SLAJ disowns pseudo-media group
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 – The attention of the Executive of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) has been drawn to a group calling itself the ‘Media Alliance for Development’, which is purportedly going around presenting awards to institutions and individuals and in the process allegedly demanding monies.
SLAJ wishes to make it abundantly clear for the benefit of the general public that its membership does not include ANY of the individuals involved with the so-called Media Alliance for Development.
SLAJ has no relationship whatsoever with this purported group. Media Alliance for Development is NOT and has NEVER been an affiliate or associate of SLAJ, and neither has any of its members.
SLAJ is deeply appalled at the atrociously disgraceful acts of presenting awards and then demanding monies.
Given SLAJ’s moral responsibility for the media in Sierra Leone and the reputational damage that such acts of impropriety carry, we hereby completely dissociate ourselves from any acts done by this group and wish to make it abundantly clear that we are not in the habit of operating such questionable enterprise.
“Members of the public have a duty too, not to encourage such disgraceful behaviour to take hold of our society. They should resist such a doubtful enterprise which they very well know is wrong,” said SLAJ President Kelvin Lewis.
Long Live SLAJ! Long Live Journalism!! Long Live Sierra Leone!!!
Moses A. Kargbo
National Secretary General
+232-76-345930 / +232-77-708839