President Ernest Koroma’s Special Adviser and Ambassador-At-Large , Professor Monty Jones, is heading Sierra Leone’s delegation at the launching of the United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy For All at the United Nations. Professor Jones is not only a Presidential adviser, but more famously , he is a plant breeder by profession and was the key scientist involved in developing a new type of rice now dubbed New Rice for Africa (NERICA).
The Forum , which , according to the UN, aims “to generate momentum for Mr. Ban’s eponymous 2011 initiative that brings together governments, civil society and business to make sustainable energy for all a reality by 2030″ . is being attended by delegations representing government, business, international organizations and civil society groups . The Forum , which also seeks to mobilize investment and action to realize the goal of ensuring sustainable energy for all, according to Sierra Leone’s Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, who is the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and CEO of the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative, started yesterday and ends today . The Forum will also focus on energy for women and children’s health during the initial two years.
It must be recalled that the initiative, which is aimed at three targets—ensuring universal access to modern energy services, and doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, all by 2030—was launched by the UN Secretary General in 2011.
Opening the conference at the UN Headquarters in New York yesterday, UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, said : “We are here because we understand that sustainable energy is central to the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. ” He went on to tell delegates at the Forum that “The Sustainable Energy for All initiative is maturing and bearing fruit – thanks to you”, and the UN Boss noted that “From NGOs to multilateral development banks, we are working together for a common goal.”
Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, who also addressed the opening ceremony , stated that : “The Forum is shaping up to be a major stepping stone, where we can collectively assess the results of our commitments, spur new efforts and together chart a way forward to achieve our objectives. ”
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