) a dream.”
— James Allen



Tuesday July 27, 2004

More tears have been shed by witnesses  at the Special Court for Sierra Leone as they continue to narrate the atrocities  allegedly committed by rebels of the Revolutionary United Front ( RUF).

Witness TF-064 cried for over 5 minutes uninterrupted and Presiding Judge Benjamin Itoe (Pictured right) had to tell her to have comfort and continue her testimony when the woman broke down after telling the court about how the rebels raped her, though pregnant,  amputated both her hands; removed her sister’s underwear and plunged a knife into her private parts; rounded up kids  and assembled them along with adults under a tree.They included her own sons, who were 1 and 3 years old.

She alleged that the rebels  then separated the kids from the adults and murdered all but one of  the children, with the surviving child being asked to carry a blood-dripping bag as they left the village with their captives. The woman said she was asked at gunpoint to laugh when she saw the dead bodies of the children littering the floor. She was then shown the contents of the bloody bag–The heads of all the kids, including her sons’,  who  had been killed.

Our reporter , Soriebah Kalokoh, said that Sierra Leoneans were outraged by the testimonies , which are bringing back sad memories of the 11-year-old war and many people are blasting the court for not bringing to trial the rebels who individually perpetuated these wicked acts.

“What is the use of having us hear all these pathetic stories when the people who committed them are free and will not face charges ? “an old man was quoted as saying. The Special Court is trying only the leaders of the various armies , who are deemed as bearing the greatest responsibility for the horrors committed by their fighters.




By Sampson Cole in Freetown

Thursday  July 22, 2004

At the Special Court yesterday, the fifth Prosecution
Witness wept while narrating how rebels in Kono
allegedly killed her two sons, three brothers, mother,
mother and father-in-laws and other members of her

The witness who was born in Kwakor, Gbense
Chiefdom in Kono said that during the war she was
staying Fuendor but when they heard about the rebels
she and her husband, mother, children together with
some other people from Tombodu hid in the bush near
Fuendor. In the bush she went on they ate only cassava
and ?potatoe leaves’ with no oil or rice to go with
it. “By that time I was heavily pregnant,” she said.

The witness further went on to narrate that it was not
too long after she delivered that together with her
family they were captured by the rebels. “While I was
with them they asked me to have sex with one of the
abductee who was a Temne man. I refused because I was
a suckling mother. They flogged the Temne man and me.
They then forced me down and took my legs apart and I
had sex with the man and my son was standing by crying
and they flogged also,” she said.

 The rebels according
to her told them to go into the town and stop
punishing themselves in the bush and they then went to
Fuendor. She went on, “in Fuendor we were told to
undress and our children including my two boys aged
three and the other under one year were taken away
from us and placed under an orange tree,” adding,
“they undressed and too us into a room. I heard the
children screaming and crying for some time after
which there was silence. It was then that I knew the
children have been killed. I whispered my fears to my
mother and she fainted”

She said that whilst they were
in the room, the rebels took the people inside
including her relatives one by one outside and there
was gunshots and shouting from the people. “I was the
last to come outside and I saw dead bodies all around
including that of the Town Chief and one of my son,”
she wept. The witness went on further to explain that
the Temne man whom she had sex was given a bag of
human heads to carry while she too carried some other
loads. “When we arrived at Tombodu the heads were
thrown on the ground and I then saw the head of my
other son on the ground. Later the heads were thrown
into the river on the orders of their ?bossman’. The
head of the Temne man was slit open and the body
dragged into the river,” she said. 

The woman also said  said that one
Tamba Joe who brought the rebels to their town ordered
that she should be killed but was saved by one Kissi
man and given in marriage to an old man. She said that
her way of escape came when she went to fetch water
and hide in the bush for about three days without
eating or drinking anything. “It was when my feet
started swelling that I decided to come out of hiding.
When I arrived to my aunt’s place they were afraid of
me thinking I was a ghost,” she said. She was then
taken to hospital for treatment.


Friday July 2, 2004

Sierra Leonean-born journalist, Paul Barrow , has been deported from the United States of America. Mr.Barrow was placed in a British Airways plane on Saturday and sent back to Sierra Leone after his legal appeal for a stay of deportation failed.

Barrow since February 9  had been detained at the Hudson County Correctional Facility in South Kearny, New Jersey , after he was arrested at home  in Smerset, New Jersey, by U.S. Immigration officers for allegedly failing to appear before an immigration judge to contest deportation for living illegally in the country.Barrow complained that he did not receive the immigration letters to the effect.

Barrow has an American wife and a 4-year old daughter , with whom he lived in Franklin Township . He told Immigration officials  that he fled Sierra Leone to avoid being killed by the Sierra Leone authorities for initially supporting the Revolutionary United Front (RUF),  a rebel army that spearheaded an 11 year-old bloody war in Sierra Leone that killed 50, 000 people and maimed thousands more. Barrow said his father, mother and brother were later massacred by the RUF.

Before his saga, Barrow stated that he worked for the now-defunct GLOBE  newspaper, edited then by former FBC English lecturer, Mr. Saaba Sam Tumoe , who died about four years ago.

His deportation had saddened many people who described him as a quiet and peaceful man. Community Activist, member of the Franklin Board and CEO  of the AAA Delivery Services in Franklin , Mr. Alex Mansaray told COCORIOKO that he made desperate attempts to save Barrow, but he complained that some evil-minded Sierra Leoneans used to call the Immigration to contradict Barrow’s story and pass on incriminating information.

Barrow’s lawyer, Mr. Mariusz Dragan of New York,  admitted  that it was sad sending Barrow away , but “It is the law”, he asserted. “It is the practice.”



Tuesday July 13, 2004

The leader and National Chairman of the National Alliance Democratic Party ( NADP), Mr. Mohamed Yahya Sillah,  has called on all Sierra Leoneans to join the party and help take back our nation from the hands of corrupt and godless politicians.

Mr.Sillah was talking today with the Editor-In-Chief of COCORIOKO, Rev. Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu in an exclusive interview , following what he described as a remarkable launching of the NADP  in an impressive ceremony last Saturday in Maryland, USA.

The NADP is actually not a new party, according to Mr. Sillah. The party  was founded in 1995 and  it contested the 1996 General Elections with Mr.Sillah as its Presidential candidate, but Saturday’s program was held to re-launch the NADP ,  which Mr.Sillah said,  would become a force to be reckoned with now in Sierra Leone. “Our quest was to re-introduce the party to Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora  so that they can know our vision and what we plan to do for our nation,” Mr. Sillah explained.

The party , Mr.Sillah went on, was formed to redeem the Sierra Leonean people .He asserted that everybody knows that the country is in bondage.He said that with the exception of Sir Milton Margai, all Sierra Leone’s leaders had misruled the nation. “We need a strong and God-fearing leader, ” he postulated.

Mr.Sillah said that if the leader of a nation feared God and did the things that God wanted, God will forgive that nation and pour abundant blessings on it. “But if our leaders resort to ritualistic killings to stay in power , abuse the people and steal the country’s money, God’s anger will be on that leader and the country will never be blessed “, Mr. Sillah continued.

Mr. Sillah regretted that Sierra Leone does not have the Spirit of God, but he promised that his party will bring God back to the throne











Tuesday July 6, 2004

By Sampson Cole from Freetown

The new Mayor The newly elected Mayor of the Municipality,
Councillor Winstanley Bankole-Johnson yesterday
stressed in his inaugural address that the task ahead
of the legally reconstituted Freetown City Council is
a gigantic one, and not in competition with the
central Government.

Mayor Bankole Johnson emphasised
that Local Council is a part of and complimentary to
the central Government. He therefore stressed, “in
short, Local Councils are empowered to cascade central
Government’s development plan to grass-root levels.”
The Mayor said “we would expect full support and
co-operation from the Government in pursuit of our
objectives in so far as they do not contravene the
National Constitution and the Local Government Act

On his part and that of Councillors they
pledged to work assiduously with Government
hand-in-glove to facilitate delivery of services
throughout this municipality. Mayor Bankole Johnson
further maintained, “but with all eyes on us, we will
not hesitate to sound the alarm bells at the slightest
warning signals of deliberate attempts to derail our

Speaking on the absent of anyone to
formally handover the administration of the council to
him, he noted “the poor state of council’s finances
with staff remaining unpaid for months on end, makes
it imperative for my administration to do a
comprehensive ?takeover’ exercise. An exercise devoid
of malicious witch hunting, but geared towards
abrogating all bogus leases over parks, schools and
cemeteries so that communities can once more have
unfettered access to the limited amenities originally
intended for their use and benefit.”

He thereforecalled on staff members and past administrators who
initiated those transactions for personal gains to
commence voluntary abrogation or naturally expect to
fall of the cliff. Mayor Bankole Johnson stressed,
“it’s now common knowledge that it is those who
defraud the state most are the very ones crying the
Government down. We will expose all of them.” He
maintained, “there is so much work to do that we
cannot afford to be distracted by endless Commissions
of Inquires,” adding,  “major discrepancies where they
are identified will be documented for the appropriate

We believe the legal remedies in place
are adequate to provide redress.” The Mayor spoke
about the urgent need to transform the City Council
into a fully functional business entity comprising
several departments and committees that will be able
to hold its own in terms of providing sustainable
development programmes. 

The newly elected Mayor
further said, “consideration will therefore be given
to harnessing our existing traditional revenue of city
rates and other dues to enable them break even for a
start.” In this regard, he said, “all those in arrears
or simply have not been paying at all even though they
have house addresses and street names (including
Government offices) should voluntarily troop to
Council offices to do so.” 

 He therefore called on
Government to honour their light, telephone and water
rates. “I see no valid reason why they should not
honour Council’s levies for their respective Ministry
buildings.”  Mayor Bankole-Johnson maintained, “and
for all you know by the time everyone pays up and with
proper accountability and efficient management of
resources, we might not even need to revise city rates
upwards or seek further external donor support.” 

 Hetherefore called on the citizens of the Municipality
saying, “it’s a common knowledge that some of you have
been deliberately withholding your obligations because
there was no legally constituted Local Government. We
are here now so you can come.”  The 53 year-old Mayor
was nominated by Council Foday Kaloko and elected
unopposed, and duly declared winner at exactly 12
midday. The Mayor elect then nominated Foday Kaloko as
his Deputy.

Both were declared duly elected by the
Commissioner for the Western Area, Freddie Bright.
Accompanied by the Chief Administrator of the City
Council, Ms. Sarah A. A. Lewis, the new elected Mayor
and Deputy were escorted out of the hall and decorated
in the Mayor regalia and chain respectively and drove
through the City in an open air car.



Wednesday June 30, 2004

The bodies of all 24 victims in last Tuesday’s
helicopter crash in Yengema in the Kono District have
been recovered from the scene where the aircraft plunged .

Those identified include 14
Pakistanis, one Bangladeshi, One Ghanaian United
Nations Volunteer (UNV), one Sierra Leoneans UN
civilian contractor; four aid workers- three Sierra
Leoneans and one Ugandan with a non-governmental
organisation. Also the mortal remains of the three
Russian crew members were also recovered.

According to the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone’s
(UNAMSIL), a forensic expert has been identified to
investigate the cause of the accident.  The M18-MTV
-UNO 091 helicopter crashed into a hillside just five
minute from its destination in Yengema.

The helicopter, which was on contract from UT Air, took
off from Freetown Hastings airfield with 21 passengers
along with 3 crewmembers on board. They took off after
8 am Tuesday morning. The crew it was reported lost
contact with controls at 9.17 am. Immediately a rescue
team was dispatched to the area and at exactly 11.27am
rescuers spotted the burning aircraft from the air.



Defence Council Charles Margai Tuesday argued at the
Special Court over the reliability of the fourth
prosecution witness during cross-examinations. Counsel
Margai based his inconsistency to the fact that the
witness statements to that of his oral testimony are
not compatible.

The Counsel who is representing the
3rd indictee Allieu Kondewa cited that the witness was
very emphatic in his denial. He stated that the
witness first statement of January 19, 2003 he said he
was Sector Kamajor commander. But under
cross-examination by defence counsel Margai the
witness told the court, ” I didn’t say that. I said I
was sent to the section chief.”

 Another inconsistency
Counsel Margai tried to establish was the statement
the witness made in which he quoted Hinga Norman as
saying that all four houses should be spared. The
fourth witness categorically told the court under
cross-examination that he said three houses. The
witness in responding to another question said openly
that certain portion of his statement should not be
credited to him, as he never said so. His response to
Counsel Margai’s question made the latter to ask, “how
did that portion came into the statement, it is a
cause for the prosecution”?

After a legal argument
between the prosecutors, the defence and the Bar,
Justice Bankole Thompson told the defence counsel that
the “statement was not made under oath before this
court.”  Counsel Margai responded saying, ” that where
one could impeach a witness, such could only be done
in relative of the statement on oath.” He went on,
“that is the inconsistency, and this witness could be

During cross-examination by Hinga Norman’s
standby counsel Wesley Hall; the witness agreed that
he was receiving the sum of Le10, 000 per day. The
witness also disclosed that he was not receiving the
amount on a daily basis, but received Le40, 000 to
Le300, 000 monthly for family assistance. The witness
under further cross-examination that each of his
family comprising of twelve is receiving the sum of
Le2, 000 per day.

He told the defence panel that he
had received so far the sum of Le600, 000. But the
witness further made a denial during cross-examination
from Charles Margai saying, ” I don’t know whether the
money I receive was payment.” He also emphasised, ” I
didn’t know I was going to talk about monetary
affairs, I was here to testify that is why I did not
talk about it.”  When told,
” you are not talking the whole truth,” the witness
responded, ” I can’t just answer a question like

 However, the Presiding Judge, Justice Benjamin
Itoe requested the prosecution to make available the
original copy of the witness statement, following a
submission by Counsel Charles Marga. That the
prosecution had done.

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