They swallow camels but strain at gnats


By Wilfred Kabs-Kanu

When it comes to prosecuting people who undermine their political and economic interests , you will never find them wanting. They will twist every legal dictum and derive a charge under whatever name to build a case against the unfortunate ones.  And once charged, the victims are almost always certain of being found guilty . But when it involves the protection of the laws of the country and dispensing justice for the common man, they are always wanting.  This is the story of the unprincipled and morally-bankrupt people ruling our country today.

As a newspaper, we do not want to conclude as yet that the government’s case against Mr. Omrie Golley is just another example of bringing the sword against an innocent citizen the government just wants to get out of the way. As a nation, we have supped full of trumped-up charges against innocent citizens by governments .Many Sierra Leoneans have said that the government is  just lying on Golley , but as an outspoken , fearless and  independent paper , we are holding our views on this and waiting to hear what the charges of subversion against Golley are going to be.

However , as a newspaper set up to defend the interests of justice and human rights in Sierra Leone, we hope the government will dispense justice with fairness and  legality  in this Golley case.  There is what is known in law as THE PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE. An accused is innocent until he is proved guilty by a competent court of legal jurisdiction. Golley may have been a Spokesman of the much-despiced RUF,  but since he is not being held because of his ties with that rebel group, his past must in no way serve as any basis to determine the present situation the government has said he got involved in, viz recruiting people to cause unrest in the country.


Lasting solutions to nation’s problems  ….


Tuesday September 27, 2005

By Rev. Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu

If the international stakeholders really mean business to provide a durable solution to  stop the nation from slipping back into anarchy, much attention should be devoted to how Sierra Leone manages her economy as much as how she fares in other essential areas like good governance and respect for human rights. This is the opinion  any patriotic and sensible Sierra Leonean will express  after studying  the exit strategies on Sierra Leone being conceived by the United Nations.

According to the UN Security Council , the United Nations will withdraw all its troops by the end of this year, but will not leave the country high and dry as it  plans  to leave behind a mission to be called  the United Nations Integrated Office for Sierra Leone ( UNIOSIL) , which will be charged with the responsibility to help the country reinforce human rights, fulfill Millennium Development Goals , enhance transparency and conduct free and fair elections in 2007.

While the UN  needs to be highly commended for its continued efforts to help actualize  MDG goals  and peace and security in the country , even the ordinary man in the street would tell the organiztion that the measures do not address in full the Sierra Leonean dilemma . Though as UN Secretary General , Kofi Annan  said, UNIOSIL  was set up  “As concrete steps aimed at addressing the root causes of the conflict ( Editor’s note : The Sierra Leone War ) and nurturing the culture of human rights ” , something essential was left out of the program .

It is a fact known to even babies born today that the  brutal war and the breakdown of civil order in Sierra Leone were caused not only by human rights abuses, misrule and political dictatorship. The greatest underlying factor of the war  infact was the mismanagement of the country’s natural resources and economy and the extreme poverty and suffering these wilful and dastardly acts  brought in the lives of the masses of Sierra Leone. The job prospects were not only bleak ; There was no money to buy food and pay rent ;the youth saw a certain class of people living an opulent life of heaven on earth while the majority of the people went to bed hungry and walked around in rags.

The late rebel leader Foday Sankoh struck a chord in the hearts and minds of rural youth because of the economic misery and excruciating suffering everybody  but the politicians and their collaborators was  experiencing. in the country due the deliberate mismanagement of the economy and chronic corruption by successive governments , especially the All People’s Congress ( APC ).

It goes without saying therefore that any measure designed to bring lasting peace and prosperity to Sierra Leone will not succeed if nothing was done to stamp ot corruption as well as  ensure proper and prudent management of the economy. What Sierra Leone needs above all is the initiative that has been put together for neigbouring Liberia, named the Economic Management Assistance Program ( GEMAP )  which will have foreign economic experts,  provided by donor nations and international stakeholders,  manage the economy.

The indigenous Sierra Leonean politicians and public officials have demonstrated that they are incurably corrupt and have no moral will to manage the country’s economy and natural and human resources with any modicum of seriousness. All that they want to do is rob the nation blind . The more aid that flows into the country, the more these people line their pockets, buy exquisite mansions abroad and establish four -figure accounts in foreign banks , WHILE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CONDITIONS CONTINUE TO WORSEN FOR THE ORDINARY MAN. You tell me that you can stave off another even more catastrophic war in Sierra Leone without addressing these problems and I will question your commitment to finding a durable and realistic solution to the country’s problems.

War will flare once again in Sierra Leone if the economic deprivation of the masses is not addressed realistically and seriously. The ordinary man too must have an equitable share in the national cake. He must have a good job, decent salary to pay his rent , feed his family and educate his children. He must have a nice place to lay his head and there must be a check to ever -soaring inflation .Unless this is done, the war cry of another rebel leader will be heard and obeyed by the suffering people. This is a sad prophesy to make but we must face reality.

Sierra Leone needs GEMAP  as much as UNIOSIL. We cannot manage our economy. Let the foreign economic experts come in and show us how to do it. Plant them in all the ministries and quasi-government institutions and let them decide how we spend all the money pouring in from abroad and  from our own natural resources. Let no minister or public official have any hand in matters dealing with money. Try that for only one year and see if Sierra Leone will not dramatically move up the UN Development index to become at leat one of the 50 most economically flourishing countries.

Sierra Leone is one of the richest nations in the world. We have minerals and natural resources that  not even the great United States can boast of, in all sincerity but we are being classified as  among the two poorest nations in the world because of our wilful and petulant refusal to manage our resources , and our incurable potential to line our pockets with money meant for national development.

Give us UNIOSIL. We need it, but without GEMAP , UNIOSIL  is like pouring water on the back of a duck.


Friday July 29, 2005

A man has just died in Sierra Leone following a merciless beating he received from thugs led by an SLPP Parliamentarian, Mrs. Fatmata Hassan. Three days have passed since the man, the Editor of the FOR DI PEOPLE  newspaper, Harry Yansaneh , succumbed to his injuries from that beating. And as the chief law enforcement officer in the nation, what is President Kabbah doing about it ?

The President, in his usual evasiveness, will cite the Separation of Powers doctrine once again, but this will not be appectable to any reasonable person who understands how the law operates in Sierra Leone. Though there is supposed to be Separation of powers between the Executive , the Legislature and the Judiciary, everyone knows that when it comes to political matters , the judiciary balks to take any strong , independent action  without being prompted by the Executive. This has been our political culture from time immemorial.

Mrs.Fatmata Hassan should be immediately arrested and start helping the Police in their investigations into the circumstances leading to the death of Mr. Harry Yansaneh. But since she is a powerful politician , with ties to many high-ups in the country, the judiciary will be hesitant to take the lead in having Mrs. Hassan arrested. It is not common  in Sierra Leone to see any high-ranking political personality arrested like that at the whim of the judiciary.

But the President can step in judiciously. If he is serious about enforcing the laws of the country, he can suggest to the Police to investigate a serious matter like this which has the potential of destroying the nation’s image in the eyes of the international community and stakeholders. That in no way constitutes an infraction of the Separation of Powers doctrine.  Even President Bush , who heads the world’s best democracy, could take such a move without incurring the displeasure of men of reason and conscience.

President Kabbah certainly does not want to be leader in a country where the law of the jungle prevails.

President Kabbah’s timely intervention in this matter is the only best way that justice could be done. And indeed, there is need for those responsible for the death of Harry Yansaneh to face justice. Human life is very precious. We must not be perceived as a people who have no value for human life. Yansaneh was created by God, like everyone of us and he desrves to breathe the breath of life until his maker decides to call him home. Nobody has the right to terminate his life as has been done in this case. Those who take the lives of others needlessly should face the full weight of the law.

We hope President Kabbah would get up on his haunches and enforce the law. The crime of Manslaughter has been committed. An innocent man was beaten and he has died as a direct consequence of the beating. Those responsible for his beating  and subsequent death should face the law. This and only this will convine people that we are serious about enforcing the law in Sierra Leone.



By Joseph Seidu Sherman (MIP, MSA)

Washington, DC

Exposing a problem in Sierra Leone has always been impossible because of censorship, suppression of dissent, and state ownership or control of the media.  The freedom that is critical to the existence of all other freedom is that of expression, the freedom to express one’s thoughts, wishes and criticisms by words and actions without fear of reprisal.

Sierra Leoneans cannot solve their problems in a culture of silence, characterized by intimidation and intolerance of alternative views.  To expose corruption, economic mismanagement, and abuse of political power is crucial in Sierra Leone.

Presidential Spokesman, Kanji Daramy vicious attacks and uncontrollable invectives against Opposition Leader, Ernest Bai Koroma calling for a debate with President Kabbah is outrageous and unbelievable.    What is Kanji Daramy trying to portray to the world? Just few weeks ago the G8 Summit meeting held in Britain categorically stated that African nations will benefit from the allotted billions of dollars only if good governance and democratic principles are adopted by African leaders.

The behavior of Kanji Daramy depicts intolerance of alternative viewpoints and a ploy by him and the SLPP government to silence the opposition and discourage democratic values and public scrutiny.  Only in an atmosphere supporting the free exchange of ideas can Sierra Leoneans find internal, self reliant and efficient solutions to the country’s ailing problems.  Suppression of dissent and denial of the right to express contrary views can only encourage sycophancy and opportunism.

The tendency of most government functionaries in Sierra Leone to flatter the incumbent is an aged-old problem.  “Flattery is the choice of a competitor who knows he is likely to fail in direct competition, and it is in official circles that sycophancy flourishes most and causes the larger damage,” like the case of Kanji Daramy against opposition leader Ernest Bai Koroma.

Until there is clarity of thought, clear definition of ideas and objectives, tolerance of alternative viewpoints by the status quo, Sierra Leone still has a long way to go.  Indeed, no one has the monopoly of knowledge; therefore the opposition must be accorded to make a constructive contribution to the development of the country.  The fight against corruption or bad governance cannot be left with the government of the day alone; rather the opposition and patriotic Sierra Leoneans should a have a stake in contributing meaningfully towards that worthy cause.

Finally Kanji Daramy should be reminded that the primary objective of any sensible government is not to fight the opposition parties, but to create employment, fight hunger, poverty, ignorance, and disease among other things.


Sunday July 10, 2005

Despite criticisms from  some Africans who are too difficult to please, the decision by the G8  leaders to bail out the poor nations with a $ U.S.50 billion windfall should have all Africans, including Sierra Leoneans dancing.

Africans should dance not only because of the windfall, but the new commitment of the world’s richest nations to hear the pleas of the impoverished continent at last. Whatever wind of change has started blowing in the world, it all bodes well for poor nations like Sierra Leone , who could reap rich dividends from the economic bail-out the G8 nations had set into motion.

Forget about Col.Ghadaffi’s diatribe that poor nations should not depend too much on the West. Ghadaffi can say this because he rules a country flowing in milk and honey with his oil proceeds topping billions annually. If he had been in our shoes, he would have thought twice before making such pronouncements. Some of the G8  nations helped to ruin Africa. There is therefore no shame involved in having them fix it for us. What would be sad is if after being bailed out , African nations sit supinely on their hunches doing nothing and just live on the expectation of getting more from these countries. For now, we cannot reject the economic recovery program being formulated by the economic superpowers.  We cannot afford at this time to look a gift horse in the mouth. Our situation is too desperate.

But the question will always be : “Will Sierra Leone put her house in order enough to benefit from debt relief and the economic wind fall  the G8 countries  are promising ?” This question will ring louder in the ears of all Sierra Leoneans looking with discouragement at the way their country had been ruined by the politicians and other thieving and unprogressive citizens. It should ring  louder in every ear in the diaspora and back home, because there is no patriotic Sierra Leonean who is not tired with the poverty and blight in their country.

This is a golden opportunity  and everybody wants to see it benefit Sierra Leone , but will our governors  seize it by the cuff and allow it  not to pass her by ? This could have been very possible . After all, all they ask for is a brave and committed fight to end corruption, good governance , responsible handling of the economy and democracy. But it is improbable that Sierra Leone would achieve maximum benefits from the G8  initiatives because we do not have leaders who love the nation enough to take the bull by the horns and fight to fulfill these conditionalities that go with the aid package.

President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah came in like the Lion of Judah to our redemption at last. Hardly any President in all our history enjoyed the support and goodwill Kabbah was blessed with when the people handed him the throne in 1996.But the President has yet to show that he loves the nation and was ready to reciprocate every goodwill they have showered on him.

Kabbah does not love the nation enough because if he did his primary concern would have been hearing the desperate pleas of the suffering people .But since the inception of his rule, all Kabbah has shown is a determination to please his cronies .Kabbah tries hard to please his batmen, henchmen and kaboodle more than the nation .Since he came to power, Kabbah has shown more interest in compensating them at all costs, protecting them and turning a blind eye to the orgy of corruption and accumulation of vulgar riches that these cronies would rather engage in while ruling the country. And if debt relief and economic redemption hinge on Kabbah wrestling them down the high-faluting heights they have built for themselves with our resources, the G8 countries should rather forget about Sierra Leone. Kabbah will never do it. There are men and women in power in Sierra Leone who need to be arrested and charged with corruption for Sierra Leone to benefit fully from G8  but Kabbah would rather see us miss that opportunity than touch his sacred cows.





The key players in the Sierra Leone Open Forum , like KJL, Knice, K.L, Pa. Javombo , Bob Jusu, Hasheem ,Brima , Waraba, Cornelius, Chez winnakabs, Factorise, KLA, The Lumley Beach Technicians,  Allieu and others whose names I cannot readily recall have demonstrated exemplary maturity since the stormy debate on Christiana Thorpe started. 

Some of you guys did not support me but I am so impressed by the way you made your points without any attempt whatsover to inflame the issue that I cannot let this day pass without expressing my thanks and appreciation for your maturity.Even after I left the forum, none of you took advantage of my absence to further inflame the issue  .When you compare this situation to what used to happen on the NUP , AFRICAONLINE and SLIS forum where people used to enjoy setting fire to already explosive situations I think you deserve a pat on the back.

I, too,  have tried to demonstrate maturity in the face of provocation. Search through the whole COCORIOKO  and you will find not a single personal article I wrote attacking my opponent, INIP  or anybody else. I fought against all temptations not to write anything about the issue in Cocorioko. All I did was transfer your opinions to the “WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY ” column so that my readers will see how the debate went and to also save your posts from being deleted. I am still transferring your posts. Hopefully, I will edit the page when I finish  and place all the opinions for and against my views so that readers can form their own opinions. I have deliberately left out my views and INIP’s since they are repetitive.

I want to assure you that I have nothing against you, even those of you who took positions against me. You stuck to the main issues and you did not ascribe motives on anybody. I want to assure you that I will continue to demonstrate maturity by personally writing nothing about the issue in my paper.

I have made a big concession by deleting from the readers’ letter INIP  is complaining about allegations that definitely have not been proved or that are not at all necessary to the issue. I posted it before I noticed that I had to delete those parts. I usually  first copy and paste them to the site from my mailbox before editing them for spelling errors. It was while doing so that I realized I had to delete those parts. I had the realization before I read INIP’s letter objecting to it.

I want to further assure you that I have no plans to write any derogatory or inflammatory article on the issue. I will continue to keep the quarrel from the pages of COCORIOKO.

If you can advice INIP  to stop provocative , anonymous posts this whole issue will soon blow away. Please feel free to contribute articles in my newspaper . Nothing has changed between us .

  Thanks a lot once more.










 Updated version  of 1995 article by Editor Wilfred Kabs-Kanu ,  published in the WEST AFRICAN JOURNAL . New facts to meet with present realities have been incorporated into the article.

 . Few nations can boast of being blessed like Sierra Leone.The Good Lord , in His infinite love, showered the little West African nation with unimaginable resources that could make her the El Dorado of Africa.

Covering only about 28, 000 square miles , with a population of a little over 5 million people, God blessed Sierra Leone with human and natural resources far in excess of her minuscule size and importance.Beneath the earth’s crusts in Sierra Leone are natural resources that in all frankness make her one of the most “mineraliferous” nations on the globe. Not only that, Sierra Leone’s rich resources make first world countries like the Great United States look like a wasteland.She is blessed with every imaginable precious minerals, ranging from diamonds to gold , iron ore and bauxite, all of which control the highest financial ratings on the international market.

Additionally, Sierra Leone has a vast expanse of virgin forests and fertile lands that would make her the veritable major food exporter in West Africa, given a central government that is serious about an agricultural revolution.

Sierra Leone is also blessed with the finest quality of human resources. She was once the premier nation in education in West Africa, having become the lightening rod for the spread of Western Learning and Culture in the continent during the Colonial era.She was nicknamed The Athens of West Africa and the Beacon of Light of Africa. The academic endowment of Sierra Leoneans make them a uniqued breed in West Africa.

Back to her mineral and material resources, Sierra Leone’s diamonds are of the highest quality and her high grade gems have been the subject of interesting novels written by European writers.But it will be seen that what was meant to be a blessing for Sierra Leone became one of her greatest curses as diamonds contributed in fuelling 11 years of brutality and insanity in the nation that cost thousands of lives and destroyed the country’s infrastructure . Indeed, Sierra Leone’s diamonds belong to such superior grade that the discovery of “The Star of Sierra Leone” in 1975 rocked the world’s financial market as it was one of the biggest and the most expensive diamonds ever extracted from Mother Earth.

But the precious gem was pocketted by the thieving President Siaka Stevens , who converted the proceeds to his own use. The rascal that he was ,   President Stevens  mocked a startled nation with the criminal jibe that he would not reveal the real price of the diamond for security reasons.  It was as though he was afraid that men stronger than him would have arm-twisted the proceeds from his clutches. But Sierra Leoneans knew better. They understood that Shaki had to hide from them the real worth of the diamond so that they could not estimate for themselves the benefits the gem would have brought to the country. Stevens was a first class criminal and should have died behind bars.. With people like him ruling Sierra Leone for long, it is easier to see why such a rich nation is today being classified as the poorest in the world.

In 1970, Siaka Stevens’ Minister of Information, the great Journalism icon, Ibrahim Taqi, resigned in protest against the unpatriotic handling of national matters by the government, and promised the nation a suspenseful socio-political satire , “The Great Diamond Robbery,” which could have been a dramatic exposure of the daring highway robbery at Mile 47 of a tremenduous cache of expensive diamonds on their way from Kono to Freetown for export, an act said to have been engineered by Prseident Stevens and roguish Lebanese businessman, Edmond Mukazel, who was the only person tried and deported , but was brought back into the country by the government.

The Mile 47 grand  daylight diamond robbery  was one of the greatest official cover-ups of its time.Taqi’s novel could have provided Sierra Leoneans with sufficient evidence to nail the President for economic Treason, but the President had Taqi executed along with Dr. Mohamed Sorie Forna, Brigadier David Lansana and others at the Pademba Road Prisons in 1975 for allegedly plotting to overthrow his government, charges that Sierra Leoneans learnt later were stage-managed, long before Aminata Forna’s recent classic . “The Devil That Danced Upon The Water”, which exposed how men were cajoled to testify falsely against the accused.

The gems involved in the two scenerios could have provided Sierra Leone with free education, free medical care, fabulous social security benefits and handsome salaries for workers . But the above is a stunning commentary of the manner in which one of the world’s richest nations had been misgoverned and ruined since Independence .. It has beent four heart-breaking decades of misrule, squandermania and penury for Sierra Leoneans.

Independence, for all the high expectations of Sierra Leoneans, has not benefitted the country in any way. Rather, it was  doomsday for Sierra Leone the moment the white man handed power to Sierra Leoneans. We now wish they had never done so.    Where the colonial masters can at least be credited with good and accountable leadership, rule by Sierra Leoneans has been marked by boldfaced thieving, incompetence,  economic sabotage of the people and economic treason  as well as unpatriotism, selfishness and adherence to every dirty trick in the books of  ROGUES AND ECONOMIC BANDITS.  .Independence infact  started the long road to the ruthless economic plunder and socio-political vagrancy that have marked the life of the nation.

One of Sierra Leone’s most chronic problems has been the lack of good leaders.Sierra Leone has not been able to provide trustworthy and conscientious  political leaders and public functionaries of patriotic calibre and outstanding pedigree. The only exceptional political leaders we have ever paid homage to in Sierra Leone were the post-Independence Prime Minister, Sir Milton Margai and the Chairman of the NRC Military junta, Brig. Andrew Juxon-Smith. I love President Tejan Kabbah’s ability to keep the nation in one piece with his regionally-balanced cabinet and I admire his ability to surmount difficulties.  

However, Kabbah’s rule has also witnessed one of the the most ruthless exploitation of the nation’s precious resources by corrupt government ministers and public officials . Corruption under this present SLPP government is boiling down to an alarming national epidemic, with Western nations and donor agencies threatening to cut off aid, unless the malaise was tackled urgently. President Kabbah hears the groans and complaints of the ordinary man in the street but he has not shown any moral will to stop the orgy of feasting on the country’s riches and foreign loans and aid by public officials. He is one of the most reckless Presidents we have had since Independence  when it comes to punishing corruption and graft. He himself is not a thief , but he presides over a government of thieves.

The SLPP is  worse in the area of corruption than the very APC  they used to stigmatize. During the APC  era, corruption was the order of the day, but at least the loot trickled down to the ordinary man. But President Kabbah’s ministers and other government officials are so greedy and selfish that only their immediate families, girlfriends, hangers-on and tribesmates enjoy the feast. It was as though  the SLPP opposed and fought the APC  through hellish battles,  like the Ndorgbowusui’s war and the formation of the RUF,    to be able to gain power through the criminal elections fraud of 1996, masterminded by Julius Maada Bio and James Jonah ,only  to  establish its own criminal enterprise in the country.

Placed together, the SLPP  and the old APC  are all and the same political entities.There is nothing to choose between the two parties. Both came to power just to loot the national treasury. All the colourful promises the SLPP made in 1995-96 have turned out to be  mere deceitful enticement of the poor people to cast their  votes for men and women who would later rob them blind.  Infact, many of Kabbah’s trusted officials are remnants of Siaka Stevens’ gang of thieves. As if he has nothing at stake or any new standards to set, Kabbah is snug and content to run a government that is composed of both the old ayampees of the APC  days and the new, emergent ones born by the SLPP.  

 Calls from patriots, newspapers and other well-meaning citizens for the government to fire the largely inefficient and unproductive members of his government have not been heeded. Kabbah is the only Sierra Leonean President who does not reshuffle his cabinet. Pa. Shaki was the King of Rogues but at least he used to be on top of the activities of some of his thieving ministers and he reschuffled his cabinet again and again. Kabbah’s reluctance to do the same shows his indifference to the economic harm being caused by the ‘Ali Babas ‘he has for his ministers and public officials.The President seem to have averted his mind to the philosophy : “YOU CHOP, I CHOP , PALAVER FINISH.”

It is understandable that President Kabbah took the leadership during a most difficult period in the life of the nation with marauding bandits and footloose and rebellious soldiers seeking power against the will of the people and inflicting woe on everyone , but with the goodwill and help he is enjoying from the International Community, Kabbah’s government should have done better . If the APC  had the same loans and financial assistance the Kabbah government is enjoying , Sierra Leoneans would have cooked stones with groundnut oil, to use a local parable. Like the other governments before it, the SLPP has proved completely corrupt and it has wickedly failed  to utilize  the nation’s colossal human and material resources for the optimum good of the ordinary man in the street.

The government has very little development projects to show for all the stupenduous economic aid that had been poured into the country by Britain and other friendly nations in the international community.  

Since we achieved Independence, we have been cursed with leaders and government officials whose priorities have always been wrong, their only inclination being to plunder the country’s financial and material resources for their own good.






First_Name:  Sorie
Last_Name:  Bangura
Email_Address:  [email protected]
Address:  4412 venace blvd
City:  LA
State:  CA
Zip_Code:  90043
Comments:   ‘No evidence against Okere’AG Says.This was the headline in the Standard Times(freetown) on march 18, 2005. Please dig this article out to satisfy all the naysayers. Okere’s alleged corruption stemed from an article by the independent news paper that he recommeneded a friend and strong party supporter for a contract but was refused by the Procurement unit. When did it become a crime to recommend a  party supporter and friend for a contract, job, or anything else for that matter? We see this here in the STATES all the time.

Unless you are an ungratefull pig, you help the people that  helped you get were you are.If this were corruption, the person Okere recommended   for the contract would not have been refused. As party organising secretary, I am confident Okere would have gotten his way.This was not  the case.The contract was refused. Okere recommended this loyal party supporter and let the chips fall where they may.No undue influence. Is this corruption? Hardly.
So how did this whole thing got blown out of propotion?

An overzealous newspaper reporter heard  parts of this  story and thought they had the corruption  story of the century and went ballistic with it without checking all the facts something the so called SL newspapers are saddly guilty of.The newspapers are quick to label ministers and other high ranking government officials of corruption for sensationalism and ofcourse sell newspapers.

At last count there are 54 so called newspapers in SL.This is a lot of newspapers for a country of 5million people minus the ones murdered by Foday Sankoh and his so called rebel RUF. Some newspapers sell less than 100 papers a day.Remember to stay above the pack,you have to be Sensational like gossip tabloids here in the west.Remember this headline from a tabloid here in the US,( space Alien inpregnate woman)This rag sold a lot of copies due to that story. you get my drift.It has been reported that some newspapers reporters in SL  approach ministers and other prominent people for bribes so that they can write positive articles about them. Refuse to put for them  and you get negative ink.Please be reminded that the ACC does not have the man power to investigate all allegations instead they follwed thelead of the newspapers.

Finally, in the grand scheme of things who is really corrupt? the newspapers or the prominient citizens  that refuse to be extorted and hence the negative press they get? Dont get me wrong, I am all for a free press, and a strong opposition party.It is the Quality of the press and their tactics that i Question.We need quality newspapers that publish the truth and not prose.
In future writings, I shall talk about the real cause of corruption in our beloved country and maybe the next president and the nation can actually fight this menace. Once again thanks for the space and may god bless Sierra leone.

Oasanjo weilds the big stick, but harboring Africa’s bloodiest killer,  Charles Taylor


Let’s face it. None of the  ECOWAS leaders smarting over the standoff in Togo deserve the right to condemn the powerbrokers in that West African  nation for violating the constitution and imposing the son of former President Gnassingbe Eyadema as leader after the death of his father.

By the same token that Faure Eyadema is an imposter and illegal leader, most of the leaders of the ECOWAS ( Economic Community of West African States) are similarly constitutional buffs who achieved power by unlawful means. Many of them flagrantly cheated and rigged the elections that brought them to power.Worse still, many of them have sought unconstitutional methods to remain in control against the wishes of their people  after highjacking the electoral process. .

This newspaper is not trying  to diminish the fact that there deserves to be an outcry against the Togolese authorities for bending the constitution at the death of the President. They had no right to tamper with the constitution. That sacrosanct document stipulates clearly that the Speaker of the House of Assembly should take over power on the death of the President. An international outrage of the type going on is essential in bringing violators of the constitution in Africa to their knees. A strong message has been sent by ECOWAS leaders that constitutional abuses and arm-twisting will no longer be accepted on their backyards. The sanctions, arms embargo and travel bans just imposed on the illegal Togolese leaders are the right step in the right direction.

However, we hope that  this tough stance will be extended to leaders who steal elections. There is no difference between Faure Eyadema ‘s method of ascension to the throne and the subterranean manner leaders who steal elections enter power. They all entered through the backdoor, without the blessings of the constitution. The only difference is that one method is more subtle than the other. The Commanders-In -Thief  devised more cunning and ingenious ways to highjack the constitution . But a thief is a thief, regardless of how cunningly he pulled off his act. It is hypocrisy and double standards of the highest order when election rogues try to dictate to another leader who did not use the constitution to gain power. They have no moral authority whatsover to ostracize and force down another leader.

Some of the African leaders weilding the biggest sticks also have a record for subverting international justice. Nigeria’s President Olusegun Obasanjo is concerned that the Togo experience will set a bad precedent in Africa but he is less concerned that he has deprived millions of Africans of justice by granting refuge to Liberia’s former dictator, Charles Taylor, The African Hitler , who staged a ruthless war in West Africa that killed millions of people in Liberia, Sierra Leone , Guinea  and the Ivory Coast.

Obasanjo, by refusing to hand over Taylor to the war crimes tribunal in Sierra Leone , has disturbed the natural order of justice in the world and has subverted the interests of millions of people who want to see Taylor face the legal consequences for his callous indifference to the lives of their children, husbands, wives, neighbours, townsmates and others who were cruelly massacred at the instance of the Liberian butcher’s quest for power.

Faure Eyadema can defy these African leaders justifiably on the grounds that they lack the moral authority to force him to step down . He has a right to tell them to get rid of  the skeletons in their cupboards first before seeking to dictate what happens in his  country. After all, was it not Jesus Christ, The Lord and Saviour of the world, who told the hypocritical scribes and pharisees to remove the logs from their own eyes first before seeking to remove the mote from other people’s eyes ?



Siaka Stevens : How many great citizens did he and other Presidents destroy ?


The unconditional pardon President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah granted former Army Captain Abu Noah , whom he described as a good citizen , was the right step in the right direction, though Kabbah himself has serious lessons to learn from his own magnanimity.

Abu Noah was one of the soldiers accused of staging the 1970 abortive miltary coup said to have been led by the late Force Commander,   Brigadier John Bangura , for which Bangura himself and some top army brass like Major F.L.M.Jawara, S.E.Momoh , Lt. Joseph Kolugbonda etc were hanged at Pademba Road Prisons. Noah and some other officers including Major D.D.K.Vandi and  Capt. Mboma Gbaigbai were given long-term imprisonments.

Since he was released in the 1980s , Noah has proved a worthy citizen by contributing marvellously to the society. His Security Force helps to provide safety to many business concerns and important installations. Also, he is a writer and has produced interesting works of art. Only God knows whether Noah was ever part of a plan to overthrow the APC  government in 1970.

It was well overdue for our nation to start lifting back to their feet those great and progressive citizens who were illegally and criminally destroyed by our megalomanic Presidents and their psychotic governments, even as Kabbah needs to also grant such a hand to citizens  like journalist Paul Kamara, who is languishing in jail presently for allegedly falling foul of our archaic and draconian libel laws.

Throughout Sierra Leone’s post-Independence history, many of our good and progressive citizens, who would have otherwise provided valuable service to help build the nation , have been turned into demons overnight by our power-hungry, insecure and intolerant Presidents. Most of them received the bad rap and were not only imprisoned and later stigmatized in society, but in some cases they were killed , as it happened in the pathetic case of the former Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone, Mr. Sam Bangura, who was bumped off by hired killers sent out by the government after he allegedly refused to release funds to finance some wasteful and dsetructive projects.

Many good , educated, eminent and patriotic Sierra Leoneans were exterminated   by various governments for no reason .Some were accused of involvement in coup plots and were found guilty and sentenced to death , or given long-term imprisonments and when they served their terms they were regarded as demons and society never received them or allowed them to occupy top jobs. Others fell because they were outspoken and the governments, always afraid of their shadows, perceived them as enemies. Their only crime was that they were patriotic.

The APC  killed important citizens like Brigadiers Bangura and David Lansana, Dr. Mohamed Forna, Ibrahim Taqi, Sam Bangura, F.M.Minah among many others. The NPRC  murdered Captain Kawuta Dumbuya, Salami Coker and some others while the Kabbah SLPP government killed many soldiers like Abdul K.Sesay, Kula Samba , Abu Zagalo Sankoh, Max Kanga etc. , Ministers of the gospel, journalists and others whom they accused of playing a part in the AFRC 1997 coup. Hundreds more were brutally burnt or hacked to death by pro-government vigilantees for allegedly being junta collaborators.

 Many of these citizens died for nothing. As Dr.Forna’s daughter Aminata’s book, THE DEVIL THAT DANCED ON THE WATER, graphically exposed, some witnesses who testified against her father during his 1974 coup trial were coached by political thugs about what to say to implicate her father.

It is very painful indeed to imagine that citizens who had spent a better half of their lives to be educated or trained in their fields were killed just like that by our governments all because they disagreed with the President or his government officials or his policies. 

If Kabbah is really serious about giving  back victimized citizens their lives , he must set up a judicial inquiry to find out the circumstances under which Brigs. Bangura, Lansana, Forna, Taqi, Minah, Salami Coker, Kawuta, Kula Samba  and others died at the hands of our various  governments. Though they are dead and can never be brought back to life, exoneration and vindication of these men  and woman will at least bring a deserving closure to the matters  and gladden the hearts of their relatives that the truth had eventually been known that their beloved were heroes  and heroine after all and not villains.

Kabbah must also release from jail without any conditions journalist Paul Kamara and other prisoners of conscience who are good citizens but are being demonized because of their patriotism to speak out against evil in the society or because they were just perceived as enemies of the government.







Monday January 11, 2004

By Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu

When the Sierra Leone government and the United Nations signed a treaty for a war crimes tribunal to try those deemed as bearing the greatest responsibilities for the perverse acts of bestiality , cruelty  and godless massacres  perpetuated by combatants during the Sierra Leone war, one thing stood out like a sore thumb. It will not be an easy task for such a tribunal.

And the Special Court has not had an easy ride , predictably. The tribunal was bound to be walking on a minefield because it was trying to bring justice to a country whose philosophy of life was perpetuating atrocities with IMPUNITY .

The culture  that  ‘big men‘ will rape, burn, destroy  and kill and walk away free from it had become so ingrained in  Sierra Leone that some of the alleged war criminals targeted by this treaty did not even attempt to flee, even though the word was long out that once the Court kicked off, they were prime suspects  for indictment. They did not run away because they were satisfied in their heart of hearts that no one would dare touch them.After all, who had the guile and panache to question their acts, even if they left over 150, 000 people butchered to death by their own  alleged cruel complicity,   negligence and breach of duty  ? Johnny Paul Koroma , when he fled, did so because the government was out to arrest him for an alleged coup plot, not because rumors were all over that he was one of those to be tried by the Special Court. None of them probably ever expected that the war crimes tribunal net would get close to them.

But David Crane, The Special Court Prosecutor,   had surprise packets for them. And he unveiled these packets   on March 7, 2003 when he handed out indictments to the alleged perpetrators  who were immediately handcuffed and placed into custody. Some of the indictees obviously  thought  that they would never be brought to account for their alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity .

However, let it  be known , first and foremost,  that all the men so far arrested by the Special Court are only suspects. Nothing has been proved against them  and they are all innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

The fact remained , though, that having the Special Court work in impunity-plagued Sierra Leone was a job cut out not for faint hearts. And Crane and party have had their fair share of  thorns and briers in the form of violent attacks in the press and threats from supporters of the indictees.  Crane has been called all kinds of names . The impresive thing, however, is that Crane and co. have  hung in  thick , in their  relentless and unwavering desire to bring justice to all the victims of the Sierra Leone war. “Crane  is as cool as a cucumber . You never met a more thick-skinned individual “, our reporters in Freetown have said.

Now, if panache is indeed the keynote of the court , this is about to be boosted. Julia Sebatunde, the Ugandan woman  who will be sworn in this month as a member of the third trial chamber , is a  he-woman  and will help to provide the guile necessary to break the stranglehold of impunity  not only over Sierra Leone but neigbouring Liberia , whose former rebel President Charles Taylor along with AFRC  indictees Alex Tamba Brima , Brima Bazzy Kamara and Santigie Kanu will appear before her. Sebatunde will continue the pattern of fearlessness, transparency and fairness so far demonstrated by the other judges Cameroonian Benjamin Itoe and Sierra Leonean Bankole Thompson .But even more, she will prove that she cannot be intimidated.

If Charles Taylor is ever chained away from Calabar and brought to Freetown to stand trial, it is not wishful thinking to predict that he will bring a lot of drama to the court. A man not used to be ordered around even before he became a rebel, and a dictator who has walked over almost a million dead bodies to power, he will definitely be a hard nut to crack in court. He will resort to all forms of delaying and intimidatory tactics. He will issue veiled threats and being a man stuffed  with his own self-importance and  misguided sense of a messianic mission to save Liberia, he will delay proceedings not only with appeals to the jugular, but will give the court a taste of his terrible temper , which had seen him  allegedly order the immediate execution of those who merely disagreed with him.

But Taylor will meet his match in Sebatunde, who tamed many unruly men in court  in her native Uganda. News of  Ms. Sebatunde’s fearsome and fearless handling of men who run off the rails in court preceded her to Freetown. As a matter of fact, one would not read a Ugandan newspaper without a news item on Sebatunde’s amazing theatrics with the nation-wreckers of her country.

She is the daring woman who sent  the top brass in her nation’s corrupt Army and  Police Force packing. As Chairperson of the Commission of Inquiry set up by President Musoveni to  first investigate corruption in the Ugandan Police Police, Ms.Sebatunde failed to succumb to violent threats and life-threatening intimidation and took on the powerful Ugandan Police Force singlehandedly. Police officers who appeared before her and tried to cow her with their characteristic ‘macho’ were verbally cut down to size and put in their right places.  She has an amazing penchant for taking a tough and uncompromising stand with even witnesses who appear in court  or judicial commissions and suddenly develop amnesia or deliberately seek to mislead.

Ultimately, Ms.Sebatunde accomplished what nobody had ever done in Uganda –She exposed Police cover-ups , robbery , crooked deals with Ugandan passports, , complicity with criminals and abuse of power. The result was that most of the top Police officers were fired by the President. She also investigated the powerful CID Director Chris Bakiza and forced him on the unemployment line. She then took on the army and also exposed rampant corruption by the soldiers as a result of which top army officers lost their jobs.

Ms.Sebatunde’s biggest fight turned out to be with the million-dollar criminal enterprise called the Ugandan Revenue Authority. Infact , the URA  had formed such a mafia that it decided immediately to put the judge out of business. One night, gunshots disturbed the peace of the  judge’s locality  as armed men stormed her Bugolobi residence to assassinate her. Unlike other women who would have panicked, ran out and made themselves sitting ducks for the wild gunmen , Julia Sebatunde remained indoors and watched her guards engage the intruders in a bloody fight-to-the-finish . A combined Army-Police team materialized  later to provide reinforcement and  help send the armed hired killers scampering away into the dark their mission unaccomplished .

Julia told the nation the next day that,  “Even if they had harmed me, it would not have made any difference. It was too late to affect the findings of the probe. God , who put me here, will ensure that I complete the job “. And she did. Her probe exposed the URA  as a major wrecker of the Ugandan economy and many heads rolled.



President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, we have said many times, may not be a bad leader . For all his mistakes and the rampant corruption that is slowly eating out the insides of his government, Kabbah still enjoys goodwill that the Siaka Stevenses and the NPRC leaders may only dream about.

The main problem with the President is the men around him. Kabbah’s monumental failing has been his inability or reluctance to tap the talents and abilities of outstanding Sierra Leonean statesmen and women to help him govern the country. It is unacceptable to the nation that a country once called The Athens of West Africa has in leadership positions people who can better be described as square pegs in round holes.

Education is a marvellous achievement and this newspaper has the greatest respect for citizens with degrees decking their names.However, we are seeing in Sierra Leone ( as we did before during the APC  misrule ) that educated citizens do not necessarily make good leaders, especially in a failed state like Sierra Leone where many  of  these  intellectuals have either  sullied their names before in the political arena  or they have decided to place their conscience behind their backs and join in the free-for-all looting of the country’s resources as the half-educated politicians are doing.

Kabbah has all the men of letters in his government but the SLPP is one of the most useless administrations we have had in Sierra Leone. Kabbah is not as despotic as Siaka Stevens or the Valentine Strasser/Marda Bio NPRC , but he presides over a government bursting at the seams with deadwoods who are good for nothing. And it is these deadwoods who have stolen the thunder that the President should have been priding in presently.

Not only do they ill-advice the President ; As the eyes and ears of the President, they  give him the wrong picture about events in the country and the public’s frustration at the failure of the government to deliver. How Professor Septimus KaiKai, the Information Minister, arrived at the conclusion that war is no longer possible in Sierra Leone is puzzling. It is puzzling because it is hard to see how the minister and Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad are looking at events in ther country from so sharply contrasting perspectives.

The International Crisis Group ( ICG)  report that another war was imminent apart, there is no Sierra Leonean who does not know that the country is walking on a very slippery slope, thanks to the kind of leadership and dynamics in the country. The rampant corruption in the country presently is, by itself, capable of sparking fresh hostilities. To think that people will stomach the “MONKEY WOKE, BABOON EAT ”  reality in the country eternally without protests one day  is not only far-fetched;  It is criminally naive.

When the majority of the people cannot afford a single bowl of rice for the day, walk around frustrated  on empty stomachs while being  greeted on all sides by government incompetence , malfeasance, misfeasance , insensitivity, callousness, impunity , pomposity , showoff, ostentation and opulenmce gained from thieving the nation’s resources, how many people will remain silent for long ?  There is a limit to human patience.

There is anger in the hearts of the people. There is disenchantment on the streets of Freetown and the country. These ugly signs must be communicated graphically to the President. His ministers must not be seen trying to paper over the cracks and giving the Head of State the wrong impressions. Such attitutes are inimical to the interests of the very President.

When the rebel war started in Liberia, the late President Samuel Doe depended on his blue-eyed boy and Internal Affairs Minister, Edward Komo Saccoh to relate to him the true story of events on the battlefield. But to make Doe feel good, Saccoh continued portraying a completely different and distorted picture of Charles Taylor’s advances. When some Chiefs came to Monrovia to tell the President that Charles Taylor and his rebels were swiftly  advancing deep into the country and the rebellion was gaining strength, Saccoh had them destooled, accusing them of being NPFL  collaborators. Months later, when it was too late, Doe learnt from rebel successes and capture of key towns in Nimba County that the chiefs were right all along and Saccoh had been fooling him. Doe immediately had Saccoh relieved of his post.

There are many more Septimus Kakais in the SLPP government, who think that they are doing the President a favor by misleading the nation  about public reactions to the pathetic situation in the country. One does not know whether it is the President himself who has developed itchy ears for only good reports from the field, as is the wont of our African leaders.

Apart from the serious economic suffering which is keeping citizens edgy , there are many other factors that have the potential to inflame passions once again in the country. Tribalism still exists and  continued nepotism in government could cause problems in the future. The Hinga Norman issue is another potential destabilizer if the government does not take the time to send emissaries to the length and breadth of the South/East to educate increasingly distrustful citizens about the Special Court , the demands of justice in  post-war Sierra Leone  , the independence of the court and the government’s inability to interfere in its operations. At times, all the people need is a convincing explanation of the issues. The government’s Public Relations is extremely poor and members of the establishment hardly talk with a united voice.

While the intentions of the Special Court are noble and justice has to be done without fear or favor , we must realise that before he was indicted, Chief Norman and President Kabbah as well as some pro-Kabbah big brass in the government were at loggerheads. The public deserves a right to be educated that Chief Norman’s indictment and trial have nothing to do with the sour relations between him and the President prior to his arrest. Issues do not go away because we ignore them.

Our borders are also porous and gunmen from Liberia and the Ivory Coast freely travel in and out of the country. Nobody is sure whether combatants turned in all their weapons. Johnny Paul Koroma is still at large and it has not been ascertained that he is indeed dead. Our army and Police are not capable of providing watertight security for the nation.We still need the services of the UN Peacekeeping Force incase there is another spillover from Liberia, a country that continues to be unstable and capable of being plunged once more into full-scale war.

Professor Septimus Kaikai was therefore wrong in his conclusions that there are no possibilities of another war in Sierra Leone. Nobody loves war and no true patriot will wish war for his country.But we must treat security situations with grave interest and truthful assessments. . Security threats are not simply wished away. Their reality has to be acknowledged .It is the only way that the nation will not develop another false sense of security and doze until we are caught napping again as it happened in 1992 when the rebels entered Sierra Leone after all and in February 1999 when they captured Freetown after all the assurances from government that the security situation was under control.




There are those who feel that some of us in the press never feed the public positive news about Sierra Leone. But what responsible and truthful journalist will try to create a false sense of security in a country where it appears that certain  people never want to leave the citizens and foreign residents  in peace and safety ?

As if our country is cursed, when one problem has been solved, another spectacular one arises. Now after the war , with all its hellish slaughters, amputations, rapes and destruction, it is cannibalism and ritual murders that want to become bones in the throats of security authorities. Hardly  a week  passes now without stories of a dead body being  discovered with parts, especially the genitals and the heart , missing. These vicious and diabolical acts take us back to the dark days of the Bofima Society and the “Heart meh” scare in Liberia  when citizens of both countries perpetually shivered in their shoes in fear of the wicked deeds of men and women who violently extract  human parts from innocent victims  to make charms to bolster their political  or worldly ambitions.

In Liberia  during the inglorious days of the Tolbert and Doe regimes, so-called Heart Men virtually brought life to a standstill especially at elections time. People were afraid of going out a night. Those who frequented night clubs and students of night schools could be seen scrambling into taxis, buses and every available means of transport  around 9 pm to be home before it was  late .

The seriousness of the situation was demonstrated  one morning when  heart men attacked a woman bathing  in the outside bathroom she shared with other residents of her compound, many of whom had also got out of bed.  The woman was taking  bath before leaving for work. She was  swiftly overpowered and her private parts, breasts , heart and the skins of her heels and palms extracted before anybody could save her.  The Editor of this paper and his friend, Osman Bangura , were chased by heartmen at Caldwell Road one night in 1979 after they accompanied another friend , Mr. Davidson .D.Borbor up the road to  Douala,  to  help him take a cab home. They outrun the killers and went to take refuge in a church where the Pastor raised a loud alarm that sent angry residents scrambling outside. The heartmen could be seen fleeing across the Stockton Creek Bridge to Caldwell.  Sierra Leone too is no stranger to ritual murders . Even Paramount Chiefs and a senior government minister ( Alimamy Khazali  in 1974) were  hanged at Pademba Road Prisons for ritual murder.

The practitioners of this barbaric, heartless and ungodly practice feel that they could achieve political power or leverage or achieve some grandiose worldly ambition with the aid of charms made from human parts. But it is  not only the people who seek these charms that must be punished when caught. Even the Jujumen who demand these human parts before making charms should be equally dealt with by the law.

The APC  government , headed by Dr. Siaka Stevens , had its faults but it brought ritual murder virtually to an end in Sierra Leone in the 70s and 80s. It achieved this feat by being most uncompromising and legally brutal with perpetuators of ritual murder.. Those caught were speedily brought to trial and were executed after being found guilty.The APC’s zero-tolerance  for  ritual murder was so intense that President Stevens did not flinch to sign the death warrant of even a senior minister serving his government. Khazali, a once blue-eyed boy of the government,  was hanged like a common felon and his body and the remains of the other collaborators were displayed outside Pademba Road Prisons to send a strong message to other perpetuators.

It is however doubtful whether the SLPP is capable of taking a similar uncompromising stand against ritual murderers and cannibals. This government is too lax when it comes to security and also  punishing highly-placed people in the community who fall foul of the law. For some reason, the Kabbah government is impotent when it comes to sending  strong and uncompromising messages to criminals. The general feeling in Sierra Leone is that the government will not act decisively because some of the ritual murderers are aligned with the government.  This is a government that provides all kinds of protection for its corrupt public officials. While there are no facts to substantiate this contention that government officials have a hand in the ritual murders , the government must cast off all suspicions by cracking down on ritual murder in Sierra Leone.And it must do it now, before the problem spins out of control as it did in Liberia.

Waiting for the problem to go away by itself will not do. The government must go after the ritual murderers . President Kabbah cannot afford to add ritual murders and cannibalism to his already sullied record. The ritual murderers must be caught wherever they are and brought to justice.


Kerry and Bush in a camaradie posture  unknown to African political rivals


As I sat in my living room with my opinionated daughter ( I love her) and wife watching the U.S.Presidential debate last week, one of the emotions that overwhelmed me was fascination for these people called Americans.

And if you were an African and the event did not leave you thinking how we could learn from such genuine politics in action , maybe your mind was on something else.

Make no mistake about it, the Presidential debate presented many sobering lessons for us , Africans, especially the breed of citizens we call politicians , more so at a time like this when one of the reasons behind our presence on foreign lands today is the misuse , abuse and perversion of politics in our countries.

Oh, how I would have loved to have been in the same living room watching the debate with our “Agbagba” African politicians , like our own Alhaji Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, Nigerian leader Segun Obasanjo,Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe, Charles Taylor ,Guinea’s Lansana Conte , Gambia’s Yaya Jammeh , Ivory Coast’s Konan Bedie and others. And how I wished the Siaka Stevenses, Mobutu Sese Sekous, Samuel Does, Idi Amins and the rest of the dictators who have left us in this world were alive too and watching ! ! !

As I listened and watched John Kerry make President Bush grimace in complete disarray many times with his pointed and well-articulate attacks on the President’s policies in Iraq, the idea that came to my mind was…What if it had been in Africa ? What if one of the above mentioned African “Agbagbas” had been in President Bush’s position ?

That night, radio and TV broadcasts would have been rudely interrupted by the playing of the national anthem, and the President would have appeared to make a nation-wide broadcast , in which he would have announced breathlessly to the bespectacled citizens that he had uncovered a plot to overthrow his government, that a State of Emergency had been immediately declared and that all opposition politicians and civil rights activists had been arrested for their part in the coup plot.

Infact, some African President with a sense of the dramatic would have even stage-managed the so-called coup attempt, having their own soldiers fire into the Presidential Palace , as Samuel Doe did in Liberia in 1984 in the bogus coup plot in which Col.M.M.D.Flanzhamaton allowed himself to be used by the then Liberian Head of State as the leader of the so-called plot. When Flanzhammaton goofed it in a TV  appearance where he was made to “confess”  to the nation about  the “coup attempt ” and did not sound convincing, Doe executed him by firing squad in anger and released the oppositin politicians from jail.

This sickening and pathetic scenerio has been played with such monotonous naivety in Africa that even kids born yesterday no longer believe their Presidents when they announce that their rivals had made an attempt to overthrow their governments. They know that it is an orchestrated ploy by African leaders to get rid of their rivals .

If the political debate I watched in my living room had actually taken place between an African President and his rival for power, John Kerry would have been cooling his heels in prison by now. He would have been accused of Treason, Subversion and planning to murder the President, all false charges.

We sit down and wonder why our continent remains backward and lags behind all other continents in socio-political and economic developments .One of the main reasons is the backwardness of our political culture and the unwillingness of our African politicians to keep abreast of modern, civilized political practices. Most of our African nations are superfluously blessed with human and natural resources but the images from Africa that flicker on world TV  are always depressing.It is always pictures of starving people ,  helpless, malnourished, dying  war victims,  infrastructural damage , depreciation and scarrred landscapes, all due to wars caused by political intolerance. . Nothing good ever comes out of Africa because of the dearth of  authentic and unadulterated politics.

When we look at the pictures of the two U.S. political antagonists shaking hands and beaming with smiles, it really strikes a chord. How many of our Presidents and poltical opponents come closer to each other, not to mention shake each others’ hands with such pure , profuse passion and joy ? Can we ever have such a picture of President Siaka Stevens  and  Sir Albert Margai , if both men were still alive and at the forefront of our politics   ? Can President Obasanjo  withstand barrages of attacks on his policies in a public debate with Odumegwu Ojukwu  or Muhammedu Buhari  without asking for the heads of these men on a platter the next morning ? Whoever questions the policies of an African leader becomes an “Enemy of the State” and he and his family and proteges are immediately marked out for extermination or harassment and denial of rights and priviledges.

As Hilton Fyle rightly insinuated  in that APC  program last week, our African politicians have an unprogressive and uncivilized mentality about politics.Once elected to power, they consider themselves untouchables and sacred cows who know all the answers and whose policies should be unquestioningly accepted by the populace and their rivals. Once in power, the African President becomes the traditional Big Man with the Big stick  . His actions and policies can no longer be questioned .He is always right.And everybody must surrender their views and live under the yoke of the Big man with the Big stick who knows it all and who decides everything. Whether his policies are taking his nation to the cleaners or not, they must not be challenged.

In all fairness, President Kabbah cannot be equated with some of the dictators we have had in our country or Africa. To a great extent, President Kabbah is trying ,  whether under international pressure or not , to have the other side of the story heard. I have always said that it would be sinful to compare Kabbah with some of our past leaders. The President has his faults, but let us give him some credit for allowing opposition parties to air their views and anti-government newspapers to continue publishing derogatory comments  against his government. Media practitioners  are being persecuted , indeed, but how many such journalists would have been assured that they would  have lived to see  the other day if they had been operating in the Sierra Leone of the 1970s, 80s and early 90s ?

However, Sierra Leone is still one of the chronically backward nations in Africa, socio-politically and economically because her leaders have not allowed her political institutions and a viable democratic political culture to flourish. The government is deliberately and subtly striving to stifle the emergence of civil organizations and the development of genuine multi-party democracy . Eloquent and “peppery” opposition members have been bought over to the ruling party, thus weakening the opposition . The former Elections Commissioner’s resignation and revelations that the government tampered with elections results remain a serious indictment against President Kabbah’s administration.

If we must ever develop our economies and elevate the social status of our people in Africa, we must turn away from our political wretchedness and backwardness We must develop the same  concept of party poltics as prevail in developed countries.Politics is designed  for the elevation of the socio-economic and social conditions of the people. It does not exist as a vehicle for a motely crowd of bandits to use  to perpetuate themselves in power.


By Leeroy Wilfred Kabs-Kanu

Sierra Leone’s President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah has his faults. He may not be hard enough on nation-wreckers busy siphoning the country’s money into their private accounts .But one thing that must be conceded about him. For present day Sierra Leone , he is a man for all seasons.

    Kabbah, like President Siaka Stevens, has  that incredible charisma and persona that appeal to all men, all tribes and all nationals. Because of his marvelous abilty to keep people together, Sierra Leone has enjoyed  remarkable success in keep the nation in one piece.

He has made mistakes in power and we in the press have wasted no time to highlight them , but to prove that our criticisms of the President are not ill-motivated, some of us  shall drum home his good qualities when and as it becomes necessary.

The SLPP  scored the inimitable during the last General and Local Council elections by penetrating the strongholds of her bitter rivals for power, the APC. The SLPP has been able to storm the APC’s Northern bastions and win valuable seats there .  In the recent elections, the SLPP cut the APC’s  joy short  after the opposition party swept the Western Area, when it clinched significant seats in the Kambia, Port Loko, Koinadugu and Tonkolili Districts . These victories have been made possible by Kabbah’s ability to reach Sierra Leoneans of all tribes, colours and professions.President Kabbah’s centrist political strategy has been most fascinating and progressive. He has shunned all temptations  and pressures from party hardliners to set his face like a flint South/Eastwards. Kabbah has instead  looked Northwards and Westwards as well to build his political team   and the result is that he has one of the most tribally and regionally-balanced cabinets ever seen. This itself is reflecting positively on the nation —We are more united as a people than we think.

Kabbah’s religious profession has also been a great blessing to a nation that is  not only predominantly Islam but prides herself as having  people  with the best tolerant attitude  for other religions. Kabbah has been able to nourish  the roots of unity existing between Muslims and Christians by treating people from both religions fairly, tolerantly and equally.

When Vice-President Joseph Berewa succeeds Kabbah in a couple of years, Sierra Leoneans, especially SLPP supporters , will come to terms with reality. Unless Berewa fills Kabbah’s shoes  effectively, diligently continuing the President’s Centrist politics, the first dynamism that will change is the goodwill being enjoyed in all the regions by the SLPP.

Kabbah has  many sore points, but when his rule is looked at in totality, he has done  better than most of Sierra Leone’s previous rulers. And he could leave a more enduring legacy if he clamps down on corruption and succeeds in putting behind bars those  whose greed for filthy lucre has impoverished the nation beyond redemption.


By Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu ( LL.B Hons. )

Monday June 7, 2004

Let’s get it straight . No man is guilty of any offence unless it has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he is culpable , either by his own acts or omission. As Sierra Leone enters a very tense and tenuous week, when Chief Hinga Norman’s trial will rivet the nation and the world, it is but worthwhile to let Sierra Leoneans remain calm and give the legal system a chance.

That Hinga Norman is considered a hero by many Sierra Leoneans goes without saying. It is a fact that when he gets up on Tuesday to make his opening statement as promised by the CDF Spokesman in the U.S, Rev. Alfred SamForay, he is going to rivet the nation and the world. Even the drop of a pin will be heard in the court room and people will be driven to the edge of their seats.

Whenever a public figure or a hero  goes on trial, there is excruciating passion and the media frenzy and national emotions are humonguous. We were witnesses to the spectacle in America when football hero O.J. Simpson went on trial for the alleged murder of his wife, Nicole Brown-Simpson and her friend, Ron Goldman.

But the test of our maturity as a nation  and  our adherence to the principles of democracy and the Rule of Law are about to receive an acid test.  

It is worthwhile to tell our Sierra Leonean people that the law is our friend and not our foe. The law exists to consolidate and concretize the commendable strides that mankind has made in civilization.  Without the rule of law, man would relapse into the depths of uncivilization and the human being will face the prospects of extinction. We must always welcome the operation of the rule of law .

That said, we must also know that the indictment or formal charge against any person is not evidence of guilt.Any man charged to court is presumed to be innocent. The presumption of innocence is the bedrock of our civilization, democracy and the rule of law. However horrid the crimes the prosecutors will highlight during their opening statements or presentation of evidence, Chief Hinga Norman and others are innocent of all those charges until the court proves beyond a reasonable doubt by clear and convincing evidence  that they are guilty. They actually are not under any legal duty to prove anything. It is the prosecution who has  to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Chief Norman,  Allieu Kondewa and Moinina Fofana indeed bear the greatest responsibility for the atrocities allegedly committed by the CDF  during the war.

The Judges will listen to all the evidence and will decide by majority vote  whether these facts are backed by credible evidence  to convict the three men. I am certain that if these men are innocent of the charges as their supporters are asserting, the court will return a verdict of “Not Guilty. “

Given a choice to distrust or trust the Special Court, I will choose the latter. The Special Court, over the past months , has taken legal decisions that should instil confidence in the minds of Sierra Leoneans .The ruling by Judge Bankole Thomas to unfreeze the accounts of Chief Norman because the prosecution failed to prove that the money in the account were proceeds from the operations of the war was admirable. So was the recent decision by the Trial Chamber not to allow the Prosecution to add charges of sexual violence to the CDF rap sheet.

These two decisions handed down by the Justices  manifested  independence   of the judges from the prosecution. What was more, the very Justice Geoffrey Robertson, who many thought demonstrated bias against the  accused for comments made in a book , impartially voted against charging the CDF  with the offence of recruiting child soldiers. Infact, he was only dissenting voice.  We cannot also forget the independent thinking that Judge Gelega King has demonstrated. So far, the prosecution and the Trial and Appeal Chambers have all displayed their independence from each other.

We Sierra Leoneans must learn to allow the justice system to do its work, without imputing unneccessary suspicions on it. This is a message that must be heeded not only by the Hinga Norman supporters but even those on the other side of the divide.

When the prosecution begins to present its case, the nation and the world will be treated to a graphic exposure of grotesque, beastly and horrenduous crimes that David Crane warned will make men of conscience recoil. However, non-supporters of Hinga Norman and the CDF  must realise that for now these are only allegations. They must not take the litany of crimes, however aweful, as gospel truth and start to stir passions against the accused , their families and supporters.

The prosecution will still have the burden of proof to show by clear and convincing evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the men in the dock are culpable for these felonies. At this point, it may be necessary to read the direction given to the jury by the Judge in the celebrated case of The State v. Aubert , 120 N.H.634 , 421 A .2nd. 124 ( 1980) : “Under our constitution, all defendants in criminal cases are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden of proving guilt is entirely on the state.The defendant does not have to prove his innocence. THE DEFENDANT ENTERS THIS COURTROOM AS AN INNOCENT PERSON UNTIL THE STATE CONVINCES YOU BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT THAT HE IS GUILTY OF EVERY ELEMENT OF THE ALLEGED OFFENCE. IF , AFTER ALL THE EVIDENCE AND ARGUMENTS, YOU HAVE A REASONABLE DOUBT AS TO DEFENDANT’S HAVING COMMITTED ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE OFFENCE, THEN YOU MUST FIND HIM NOT GUILTY. ” ( Editor : Substitute “Prosecution” for “The State  in our situation “).

We therefore call upon all Sierra Leoneans to suppress their emotions, suspicions and personal beliefs and allow the justice system to work. Sierra Leoneans must also realise that no one tribe or ethnic group is on trial. The CDF was composed of citizens across the broad spectrum of tribes in Sierra Leone. It just happens that Norman, Kondowa and Fofana were deemed as  holding such command authority within the CDF  as to be considered  to bear the greatest responsibility for the alleged atrocities said to have been committed by the militia. We therefore admonish all Sierra Leoneans to leave out tribalism from  this  case.

Let us conduct ourselves in such  a manner that when judgement is finally delivered, we will be able to say with pride that we allowed the system of justice to work.


 Updated version  of 1995 article by Editor Wilfred Kabs-Kanu ,  published in the WEST AFRICAN JOURNAL . New facts to meet with present realities have been incorporated into the article.

 . Few nations can boast of being blessed like Sierra Leone.The Good Lord , in His infinite love, showered the little West African nation with unimaginable resources that could make her the El Dorado of Africa.

Covering only about 28, 000 square miles , with a population of a little over 5 million people, God blessed Sierra Leone with human and natural resources far in excess of her minuscule size and importance.Beneath the earth’s crusts in Sierra Leone are natural resources that in all frankness make her one of the most “mineraliferous” nations on the globe. Not only that, Sierra Leone’s rich resources make first world countries like the Great United States look like a wasteland.She is blessed with every imaginable precious minerals, ranging from diamonds to gold , iron ore and bauxite, all of which control the highest financial ratings on the international market.

Additionally, Sierra Leone has a vast expanse of virgin forests and fertile lands that would make her the veritable major food exporter in West Africa, given a central government that is serious about an agricultural revolution.

Sierra Leone is also blessed with the finest quality of human resources. She was once the premier nation in education in West Africa, having become the lightening rod for the spread of Western Learning and Culture in the continent during the Colonial era.She was nicknamed The Athens of West Africa and the Beacon of Light of Africa. The academic endowment of Sierra Leoneans make them a uniqued breed in West Africa.

Back to her mineral and material resources, Sierra Leone’s diamonds are of the highest quality and her high grade gems have been the subject of interesting novels written by European writers.But it will be seen that what was meant to be a blessing for Sierra Leone became one of her greatest curses as diamonds contributed in fuelling 11 years of brutality and insanity in the nation that cost thousands of lives and destroyed the country’s infrastructure . Indeed, Sierra Leone’s diamonds belong to such superior grade that the discovery of “The Star of Sierra Leone” in 1975 rocked the world’s financial market as it was one of the biggest and the most expensive diamonds ever extracted from Mother Earth.

But the precious gem was pocketted by the thieving President Siaka Stevens , who converted the proceeds to his own use. The rascal that he was ,   President Stevens  mocked a startled nation with the criminal jibe that he would not reveal the real price of the diamond for security reasons.  It was as though he was afraid that men stronger than him would have arm-twisted the proceeds from his clutches. But Sierra Leoneans knew better. They understood that Shaki had to hide from them the real worth of the diamond so that they could not estimate for themselves the benefits the gem would have brought to the country. Stevens was a first class criminal and should have died behind bars.. With people like him ruling Sierra Leone for long, it is easier to see why such a rich nation is today being classified as the poorest in the world.

In 1970, Siaka Stevens’ Minister of Information, the great Journalism icon, Ibrahim Taqi, resigned in protest against the unpatriotic handling of national matters by the government, and promised the nation a suspenseful socio-political satire , “The Great Diamond Robbery,” which could have been a dramatic exposure of the daring highway robbery at Mile 47 of a tremenduous cache of expensive diamonds on their way from Kono to Freetown for export, an act said to have been engineered by Prseident Stevens and roguish Lebanese businessman, Edmond Mukazel, who was the only person tried and deported , but was brought back into the country by the government.

The Mile 47 grand  daylight diamond robbery  was one of the greatest official cover-ups of its time.Taqi’s novel could have provided Sierra Leoneans with sufficient evidence to nail the President for economic Treason, but the President had Taqi executed along with Dr. Mohamed Sorie Forna, Brigadier David Lansana and others at the Pademba Road Prisons in 1975 for allegedly plotting to overthrow his government, charges that Sierra Leoneans learnt later were stage-managed, long before Aminata Forna’s recent classic . “The Devil That Danced Upon The Water”, which exposed how men were cajoled to testify falsely against the accused.

The gems involved in the two scenerios could have provided Sierra Leone with free education, free medical care, fabulous social security benefits and handsome salaries for workers . But the above is a stunning commentary of the manner in which one of the world’s richest nations had been misgoverned and ruined since Independence .. It has beent four heart-breaking decades of misrule, squandermania and penury for Sierra Leoneans.

Independence, for all the high expectations of Sierra Leoneans, has not benefitted the country in any way. Rather, it was  doomsday for Sierra Leone the moment the white man handed power to Sierra Leoneans. We now wish they had never done so.    Where the colonial masters can at least be credited with good and accountable leadership, rule by Sierra Leoneans has been marked by boldfaced thieving, incompetence,  economic sabotage of the people and economic treason  as well as unpatriotism, selfishness and adherence to every dirty trick in the books of  ROGUES AND ECONOMIC BANDITS.  .Independence infact  started the long road to the ruthless economic plunder and socio-political vagrancy that have marked the life of the nation.

One of Sierra Leone’s most chronic problems has been the lack of good leaders.Sierra Leone has not been able to provide trustworthy and conscientious  political leaders and public functionaries of patriotic calibre and outstanding pedigree. The only exceptional political leaders we have ever paid homage to in Sierra Leone were the post-Independence Prime Minister, Sir Milton Margai and the Chairman of the NRC Military junta, Brig. Andrew Juxon-Smith. I love President Tejan Kabbah’s ability to keep the nation in one piece with his regionally-balanced cabinet and I admire his ability to surmount difficulties.  

However, Kabbah’s rule has also witnessed one of the the most ruthless exploitation of the nation’s precious resources by corrupt government ministers and public officials . Corruption under this present SLPP government is boiling down to an alarming national epidemic, with Western nations and donor agencies threatening to cut off aid, unless the malaise was tackled urgently. President Kabbah hears the groans and complaints of the ordinary man in the street but he has not shown any moral will to stop the orgy of feasting on the country’s riches and foreign loans and aid by public officials. He is one of the most reckless Presidents we have had since Independence  when it comes to punishing corruption and graft. He himself is not a thief , but he presides over a government of thieves.

The SLPP is  worse in the area of corruption than the very APC  they used to stigmatize. During the APC  era, corruption was the order of the day, but at least the loot trickled down to the ordinary man. But President Kabbah’s ministers and other government officials are so greedy and selfish that only their immediate families, girlfriends, hangers-on and tribesmates enjoy the feast. It was as though  the SLPP opposed and fought the APC  through hellish battles,  like the Ndorgbowusui’s war and the formation of the RUF,    to be able to gain power through the criminal elections fraud of 1996, masterminded by Julius Maada Bio and James Jonah ,only  to  establish its own criminal enterprise in the country.

Placed together, the SLPP  and the old APC  are all and the same political entities.There is nothing to choose between the two parties. Both came to power just to loot the national treasury. All the colourful promises the SLPP made in 1995-96 have turned out to be  mere deceitful enticement of the poor people to cast their  votes for men and women who would later rob them blind.  Infact, many of Kabbah’s trusted officials are remnants of Siaka Stevens’ gang of thieves. As if he has nothing at stake or any new standards to set, Kabbah is snug and content to run a government that is composed of both the old ayampees of the APC  days and the new, emergent ones born by the SLPP.  

 Calls from patriots, newspapers and other well-meaning citizens for the government to fire the largely inefficient and unproductive members of his government have not been heeded. Kabbah is the only Sierra Leonean President who does not reshuffle his cabinet. Pa. Shaki was the King of Rogues but at least he used to be on top of the activities of some of his thieving ministers and he reschuffled his cabinet again and again. Kabbah’s reluctance to do the same shows his indifference to the economic harm being caused by the ‘Ali Babas ‘he has for his ministers and public officials.The President seem to have averted his mind to the philosophy : “YOU CHOP, I CHOP , PALAVER FINISH.”

It is understandable that President Kabbah took the leadership during a most difficult period in the life of the nation with marauding bandits and footloose and rebellious soldiers seeking power against the will of the people and inflicting woe on everyone , but with the goodwill and help he is enjoying from the International Community, Kabbah’s government should have done better . If the APC  had the same loans and financial assistance the Kabbah government is enjoying , Sierra Leoneans would have cooked stones with groundnut oil, to use a local parable. Like the other governments before it, the SLPP has proved completely corrupt and it has wickedly failed  to utilize  the nation’s colossal human and material resources for the optimum good of the ordinary man in the street.

The government has very little development projects to show for all the stupenduous economic aid that had been poured into the country by Britain and other friendly nations in the international community.  

Since we achieved Independence, we have been cursed with leaders and government officials whose priorities have always been wrong, their only inclination being to plunder the country’s financial and material resources for their own good.





The story of Sierra Leone’s public servants
Somebody once told this Journalist and Preacher a vision she had. In the vision which she had during a spiritually-charged prayer meeting, the Christian sister said she saw Jesus Christ, holding a lamp, going through the streets of Freetown looking for one honest man. He found none.
This vision may be too hard on Sierra Leoneans. After all, we have many honest people in our country.There are patriotic citizens who have served this nation honestly, patriotically and diligently.However, the bad eggs predominate and it takes only one bad apple to tarnish the names of everybody.And the SLPP government acted insolently to this nation when it allowed itself to be led astray by the jive from the Attorney-General’s office that there was no wrongdoing at NEC, knowing well that every arm of government in Sierra Leone has sunk into the cesspit of  greed and corruption.
Any government that is serious to tackle a full-blown national disaster like corruption in Sierra Leone would not have an Anti-Corruption Commission that is controlled by one of its corrupt arms of government. One of the sure-fire ways to determine that President Tejan Kabbah’s government is not committed to addressing the problem of corruption in Sierra Leone is having an Anti-Corruption Commission that is  not autonomous. 
What happened at NEC  is a kick in the face of decent citizens. President Kabbah came under heavy criticism when he appointed the late Walter Nicol as Commissioner of the NEC. The nation knew that he was not the right choice for the position.But it was just vintage President Kabbah–always rewarding his cronies by pitchforking them into positions they do not deserve. Walter has died and we are sorry for his demise.We do not wish to add any further pain on his family by stretching this point. The blame at this time should rest with the President.  Kabbah should be equally held culpable when his cronies wreck any department of government. His “you  chop-I chop ” principle of rewarding cronies is slowing dragging the nation to the abyss. We cannot tolerate such unscrupulous unpatriotism.
We expect to  see prosecutions from this latest shameful thieving in a quasi-government institution. We expect very strong actions from the Anti-Corruption Commission against anybody found guilty of being part of this Le 2 Billion squander at the NEC. Those found guilty must be sent to long-term imprisonments and all the properties acquired illegally, using proceeds from the disgraceful filching of the commission’s funds should be confiscated and turned over to the state. WE HOPE THIS WILL NOT BE ANOTHER MOMOH PUJEH SAGA.
We have to  create an atmosphere of credibilty, trust and accountability  that will induce confidence in our commitment to utilize funds pumped in by donors and stakeholders. We must be smart enough to know that nobody will continue to pour money into a country where public officials are busy thieving such essential funds meant to promote the interests of the people. It is the height of reckless disregard for the welfare of the majority to pocket funds donated by foreign sponsors . While they were toppling over each other to steal money meant for the last elections, how well did the folks at NEC ensure that they performed well the duties for which they were appointed ? No wonder no serious-minded person considered the election results legitimate  ! ! ! 
These public servants in Sierra Leone…They are nothing but thieves, Ayampees and unpatriotic citizens , but God will bless Sierra Leone  one day with a radical and conmmitted government  , which will bring all of them to justice and on that day, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth throughout the nation.
RSLAF : Strasser also  used army to commit atrocities , like Johnny Paul Koroma


Monday March 1, 2004

The revelation by the former German Ambassador, Karl Prinz, about how heartlessly   the former Inspector-General of Police, Bambay Kamara  was tortured by the then Chairman of the NPRC Military junta Capt. Valentine Strasser  before he was finally put to death for no reason , is chilling, to say the least. It was like a scene from the film, JEEPERS CREEPERS.

According to Mr. Prinz, Strasser had hot, boiling water poured over the former Police Boss, scalding his skin, before he was executed for trumped-up and unproved charges that Bambay and many others who were also  exterminated, tried to overthrow the junta.

This paper  , by no means, supports the misgovernment and misrule of the likes of Bambay Kamara during the infamous APC  era. Bambay, who was the head of the security apparatus of the oppressive, suppressive and megalomanic APC  regime , presided over very serious abuses of the constitutional and human rights of innocent citizens. However, if the NPRC  thought that the ex-police boss and others in the government needed to face justice for the heinous crimes against the people, it should have been done through the court of law They should have been brought to  justice through a competent and legally-constituted court of law . To take the law into one’s hands and perpetute wicked , horrific and merciless acts on an accused before killing him violates human conscience and international law.

What Strasser allegedly did to pour hot, boiling water over the former I-G  was unacceptable.It smarked of malicious hate and the devillish gratiation of the vicious  and revengful human spirit . And Bambay was not the only one so gorily tortured before being killed extrajudiciously. It was alleged that the soldiers poured acid over some of the victims.Others were said to have been still breathing when they were buried in a mass grave.

We are concerned  about these unmerciful acts of atrocities because several other allegations of more violent human rights abuses were levied against the bloody junta. Infact, the NPRC  junta later turned out to be synonymous with torture and people said they were as equally wicked as the RUF  rebels.People were violently massacred for no reason during the rule of the junta. Strasser and some other junta members should have acted reasonably to deter people from committing these crimes against humanity, but they did not. Instead, some of them took part in these crimes with impunity.

 We will not be helping the cause of justice and the crusade against impunity in Sierra Leone if these acts are not punished .If it was expedient to arrest and charge the Kamajor Commander Sam Hinga Norman and two other militia members for alleged war crimes said to have been committed in their quest to stop the RUF  from overunnug Sierra Leone, it is unfair to leave out worse  war crimes suspects who served the NPRC  junta. Strasser and other junta members should be equally arrested and tried for committing even worse offences.

Those who negotiated the setting up of the Special Court erred when they confined the court’s term of reference to the events after the signing of the Lome Peace Accord.Worse human rights abuses were committed before Lome and most of the nation’s hardened torturers , killers, rapists and mutilators of innocent people operated during the periof 1992-1995. This is the main complaint against the Special Court —It was not designed to bring overall and across-the -Board justice to a dangerous situation . Most of those who harmed the innocent people are walking free and probably gloating about their deeds while a selected few are facing the music behind bars.

The International Community, which helped to create the Special Court,  must come to the help of the nation to make sure that justice is fully done in our post-war situation.The terms of the Special Court must be re-negotiated to include all war crimes and acts of atrocities committed since the war started in 1990.

We await to see equitable justice in post-war Sierra Leone. If the whole exercise of the Special Court and the Crusade Against impunity are to bear enduring and tangible fruits, all acts of atrocities committed between 1992-1995 must be considered.Strasser and party must also appear before the tribunal.




Ernest Koroma : New generation aspirant : If he wins, can he make a difference ? 



   The people of Sierra Leone have suffered a lot. Since what was once a paradise in Africa became a self-governing nation , nothing good has come to Sierra Leone. We have continued to lurch and suffer from one bad government to the other.

While one Government and its leader would be making heavyweather of goofing big-time, some Sierra Leoneans would arise from the shadows , declaring that they are Mr. and Mrs. FIX-ITS. They bamboozle the people with promises that if they were given a chance, they would do a better job.

Shortly after things started to turn sour in the country under the reign of the late Prime Minister, Sir Albert Margai, the APC  emerged with a cast of very impressive and patriotic-looking smart-talkers. There was Pa. Shaki, the former Trade Unionist and he was propped up by self-proclaiming redeemers in the persons of the slick-talking Sorie Ibrahim Koroma, the quick-smiling C.A. Camara -Taylor, Bangalie Mansaray, S.A.T.Koroma , Ibrahim Taqi, Mohamed Taqi and others. They turned on the political style and won the hearts of the people and the historic and thumb-biter of a General Elections in 1967.

But even kids born today know the damages that Pa. Shaki and his hoodlums caused on the nation in 26 years of misrule and destruction of every thing and every legacy from colonial rule. In 1992, another band of self-styled redeemers from the military barracks stepped in with guns blazing, and  cleared the political landscape off the vermins that were the APC  nation-wreckers.

They raised the hopes of the Sierra Leonean people skyhigh with utopian promises but the NPRC Military junta turned out to be one of the most destructive governments to have ruled Sierra Leone. Where the APC  had been irredeemably corrupt, the NPRC  broke the mold for bold-faced thieving and human rights violations  .Once haggard-looking and malnourished soldiers soon  became fat and good-looking bureaucrats in  jackboots, driving the latest and the last word in sleek and fashionable cars , building mansions far and wide and totalling six-figure accounts in foreign banks. They  did not only fail to fulfill all their promises or  sack the national treasury, but they aggravated , tribalized and politicised the rebel war which became a full-blown disaster in Sierra Leone that is still talked about the world over as one of the most brutal conflicts ever fought on this globe.  

The International Community gave them the boot , but not before they organized a sham of a General Elections that gave power on a silver platter to one former U.N. official named Ahmad Tejan Kabbah , who had also arisen and was playing the game of another redeemer.

Actually, Pa. Kabbah has done a good job in spurts and in some areas. At least , he should be given credit for accomplishing what the loud-mouthed and good-for-nothing soldiers could not accomplish–end the Civil War. Kabbah has also made some commendable efforts to revive some of our social institutions bludgeoned into non-existence by the APC  and the NPRC.

But Pa. Kabbah failed where it mattered most. He was not able to stop thieving by the politicians and public servants. Infact, the level of corruption in Pa. Kabbah’s government is so frightening that if these same people remain in power for 5 more years, our once great nation will be mortgaged to eager bidders .” Rev., so so tiff nar Sierra Leone now. If you nor sabby tiff, nar garpay go waya you “, one man complained to the Editor the other day. Because of his failure to rein in thieving government officials, Kabbah has sullied what could have been a memorable legacy.

Every imaginable civilian or soldier who has ruled Sierra Leone  has failed us in Sierra Leone. There is hardly  a single one of them that you would call a good man , though indeed Andrew Juxon-Smith and Pa.Kabbah could at least lift their heads in public and say  that they are  “passable”  .And  yet people are being braced for another round of glib talk by another group of redeemers when Pa. Kabbah retires soon in 2007.

I do not know Solomon Berewa or any of the SLPP  aspirants from Adam. But one message that they  and  contenders from the other political parties  need to hear from the people is that Sierra Leoneans are tired of fiasco politics. They are tired of being taken for a ride. They have been made to look so much like jerks that it should not be surprising if they boycott the next General Elections.

I have nothing against Mr. Berewa or any of those who want to be President. Ernest Koroma was my college mate at FBC ,  a man I admired for his gentility .However, the national interest dictates that any true patriot of Sierra Leone speak out the message that Sierra Leoneans are tired of drama. They want to se what they have not been privileged to perceive in Sierra Leone –True politics  and true and sincere leadership. As the American singer, Mary J. Blige would like to say, we are tired of drama. We want no more drama in our lives.

We want to see serious-minded people this time, people who mean what they say and who act more than they talk  ; people goaded by the interest of the millions of Sierra Leoneans suffering unnecessarily inside and outside the country. We want to see men who will transform all their great talk into massive action for the betterment of our hurting nation. We want to see men who will wage a fearless and uncompromising battle against all the ills in our society, like bribery and corruption; nepotism, tribalism, influence-peddling, self-promotion, incompetence, lasciviousness ,  unpatriotism and the like.

We want to se aspirants who will wage war on hunger and make sure that no Sierra Leonean goes to bed hungry .He must be a man capable of galvanizing and mobilizing the nation to action , to utilize our enormous natural resources, lush farm lands, rivers and streams to make Sierra Leone self-sufficient in food production.




Saturday April 3,  2004

The Special Court Vs. Hinga Norman saga is becoming more dramatic by the hour, even before the start of the much-awaited trial. Contradictory declarations yesterday by Spokesmen for the court and Chief Norman added another layer to the  already building drama.

Last week, Mr.Andersen declared that Chief Norman’s account had been frozen in accordance with provisions stipulated in the Norman arrest warrant of March 7 , 2003  and the Special Court Agreement ( Ratification Act)2002 , that the accounts of all indicted persons must be frozen with immediate effect. And yesterday, Mr.Andersen further informed this newspaper that Justice Bankole Thompson had issued an interim order freezing the Former Kamajor Commander account.

According to Andersen, “this is different from the provisional order which was included in the arrest warrant “.   He went on : “This order came as a result of an Ex Parte motion filed by the Prosecution. ”  Mr Andersen further  disclosed that there will be “an expected hearing on the matter , because all parties agree that they don’t want Norman’s family to suffer . It has to be done according to law.”

However, the U.S-Based Spokesman of the Kamajor Defence Force and Scribe of the Hinga Norman Defence Fund , Rev. Alfred SamForay , called this newspaper yeserday afternoon to deny in no uncertain terms that Norman’s account had been frozen. SamForay strongly refuted the freeze information  and stated that Norman’s account was active and running.

According to SamForay, the Hinga Norman Defence crossed swords with the government, not the Special Court, as the original order to freeze Chief Norman’s account was given by the Attorney General and Chief Justice , Mr. Eke Halloway . SamForay disclosed that Norman’s lawyers filed a lcourt motion in Freetown, asking that the account be unfrozen. The motion, he went on, was granted and the Operations Manager of the bank announced that Norman’s account had been unfrozen. “So actually, we do not know what the Special Court is talking about.  As far as we know, Hinga Norman’s account is unfrozen and the matter is closed ,” Rev. SamForay went on.





The brutal and bloody war did not change anything in Sierra Leone. 50, 000 innocent people just died in vain.  Sierra Leone today is as worse as she was 11 years ago when the RUF took up arms against the establishment.


Though it made a catastrophic detour from its original agenda, Political theorists have postulated that Sierra Leone’s 11 year rebel war was initially waged to fight the prodigious and demoralizing social injustice in the country. It is very hard for any social and political scientist to defend this thesis now, considering the levels to which the RUF sunk in changing the whole stampede from an anti-government crusade into a full-blooded onslaught on poor innocent people whom the rebels killed and aimed instead of government officials . Still the fact remains that socio-economic and political injustices sparked the anger that Charles Taylor and Foday Sankoh capitalized on to get the youths to join the insurrection.


One would expect that after the bitter experience the nation went through, people would have learnt their lessons in Sierra Leone. After all, the rebels were right at the beginning. The poor in Sierra Leone had been pushed so much to the wall that there was no other alternative left but armed struggle against the establishment.


But it is frustrating and nauseating that after all the war, brutality, destruction and massacres , Sierra Leone remains the same Sierra Leone before the war.It is still MONKEY WOKE ( WORK), BABOON EAT.


The gap between the poor and the rich has not been reduced in any way. Rather, it has been widened. On one side of the street, one citizen lives in a mansion with a mutiplicity of Mercedez Benz cars in the garage, while his neighbour next door lives in a leaking, ramshackled zinc shack with nothing to eat for the day. And when you look at it, the starving famished man next door is very hard-working. He and his wives and children struggle hard whole day to make ends meet but are unable to break the cycle of poverty.


His well-off neigbour on the other hand is a lazy, self-indulgent man who wakes up only mid-morning to go to work .At his job, he does virtually nothing.He spends the whole day on the telephone chatting with his girlfriends.Infact, by noon, he leaves his office to go and meet one of his concubines in the city and he does not return to the office until the next day>


Yet lazy and unproductive as he is, he has everything, from a six-digit bank account, to a fat purse laden with all kinds of foreign currency , a split-level mansion and all manners of luxurious limousines.His wife shops in Paris or London while his children are in private schools abroad.


What causes the disparity between them has nothing to do with personal industry or dedication to the work ethic. The one fact that sets both citizens apart is that the affluent one is doing nothing industrious. He rather illegally and criminally feeds fat on the economic and natural resources of the country .He is in a position of authority from where he has access to the nation’s funds and he is thieving from government coffers as if there is no tomorrow. Most likely , he is one of the beneficiaries of the billions of leones recently squandered at the Central Bank by national white -collar thieves or similar rackets for which this SLPP government has now become synonymous.


The difference between the two hypothetical citizens mentioned above is that one is a serious-minded, highly industrious and hardworking citizen who works his butt off but gains nothing except poverty as a reward for his hard work while the other citizen is a thief, racketeer and embezzler masquerading as a government official or public servant. The one citizen works hard so that the other lazy one would live off his sweat.


The existence of such social injustice in Sierra Leone will always ensure the potential for more wars in the country. Peace and stability are only possible in a nation where there is social justice. Where criminal and roguish citizens control the nation and continue to live off the sweat of other industrious, but unfortunate ones, wars are always likely. The deprived and cheated could take up arms once again.






If President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah has any blot on his landscape that will steal the halo from his legacy when he retires, it is corruption.

The President has done well in many aspects of his rule, in comparison to the villains who once ran the country, but unless he bucks up and take a clear stand against corruption, the only legacy people will remember when he leaves is that the SLPP government joined league with the APC to send a once-properous nation to the cleaners.

Where truth is concerned, no God-fearing person will compare President Kabbah to his predecessors like the chronically and criminally corrupt former President Siaka Stevens who will ever be cursed by Sierra Leoneans, even while in his grave, for destroying the Paradise of Africa , that was once Sierra Leone . But for Mr. Siaka Stevens and his destructive cabal of thieves who ruled Sierra Leone from 1968- 1992, Sierra Leone would have still been the envy of other West African nations as was the case during Colonial rule and immediately after Independence.

But unless Kabbah acts fast to stem the rising tide of corruption in his government, he will achieve the Siaka Stevens-like notoriety by the end of his rule. This is no joke. Sierra Leone is hitting newer levels in official financial graft and misfeasance. There is corruption everywhere in the country and every arm of government has been contaminated by the corruption virus.

From the Ministry of Finance, which is becoming legendary as the hotbed of deals and criminal financial transactions, to the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, to the Ministry of Trade and Industry , to the Ministry of Health , you name them, it is corruption all the way. Even the Ministry of Education, which should be a model in that it is presided over by the educated elite of Sierra Leone, corruption is the palm oil with which cassava leaves is eaten within and without the corridors of the Ministry. Payroll -padding of ghost teachers at that Ministry alone costs the nation uncountable millions of leones every single month.

Since the SLPP government came to power, billions of dollars have been pumped into the country by international donor agencies, but the government has nothing to show for it as most of that money has gone into private pockers. This is what is running people very mad in the nation. It is as though within Sierra Leone there is a blessed cabal of criminal citizens who have all the access to all the loot and are making heavy weather of siphoning everything into their pockets while majority of their citizens languish in poverty.

President Kabbah knows about all this corruption.As a matter of fact, he has been warned by donor agencies and nations that unless he put an end to corruption, foreign aid will be cut. But the President’s heart continues to be as cold as the proverbial “Basma Fridge” when it comes to becoming frusrtrated with the status quo. He is not making cabinet reshuffles or punishing the culprits. The Anti-Corruption Commission, which is not autonomous of government control, is a big front to fool the world that the government cares about fighting corruption. Name the number of corrupt officials who have been successfully prosecuted by the government or ACC.

Why is the President so passive about fighting corruption in Sierra Leone ? Why is it taking the President almost all his term of office to fight the good fight of ameliorating corruption in the interest of future generations of Sierra Leoneans who stand to lose if the country continues its downward spiral ?

Maybe, President Kabbah is not ambitious about leaving a much-commendable and enduring legacy when he leaves office. Maybe, Kabbah wants to leave office against a dishonourable background of insults and calumny as did President Stevens. Maybe, Kabbah does not want to be remembered for the good things he has done for the nation. It is no secret that this corruption smear on the government will be the only legacy it will be known for, like the APC and NPRC , when Kabbah quits , unless the government starts fighting corruption today.



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Editor of online edition : Rev. Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-Kanu , Esq.


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