The Outreach Coordinator and Spokesman of the Sierra Leone Government, Mr. Agibu Tejan-Jalloh, on Monday in New Jersey attended a working breakfast with Sierra Leone’s Minister Plenipotentiary to the United Nations , Rev. Leeroy Wilfred Kabs-Kanu and the President of the All People’s Congress New Jersey Chapter, Mr. Alimamy Turay .
During the working breakfast meeting held at the popular I-Hop Restaurant in Somerset, New Jersey, the three men discussed interesting developments in Sierra Leone. The three men also strategised extended media and public relations arrangements for forthcoming key events in Sierra Leone.
The Government Spokesman also threw light on major socio-political and economic events in Sierra Leone, which COCORIOKO will start to publish in series tomorrow. Mr. Agibu Jalloh continued from where the Presidential Spokesman, Mr. Abdulai Bayraytay stopped during the major town hall meeting he held with the New Jersey and New York community at Somerset, New Jersey , last month.
Please keep a date with COCORIOKO tomorrow for the start of the series of articles on the good news discussed with the two officials in New Jersey by the Spokesman of the Sierra Leone Government, which will also be distributed to the various Sierra Leone online and print media, as well as the social media .