Ahead of Tomorrow’s Lock down. WATA wahala na we area. Do ya Una baig Guma leh den open pump, to help us get enough water. I don’t know if you are experiencing similar constraints. Are you?
Unisa Thorlu Conteh
Mad rush in the city ahead of the three days nationwide lockdown
Should we truly believe that there are preventive healthcare measures to curtail the spread of infection of COVID-19 ?
Should we have had a partial lockdown instead of a national lockdown ?
Are we well prepared for this ?
Did the government took into account the state of affairs in the provinces ?

AHEAD OF THE LOCKDOWN, there was a big problem getting bread from the Red Lion Bakery .

Long queue right now at Red Lion to buy bread.They had to call in the Police to manage the situation.
Cut ya put ya economy.
Two years of backwardness