Sierra Leoneans could not withdraw money from their bank accounts during the festive season because the Bank Governor, Professor Kelfala Kallon, said in a media 9nterview that there was no money in the banks .

The most untenable fact about it was not just foreign exchange. The local currency –The Leone– was not available in the banks , with the Bank Governor saying that the Bank of Sierra Leone had run out of money and that paper money presently being printed abroad will not be available until mid-January.
The shortage of money in the banks accounted for one of the worst Christmas and festive season ever in the history of the country.
When the news spread during Christmas week that customers were returning empty-handed from the banks because there was no money, Sierra Leoneans took to social media to lambast the Bank Governor for incredible and gross inefficiency and incompetence. How would a whole Bank Governor sit down until the local currency runs out in the banks was the question everybody was asking.
The cash shortage and the recent 2019 audit report which accused the SLPP Government of massive corruption and graft represent a very low depth of SLPP governance. Never in Sierra Leone’s history have Sierra Leoneans had to cancel their celebration of Christmas because there was no money in the banks.
Some social media commentators described Professor Kallon as an imbecile and they called for his dismissal by President Bio.
Murtala Mohamed Kamara
DecfgemtbSmpeloornu mSmgo2h4nt eate so1:s3sudthe1re odPM · Cash crises in Salone, no money in our banks. The commercial banks are blaming the central bank of Salone. Ppl are deprived of their hard-earned savings…This is sad. I honestly don’t know where this nation is heading…
Amb Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-kanu
DrteecmSnegmberp sS2o4tlaSdtloh at 8:4ngso2gir eeedleAM · Shared with Your friends

This is one of the most horrible Christmas ever in Sierra Leone. Everybody is complaining that the ground is very dry and that banks are not releasing money to customers. Shameful. SLPP nor geh money for people for Christmas.
John LeighI spent years explaining the evils of mendecracy to all who would listen but few did. Some of our people simply don’t understand or don’t want to understand anything until disaster physically hits them in the face! Shame on the cultures we grew up in!