President Bio Uses SLPP Puppet Judge Fisher and APC Trojan Horses to Dismantle the APC Party
By Abu Shaw in London (30/05/2021)
Deceitful politics is stealthily unfolding Sierra Leone today that is cunningly being manipulated by the corrupt SLPP govt to dismantle the APC party.
And sadly, the APC Trojan Horses have fallen into the SLPP trap BIG TIME! One does not need to be a higher education achiever to understand the trend and the catalogue of events that led to the current situation in the High Court where a diehard SLPP party puppet called Judge Adrian Fisher is slyly carrying out strict instructions to dismantle the main opposition APC party as the crucial 2023 general elections draw nearer. (Photo: Adrian Fisher cleverly implementing President Bio’s instructions to dismantle the APC).

Regrettably, for the millions of genuine APC party supporters in and outside the country, top crooked members of the ruling SLPP government are cleverly using and misusing carefully chosen idiotic APC officials and supporters to inflict self-harm on their own APC Party for their self aggrandisements, much to the chagrin of the numerous APC membership in Sierra Leone and abroad.
These backstabbing hypocritical APC officials who pretend to be genuine members and lovers of democracy consciously or unconsciously, deliberately or not are killing the APC party on behalf of the SLPP government of President Julius Maada Bio. What is happening to the APC party today, expected to be the government in waiting come 2023, is one of the tragedies of modern politics in Sierra Leone.
Behind the scenes manipulation by the Sierra Leone President to dismantle the APC party into smithereens is surely becoming a reality thanks in no small way to the APC Trojan Horses who are foolishly executing the devious plans of the SLPP party covertly orchestrated from the outset since the emergence of President Bio on April 4, 2018, to State House. The shameful Trojan Horses include the APC breakaways namely the National Reformation Movement NRM, the so-called Big 6, the idiotic Alfred Peter Conteh and many others.
President Bio, who from the genesis of the presidency had vowed to obliterate his main challenger, the APC party from the political arena in Sierra Leone, has stealthily recruited these Trojan Horses to sue their parent body APC to court on very flimsy excuses in order to frustrate and retard the APC party’s agenda as they take the mighty walk in the sun come 2023. The ridiculous court cases started by the traitorous NRM had continued to this day followed by another bunch of APC fools called the Big 6, Alfred Peter Conteh, all geared towards throwing spanners in the APC programmes.
To complete the SLPP manipulation, the failed President Bio had to promote the SLPP party Lawyer Adrian Fisher and propelled him to become a Judge, a position that most Sierra Leoneans believe Adrian Fisher does not deserve. President Bio did it for one reason i.e. to facilitate the dismantling of the divided APC party in the SLPP kangaroo court in Freetown. It is tragic to witness an unqualified SLPP Judge administering fake justice in an SLPP court during an SLPP regime. (Photo: President Bio is a wicked politician).
Genuine APC supporters and members as appalling as they are, do not really blame the ongoing machinations of the SLPP government that is secretly ushering in a one-party state which has always been the primary ambition of President Bio’s corrupt government. “We will stay in power for a very long time. After President Bio, will be President Bio,” chanted many confident SLPP supporters when their party defeated the APC party in the 2018 general elections. State House sources have also confirmed that the dream to dismantle the APC party for good was hatched a long time ago.
And frankly, as things stand, President Bio is succeeding to achieve his ambition and tragically, the idiotic educated fools in the APC party i.e. the Trojan Horses, are being used as tools to prop up this realisation of the SLPP devious plot against the APC. President Bio is aware that the former President Ernest Bai Koroma, who is still the Chairman and Leader of the APC party is the main stumbling block for his re-election in 2023. The other hurdle for President Bio is the APC National Secretary General Alhaji Osman Yansaneh. These two APC giants are the reason why the Trojan Horses are suing the APC in the SLPP courts. What a tragedy to Sierra Leone’s young democracy!
APC supporters have ultimately intimated that they will never forgive these Trojan Horses most of whom pivotally served in the last APC government of President Ernest Koroma. These ingrates, appointed by President Koroma, occupied top ministerial jobs thereby enriching themselves, and are now living in opulence and splendour. Instead of giving a ‘Thank You Note’, to President Koroma, these Trojan Horses have resorted to backstabbing their former boss for selfish gains and tragically to hand over the 2023 elections on a silver platter to President Bio.
It is no surprise that Sierra Leone’s most listened to social media activist and broadcaster Mr Will Kamara popularly known as Adebayor, continues to unleash insults on the innocent mothers of these Trojan Horses and cursing them for undermining the APC party, the government in waiting, thereby helping the SLPP party, the most corrupt and violent regime in living memory to power in 2023. The Trojan Horses are led by the former APC government Attorney General and Minister of Justice Joseph F Kamara, the likes of Petito, Kemoh Sesay, Minkailu Mansaray, John Sisay, Dr Richard Conteh, Dr Sylvia Olayinka Blyden, and others. The genuine APC hierarchy should not allow this madness to continue. Unite now and kick out the traitors. Following is the reaction yesterday by a delighted Sylvia Blyden after the latest judgment by the SLPP puppet Judge Adrian Fisher –