By Kabs Kanu
Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio will be leaving the United States tomorrow to return home to Sierra Leoneans after a trip to the U.S that has been described as a festival of lies
President Bio’s statement delivered at Harvard University and the UN and to world leaders during bilateral engagements were all a plethora of willful lies, contradictions, deceit , wishful thinking and propaganda. The president could not say anything that was truthful and he should be ashamed of himself for wasting our nation:s precious resources on a trip that was made just. To come and fool the international community with lies.

While prices of food and basic commodities have spiraled out of the control of the SLPP government, their main concern in New York yesterday were shameful propaganda, deceit, lies, sleaze-mongering etc. while President Bio was busy sweating and lying on the podium of the United Nations General Assembly, his supporters were out at the UN Plaza celebrating his lies and spreading misinformation and wrong impressions of their own, such as rabid supporter Doma Williams putting on red and pretending to be an APC supporter who had defected to the ruling SLPP because only the SLPP are committed towards changing the lives of the people. Doma Williams’ prank was an extension of President Bio’s deceit on the UN podium.
How can President Bio tell the UN and the world that Sierra Leone is heading for the right direction when a bag of rice has increased to Le 400, 000 and every food price from palm oil to onions, salt, Maggi ,bread is approaching triple digits ? How can Sierra Leone be headed for a new direction when the putrefaction of corruption emanating from the government stinks to the high heavens, as being exposed by the media and even citizens who once supported him , like popular social media critic , Mohamed Kutubu Koroma ?
How can President Bio claim that he is saving Sierra Leonean families $500 every year on his free education scam when in fact there is no free education in Sierra Leone and families are spending more now to keep their children in school than they ever did before ?
Bio’s many statements in the U.S were blinking lies designed to fool the international community and continue to deceive stakeholders and our development and donor partners.
From what Sierra Leoneans saw at Harvard, New York and Washington DC, it confirmed their long-held perception that President Bio and the SLPP mean nothing good for Sierra Leone; instead of being humble and outlining all the country’s problems and challenges to the international world, Maada Bio and the SLPP decided to create fake smokescreens around the truth and deceive the world that they were changing Sierra Leone for the better when the opposite is the case and everybody is complaining in the nation.
COCORIOKO will highlight all the lies of President Bio in subsequent articles.
When he gets home, we hope President Bio will give himself sufficient time to reflect on his shameful and sinful display in the U.S and ask God to forgive him for his lies for which many people are sure God is not pleased with him at all